Saturday 10 May 2014

Damn If You Do! Damn If You Don’t! The Ethiopian university students’ unrest and massacre. Andualem Tefera

We all should condemn the unbridled use of force by TPLF in Ambo and everywhere in Ethiopia. The way it dealt with these innocent university students should be condemned by all peace loving Ethiopians everywhere. We all know TPLF knows only force. TPLF is brut. It only knows and understands force. We condemn its constant use of force. True to its core essence, if TPLF senses a problem and sees a reporter, TPLF will kill the reporter, those affected with the problem and for TPLF, the problem is solved. TPLF is still in the mindset it was in Dedebit. Whatever the circumstances, those who are killed are Ethiopians. We are all concerned and I would like to know why these students are killed? Currently what TPLF is doing is nothing but taking a calculated action for the coming election. I want to understand what crimes these university students made. Are “these crimes” deemed crimes by the TPLF constitution? I want to know what the students stood for. TPLF is always criminalizing those who stand for the long time interests of Ethiopia. Did they stand for the long term interests of Ethiopia? I ask these questions so that I can throw my lot with them. On the other hand, if they were demonstrating against the long term interests of Ethiopia, then we have no reason to side with them and we should hold back our support. In line with this we must investigate the leading force behind these demonstrations. Who is pushing them for this? I heard their chants and understood their demands. Some of their demands are not for unity and out right TPLF coined.Many think it is better to keep your shut and your hands to yourself when this kind of issues surface. Well, when one puts oneself in political struggle, one has no choice but to fall into one of two categories; the gutless ones and those with guts. A situation like the one at hand is; damn if you support! damn if you don’t! If you do not stick out your neck in hot issues when no one wants to do so, you are gutless. Those who stand on the side of the people should come out and make their statements on hot Ethiopian issues. I know this issue has lots of supporters on both sides of the fence. It is time to stand where you need to be counted. That is what the people want them to do. These are leaders and followers with guts.

For sure all those who oppose TPLF are not Pro-Ethiopia. This is true for internal and external forces. Externally EPLF is an example. So is Al Shabaab. Internally those who allied with TPLF and those who have the same political philosophy and administrative policy as TPLF are in that same camp. To distinguish where these university students fall, we have an obligation to investigate what exactly they were demonstrating for.
For some it is advantageous to support the students’ struggle, no matter what it is, hoping and wishing it will develop into a country wide movement and help topple TPLF’s government. They have rights to hope and wish, but hope and wish do not oil the wheels of history. It is the objective condition on the land and the subjective reaction to this reality that does so. TPLF is a brute force, an invading army, a minority ruling the majority. In order to stay in power, it has to make it impossible for the rest of the population to unite. Here comes ethnic politics. TPLF prepared the political space only for ethnic politics and ethnic organizations, ANDM, OPDO, SEPDF and the other tentacles. TPLF wanted to use ethnic politics to rule Ethiopia by weakening the united Ethiopian force. TPLF wanted to control these ethnic organizations of its creation and ethnic politics in its strong arm. TPLF thought it will always be in control. Well, the dynamics of ethnic politics spin out of the palms of TPLF and asserted a life of its own. What we see here is the result of TPLF policy in spite of TPLF. Be that as it may, we have to have our own glasses to look at this phenomenon. We cannot borrow TPLF’s or someone else’s glasses and put it on our eyes. If there is a force that is driving to go destroying Ethiopia further than TPLF, then that force is no better than TPLF. Let us understand the complexity of ethnic politics. It is a double sided sword. One side is used by the power hungry elite of each ethnic group, the Issayas Afework type. The other side is a genuinely concerned section of the ethnic group that strives for democratic rights, equality and the rule of law. This section understands a democratic central Ethiopian government, which promotes equality, institutionalizes democratic rights, establishes democratic institutions, and makes rule of law a priority is the only solution to all Ethiopians.
There are few major ethnic groups and very many minor ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Each and every one of these ethnic groups has the same problem the others have, primarily TPLF and then the result of TPLF’s actions. Now, the only way TPLF will be demolished is of the rest of Ethiopians come united as one. Then not only will TPLF destroyed, but also the future will be guaranteed to be democratic.
Yes TPLF is going against its own constitution when it ignores the demands of these students. According to the TPLF ethno nationalist constitution, the land belongs to the ethnic governments and not to the central government. These students are demanding to get what TPLF wants them to get. Then why did TPLF killed these students? TPLF knows no laws whether promulgated by it or anyone else. TPLF knows only what it wants to be the rule of the land. Rules for TPLF mean to make the people its slaves today. Tomorrow there will be other laws.
Finally, let us stand up together to defend each and every Ethiopian everywhere. Let us do it today. TPLF can only continue to live by killing and persecute everyone it does not like.

The situation press freedom and the fate of journalists in Ethiopia

May 9, 2014
Betre Yacob Ethiopian Journalist and blogger
Betre Yacob
Facile Girma is one of the journalists and media professionals, who are in exile as the result of the repression and human right violation in Ethiopia. He was one of the invited spokespersons in a meeting held yesterday on may 8, 2014, which discussed the situation of press freedom in the region. The meeting was organized by Journalists for Justice, an organization working in the region. Filled with passion, Facile made the following interesting speech which touched the heart of every participant. In his speech, he illustrated enough the existing situation of the press freedom in Ethiopia.
The Full Speech
By FasilGirma
At this current time, in my country Ethiopia, freedom of expression in general and freedom of the press in particular is at the tip of its grave in which updating a Facebook status could also beconsidered as a crime.
Recently, at the end of last month, six bloggers and three journalists were detained by the government authorities in Makelawi, the notorious Federal Police Crime Investigation Sector.
Human Rights Watch reported that most of detainees held in Makelawi are subject to ill treatment and torture.
TesfalemWeldeyes, Asmamawe W/giorgis, and Edom Kassaye are the three journalists among the detainees with the six bloggers of Zone Nine which are BefekaduHailu, AtnafBerahane, NatnaelFeleke, MahletFantahun, ZelalemKibret and Abel Wabela.
They are accused of inciting violence to the public, communicating with international human rights organizations, and receiving money and materials from these organizations.
I personally know Tesfalem, Edom and most of the detained Zone Nine bloggers and I am familiar with their works. I can witness that their workas a journalist and as bloggers has nothing to do with the allegation.
I know and the world knows this accusation is one of the customary actions of Ethiopian government to suppress the press critical to the rulingparty as it did to other journalists serving imprisonment.
Evidently, a veteran journalist EskenderNegawas sentenced 17 years of imprisonment in a politically motivated prosecution of inciting violence to the public among others similarly. He is now serving his prison sentence since September 2011. After all, the entire trail was also not fair and free, and his appeal was rejected a couple of times.
It is frequently reported that, Eskender is one of the few critical journalists who is devoted to his work and is willing to put his and his family’slife at risk in writing critique over the government actions.
Furthermore, ReeyotAlemu, WebshetTaye, YesufGetachew and others also had similarlyaccused of ‘inciting violence’ referred from the anti-terrorism low that the world is crying out since it is used to silence journalists.
These all have experienced unfair court trail and are now serving their imprisonment sentence under harsh conditions of prison facility.
Recently, I mate ReeyotAlemu’s faience’, SileshiHagos, here in Nairobi on his way back to Ethiopia from Angola after participating the African commission meeting in Luanda.
With trembling voice, he told me that it has been eight months since he visited his faience’ forthe last time because he is denied to visit her by the authorities since then. He also witness that Reeyot went through a major burst surgery that cause serious infection later due to the poor condition of the prison facility.
Ethiopia has fancy constitution in terms of freedom of expression and freedom of the press. The constitution guarantees freedom of expression including press freedom and banns censorship.
However, after the 2005 election the ruling party brought three controversial laws that curb freedom of expression which are the Anti-Terrorism proclamation, Freedom of Mass Media and Access to Information Proclamation which, is also known as the press law, and Charities and Societies Proclamation.
The anti-terrorism law is free for any kind of interpretation. Hence, the ruling is using this law to prosecute media houses and journalists.
Strangely, this law is against the country’s constitution of article 29 that guaranteesfreedom of expression and freedom of the press.
Most of the imprisoned journalists are found guilty under this controversial law.
BefqaduHailu, one of the detainedZone Nine blogger who is now at Maekelawi, once tweeted ‘the word journalism become synonym to the word Terrorism in Ethiopia.’ Now, based on the anti-terrorism law, he might be judged as a terrorist just because of this tweet.
The press law allows the public prosecutor to issue an order to impound any publication where there is a reason to believe the publication contained illegal matter in which, if distributed would bring clear and grave danger. However, this ‘illegal matter’ is not explained and is free for interpretation.
Due to the charities and societies law that ban more than 10 percent of foreign fund of annual budget for civic societies, Ethiopian journalists failed to have strong and vibrant association which could defend their rights.
So far, there are fivelicensed journalist associations in Ethiopia. It is believed thatsome of the associations are subjected to the government tight control while others are purely pro governmental.
It seems that the government is working hard to insure no internal voice or institution that could speak out loud for the rights of journalists and the press in order to control the flow of information in the country.
The sole Ethiopian television and Radio Ethiopia are under the complete control of the government. The daily papers are also subject only for the governmentpropaganda.
The few FM radio stations operating in the capital Addis Abeba are also either controlled by the government or function based on pro-government editorial policy.
There are few private newspapers in the country published under the harsh conditions of press freedom, where there are few advertisers and sponsor besides the government’s tight control.
According to the Ethiopian Broadcast Agency, the circulation of all newspapers published in the country, both the government and private newspapers, does not exceed 100, 000 of copies a week for a 90 million population.
Ethiopia has the second lowest internet penetration rate in sub Saharan countries.
These all shows the negative impact of the strange laws on freedom of expression and press freedom in Ethiopia.
Requesting the government to respect human rights and freedom of expression is being interpreted as inciting violence which also could be a terrorism act according to the notorious anti-terrorism law.
However, I believea call to Ethiopian government to respect the constitution that guaranteed freedom of expression including press freedom should continue locally and at the international level.
We must leverage public pressure to make our leaders understand what these laws and their actions mean in the digital age, to beat back bad laws that threaten our rights, to connect and communicate, and to support new journalistic efforts in all their forms.
Human rights organizations and International organizations for freedom of expression should continue pressuring the government until it exists in Ethiopia.
We all are created free to tell our story freely!!!
Thank you!

Ethiopian Airlines co-pilot will not extradite to Ethiopia

May 10, 2014
The co-pilot who hijacked an Ethiopian Airlines commercial passenger plane and demanded asylum in Geneva will not be extradited by his home country and will instead be tried in Switzerland on criminal charges.
Swiss court to try Ethiopian hijacker
The Swiss government refused to extradite him to Ethiopia, as confirmed by the Federal Office of Justice. Switzerland informed the Ethiopian government that the case against the hijacker had already been opened in Switzerland based on the same facts that were used to demand his extradition.
On the morning of February 17, Ethiopian Airlines flight 702 from Addis Ababa to Rome, carrying 200 passengers and crew, should have landed in Rome but instead continued on to Geneva after the co-pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit and hijacked the plane, demanding asylum in Switzerland.
After landing in Geneva, he gave himself up and was arrested. He now faces up to 20 years in prison.
Michael Pfeiffer, a lawyer for the Swiss Organization for Aid to Refugees (SFH), told the Le Matin newspaper that it is likely the co-pilot will remain in Switzerland in any case, because under the European Convention of Human Rights, he may not be sent back to a country where he is likely to be abused.
Ethiopia, which offers few guarantees of respect for human rights, has labelled him a “traitor” and is likely to try him in absentiaaccording to Pfeiffer. The expert added that even though the co-pilot probably won’t be granted formal asylum, he could be granted provisional refugee status in Switzerland because of Ethiopia’s human rights record.
The hijacking also exposed the vulnerability of Swiss airports at night or early morning as it emerged that Swiss fighter jets were unable to scramble at that hour due to budget constraints.
Source: Free Hailemedhin Abera

Friday 9 May 2014

የወያኔን ውድቀትና የኢትዮጵያን ትንሣኤ ለማፋጠን ኅብረታችን ይጠንክር! (ግንቦት7)

May 9, 2014
Ginbot 7 weekly editorialግንቦት 7፡ የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና ዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ፣ በግፍ ሕይወታቸውን ባጡ ዜጎች መርዶ የተሰማውን ጥልቅ ሀዘን እና ቁጭት ይገልፃል፤ ለቤተሰቦቻቸውም መጽናናትን ይመኛል። ህወሓት እና አጋፋሪው ኦህዴድ በነዙት ሽብር ሳቢያ የአካል ጉዳት የደረሰባችሁ፣ የተደበደባችሁ እና ለእስር የተዳረጋችሁ ወገኖቻችንም ህመማችሁም እስራችሁም የሁላችንም ነው። መላው ኢትዮጵያዊ ወገናችሁ ከእናንተ ጋር ተገድሏል፣ ቆስሏል፣ ተደብድቧል፣ ተግዟል፣ ታስሯል። ህወሓት፣ ኦህዴድ እና በዚህ ጭፍጨፋ እጃቸው ያለበት ሁሉ ከተጠያቂነት የማያመልጡ መሆኑን ግንቦት 7 ደጋግሞ ያስገነዝባል።
በህወሓት ዘረኛና ፋሽስታዊ አገዛዝ ያልተበደለ የኢትዮጵያ ክፍል የለም። የወያኔ አጋፋሪ የሆነው አህዴድ የኦሮሞ ወጣቶችን፣ ሕፃናትንና አዛውንትን ሲጨፈጭፍና ሲያስጨፈጭፍ፣ ሌላው አጋፋሪ ብአዴን ደግሞ በጎንደርና አካባቢው ተመሳሳይ ጭፍጨፋዎችን አካሂዷል። ወያኔ ከፋሺስት ኢጣልያ ወርሶ ለሃያ ዓመታት በትጋት ያራመደው “የከፋፍለህ ግዛ” ፓሊሲ ምርት እነሆ ዛሬ በዓይኖቻችን እያየን ነው። ፋሽስት ጣልያን ጀምሮት የነበረውን ኢትዮጵያን የማጥፋት ስትራቴጄ ለማጠናቀቅ ህወሓት በጥድፊያ ላይ ነው። ይህን እኩይ ዓላማ ማስቆም የሁላችን ኃላፊነት ነው።
የመከላከያ ሠራዊት እና የፊደራል ፓሊስ አባላት ሆይ፣ ለዘረኛው ወያኔ መሣሪያ ሆናችሁ ወገናችሁን አትፍጁ! እናንተ የምታገለግሉት ሥርዓት፣ ከእናንተ መካከል ኦሮሞ ያልሆኑትን እየመረጠ ኦሮሞዎች ወገኖቻችንን እንዲገሉ፣ አማራ ያልሆኑት ተመርጠው አማሮችን እንዲገሉ የሚልክ መሠሪ መሆኑን የምታውቁት ነው። ወያኔ አንዳችንን በሌላችችን ላይ እያዘመተ እርስ በርስ ሊያፋጀን ቆርጦ መነሳቱን አስተውሉ። ይህን እኩይ ዓላማ የማክሸፍ ሥራ የናንተም ኃላፊነት እንደሆነ ግንቦት 7 ያስገነዝባል።
በወያኔ የስለላ መዋቅር ውስጥ ያላችሁ ህሊና ያላችሁ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ወገኖቻችን የምትሠሩት ሥራ አገራችን ወደየት ሊወስዳት እንደሚችል ቆም ብላችሁ አስተውሉ። እናንተ ዛሬ የምትወስዱት ቆራጥ እርምጃ የበርካታ ሕዝብ ሕይወት ሊታደርግ ይችላል።
የኢትዮጵያ ወጣቶች በተለይም የዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ተከፋፍላችሁው ወያኔን መቃወም የትም አያደርስም። በኦሮሞው መገደል አማራው፣ ትግሬው፣ ወላይታው፣ ጉራጌው ካላመመው፤ አማራው ሲበደል ኦሮሞውና ሌላው እንዲያመው እንዴት መጠበቅ ይቻላል። እናንት ወጣቶች ከዘውግ ቆጠራ በላይ ሁኑ። ዛሬ የሚደረጉ ትናንሽ ነገሮች እንኳን የረዥም የወደፊት ውጤት እንዳላቸው ተገንዘቡ። የወደፊቷ ኢትዮጵያ የእናንተ ናት፤ የምትመኟችን ከራሷ ጋር የታረቀች ኢትዮጵያን ለመፍጠር በቅድሚያ እናንተ መታረቅ ይኖርባችኋል። የሁላችንም ቀንደኛ ጠላት ወያኔ ነው ትኩረታችሁን እሱ ላይ አድርጉ።
ውድ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ሆይ!!!! አውቀውም ሆነ ሳያውቁ በወያኔ ዘረኛ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ተጠልፈው በንግግራቸው ሕዝብን ከሕዝብ ጋር የሚያቃቅሩ ሰዎችን አትስማ። የመረረ፣ የሚያስቆጣ ንግግር እንኳን ቢናገሩ ንቀህ ተዋቸው። በወያኔ ውስጥም ሆነ ከወያኔ ውጭ ሆነው ብሔርና ዘርን እያነሱ ተማረው ማስመረር የሚሹ ሁሉ ግባቸው አንድ ነው። በየትኛውም ወገን ቢሆኑ እነሱ የጥፋት ኃይሎች ናቸው፤ እነሱ የኢትዮጵያና የሕዝቧ ጠላት የሆነው የህወሓት መጠቀሚያ ናቸው።
በአሁኑ ሰዓት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ጠላት ህወሓት እና ህወሓት የዘረጋው ሥርዓት ነው። የጋራ ትኩረታችን በጋራ ጠላታችን ላይ ብቻ ይሁን። ወያኔ ትኩረታችን ለመበተን ብዙ ነገሮችን ይጀምር ይሆናል፤ እርስ በራሳችን ከማባላትም አልፎ ጎረቤቶቻችንን መጎነታተል ይጀምር ይሆናል። በእንዲህ ዓይነት ድርጊት ትኩረታችን መበተን ፈጽሞ የለበትም።
እኛ ኅብረታችንን ስናጠናክር የተዳከመው ወያኔ ይበልጥ ይዳከማል። ሊበታትኑን የዳከሩትን አሳፍረን ኅብረታችን እናጠነክራለን። ይህ ደግሞ የወያኔ ውድቀት እና የኢትዮጵያ ትንሣኤን ያፋጥናል።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!!

Ethnic Politics is No Other Than Institutionalizing Racism

by Dubale Tariku
This article is intended to reach out to innocent citizens who might have been confused with political propaganda and underestimate the negative consequences of ethnic politics. It is to remind fellow citizens, as a concerned and responsible citizen that we need to take measured steps in our effort to support political parties. Simply stated people’s major interest is to have peace and equal opportunities in their own country. The interest of political elites is different, more than anything; it is to be on the helm of power. No amount of sugar coated words from political elites should dissuade us, citizens. With a salt of grain, this saying clearly illustrates the feelings “Politicians are mostly people who had too little morals and ethics to stay as innocent citizens.” The only reason why political elites reach out to innocent citizens is because they cannot come to power without the help of the people which the elites claim that they have a vested interest.In political recourse ethnicity is not different than religion.
In most of well developed countries where Ethiopians in diaspora lives there are two things that shall never mix with State governments. These are religion and ethnicity, although ethnicity is not much of a problem in these countries. Like in any other advanced countries, most people in under developed countries such as Ethiopia also agree that religion should be separated from State government. Even we hear the current government in Ethiopia consistently declaring that religion and state should remain separated. Whether the Ethiopian government practiced what it declares or not is a different story. Why separate government and religion? The governments of advanced countries unmistakably understood and predicted the unique danger of religion for democracy. Religious disagreements have potential to escalate avoidable differences to serious strife that might lead the way to untold destructions and killings of innocent citizens. Many people are prone to violence and almost impossible to make peace so long as people oppose one another under the banner of their clashing religious doctrines.
In political recourse ethnicity is not different than religion. It should be treated like religion is treated in civilized politics. Experiences elsewhere tell that anything that keeps ethnicity away from politics is good. In Africa, as compared to religion, ethnic politics has proven to be even the worst killer. No matter how ethnic political elites sugar coated it, the undeniable fact is ethnic politics institutionalize racism. Citizens should not be gullible to think that ethnic ideology institutionalizes democracy. In multi ethnic society like Ethiopia, it is only democracy not racism that will bring peace and order. Only democratic political relations offers ethnic relationships in a manner that is characteristic of the civilized societies of the world. Let the truth be told. The whole governance practice under ethnic political system is promoting inequality among ethnic groups as opposed to promoting equality. The inequality perpetrates in institutions such as public government bodies, private business, media outlets, and universities (public and private). These government institutions do not provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their ethnic origin, just like what racism did in the western countries. No good governance could come out from ethnic political system which the philosophy of the relationship among people is based on nepotism.
What Ethiopians noticed in the recent uprising is that ethnic loyalty has affected our nation’s dream for democracy. Over the past 20-years ethnic based governance, the EPRDF has increased gaps in social relations among ethnic nationalities and developed structural suspicions and hate for one another. The Oromo university student who has been phone-interviewed by VOA from a hiding place in Adama is an example. It doesn’t worth to die for or kill for ethnic political system that is corrupt and structurally incapable to institute democracy for its own ethnic group.
Political elites do and say anything to manipulate the people to achieve their ambition. They violate principles of democracy, override laws, re-write history and even care less for committing genocide in cold blood. That is what the world has observed primarily in Africa, like in Ruanda, Somalia, Congo, Central Africa, the former Sudan, South Sudan, etc… The gruesome incidences that happened in the countries mentioned above did not come from mysterious unknowable forces. It came from political elites who manipulate citizens’ emotions to provoke intense ethnic conflicts and cause unimaginable damage. It is neither to advance economic interest nor institute democracy, which they claim bring to its own citizens.
Just like any other countries, for peace to prevail in Ethiopia citizens’ political discourse should be constructive. The vision should be to have an Ethiopia that respects the right of all citizens without discrimination by ethnicity origin or religion beliefs. At this trying moments, Ethiopia needs a purposeful leadership that has a vision of how to place its citizens. A leadership that recognizes and respects the many ethnic groups that make up Ethiopia, and treats all ethnic groups as its constituency and thereby alleviating the fear of ethnic domination. A leadership without recourse to ethnic chauvinism and which sees political power as not an end in itself but a means for serving the collective welfare of its people regardless of their ethnic origin. However, it takes skilful, committed and principled leaders to achieve just solutions that are supported by their followers.
Ethiopia shall prevail!!!

Breaking News: Abebe Gellaw interrupted Obama and Obama agrees with Ethiopia’s call for freedom

May 9, 2014
San Jose, California–U.S. President Barack Obama has agreed with journalist Abebe Gellaw’s demand to support freedom in Ethiopia and help free bloggers, journalists and political prisoners jailed by the tyrannical regime.
While Obama was wrapping up his speech last night at a glitzy Democratic National Committee reception in San Jose’s Fairmont Hotel, journalist and activist Abebe Gellaw interrupted the president and called support for freedom in Ethiopia. The event jointly hosted by Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer and and Y Combinator CEO Sam Altman was mainly attended by Silicon Valley business and political leaders.Journalist and activist Abebe Gellaw interrupted president Obama
Abebe began his message with a positive note. “Mr. Obama, we Ethiopians love you. We demand freedom for Ethiopia,” he said.
The President, who was talking about winning both Congress and the Senate from the Republicans in the next election, replied “I agree with you although why don’t I talk about it later because I am just about to finish. You and me will talk about it. I am going to be coming around.”
But Abebe continued his message and loudly called for help to free jailed bloggers and journalists. “Stand with the people of Ethiopia, don’t support tyranny,” he said to which the president answered again, “I agree with you.”
“We have tyranny in Ethiopia,” Abebe said and added, “We love you!”
“I love you back,” the present replied and noted that his speech was kind of screwed up.
“That is okay. And we got free speech in this country,” he said before wrapping up his speech.
In a letter Abebe handed to the President at the end of the event, he noted that he wanted to take the rare opportunity to raise the voices of the oppressed people Ethiopia.
“Mr. President, as an exiled journalist and freedom activist trying to raise the voices of the oppressed people of Ethiopia, I can tell you that Ethiopians have genuine respect for this great land of freedom and your inspirational leadership,” he wrote.
“But it pains and frustrates me and millions of Ethiopians to see that for over two decades the United States has overridden its core values and forged a questionable alliance with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a terrorist group that has continued to oppress, massacre, jail, torture and displace defenseless Ethiopians.”
According to Abebe, the rare opportunity was another unmissable chance to demand our freedom and expose the tyrants at such a high profile platform of the most powerful decision makers in the world. “I am glad I took the chance though security was extremely tight. At the end of the day,we should consistently demand the U.S to the review its questionable foreign policy towards Ethiopia. That was also the heart of my demand,” he said.

Full text of letter

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
May 8, 2014
Dear Mr. President,
It is a great honor and privilege for me to attend this unique reception organized in your honor at the Fairmont Hotel, San Jose.
There is probably no greater place in the United States than the Silicon Valley that truly exemplifies the transformative power of freedom. Transformative Silicon Valley companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Oracle and HP, are more veritable expressions of America’s power and dynamism than its military might.
Mr. President, can you imagine Silicon Valley if all the visionary innovators and dreamers that have made it possible are unjustly locked up in harsh jails to break their spirit and silence them? Mr. President, the answer is simple and obvious. Fortunately, the United States is not ruled by mindless and ruthless criminals like Ethiopia.
Mr. President, as an exiled journalist and freedom activist trying to raise the voices of the oppressed people of Ethiopia, I can tell you that Ethiopians have genuine respect for this great land of freedom and your inspirational leadership. But it pains and frustrates me and millions of Ethiopians to see that for over two decades the United States has overridden its core values and forged a questionable alliance with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a terrorist group that has continued to oppress, massacre, jail, torture and displace defenseless Ethiopians.
So many Ethiopians were glad that you sent Secretary of State John Kerry to Ethiopia last week on a mission of promoting “democracy and human rights,” among other things. They were also pleased that Secretary Kerry demanded the tyrannical government to release Zone 9 bloggers including Nathnael Feleke, a young blogger he had a chance to meet and inspire last year in Addis Ababa. Nathnael, Eskinder Nega, Reeyot Alemu and so many journalists, activists and dissidents locked up in rat infested prisons have committed no crimes except for dreaming about freedom, justice and equality for their country. Still worse, a few days after Mr. Kerry returned home, over fifty defenceless civilians have been gunned down and countless others have been detained and tortured for opposing land grab and displacement of the poor in Oromia region and Gondar.
The young men and women condemned confinement in dark jails are dreamers and visionaries that want to see the transformative power of freedom, dignity and justice. Like Martin Luther King Jr., they too have a dream that one day children of oppressors and the oppressed will sit together as citizens of a nation to decide the destiny and fate of their country. They do not dream of revenge and retribution but forgiveness and peace. As Secretary Kerry correctly said during his recent trip to Ethiopia, “Africans have an opportunity to bend the arc of history towards reform, not retribution; towards peace and prosperity, not revenge and resentment.” That is exactly what we aspire to see in Ethiopia, a country wallowing in the quagmires of poverty, tyranny and backwardness.
Mr. President, it is, therefore, with utmost hope that I urge you, to do your level best not to compromise our freedom and dignity in exchange for short-term security concerns. While the security concerns of the United States in the Horn of Africa is understandable, forging alliance with a terrorist regime will have far more destabilizing impact in the long term. If this tyranny and terrorism continues unabated, Ethiopia will be another Rwanda or Somalia. We Ethiopians do not wish that to happen, a specter that is becoming more and more imminent with each passing day under the terrorist TPLF regime oppressing our people with impunity.
Mr. President, we remember your speech and promise to Africa that you made standing in Accra: “No person wants to live in a society where the rule of law gives way to the rule of brutality and bribery. That is not democracy, that is tyranny, and now is the time for it to end.” Mr. President, we Ethiopians need to end the corrupt tyranny that has made our lives meaningless. Help us to end Apartheid and state-sponsored terrorism in Ethiopia at least by desisting from propping up those who are oppressing and tormenting our people.
Mr. President I loudly and clearly appeal to you to help Ethiopia move in the right direction. Yes, you can!
- Mr. President, Ethiopia needs freedom and justice.
- Help us free our bloggers and journalists.
- Help us free Eskinder Nega and all political prisoners.
- Help us free Zone 9 bloggers.
- We need freedom, more than food aid.
- Mr. President, help us free all political prisoners.
- Help us stop the massacres and terrorism against Ethiopians.
- Unites States, don’t support dictators in Ethiopia.
- TPLF is a terrorist group. Don’t support it.
- President Obama, please stand with the people of Ethiopia.
- President Obama help us to end Apartheid.
- Mr. President thank you for inspiring us to tell the truth.
I sincerely apologize for the interruption and inconvenience. I do hope that you understand and stand with the oppressed people of Ethiopia.
Most respectfully,
Abebe Gellaw

Thursday 8 May 2014

በአምቦ ለደረሰው የሰው እልቂትና የንብረት ውድመት መንግስት ራሱን ነጻ ለማድረግ ዘመቻ ጀመረ

ኢሳት ዜና :-የአዲስ አበባን አዲሱን ማስተር ፕላን በመቃወም በአምቦና አካባቢው በሚገኙ ከተሞች ወደ አደባባይ የወጡትን ከ40 በላይ ንጹሃን ዜጎች አሰቃቂ በሆነ ሁኔታ ያስገደለው መንግስት ራሱን ከተጠያቂነት ለማዳን የጀመረውን ፕሮፓጋንዳ በስፍራው ላይ የነበሩ አንዳንድ የዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ተቃውመውታል።
አፈ ጉባኤ አባ ዱላ ገመዳ በኢቲቪ ቀርበው የተማሪዎችን ጥያቄ ኦነግ እና ግንቦት7 የተባሉት አሸባሪ ቡድኖች አይዟችሁ በማለት አቀጣጥለውታል ብለው ተናግረዋል።
የተማሪዎቹ ጥያቄ ፍትሃዊ ቢሆንም፣ ሌሎች ሃይሎች ግን መጠቀሚያ አድርገውታል በማለት አፈ ጉባኤው አክለዋል።
ጉዳዩን በማስመልከት ጥያቄ ያቀረብንለት የ3ኛ አመት የአምቦ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪ እንደተናገረው አባ ዱላ ገመዳ የተናገሩት ፍጹም ሀሰትና ጨርሶ ያልሆነ ነው ብሎአል።
“በመጀመሪያ ጥያቄውን ለማቅረብ ስንሰበሰብ መልስ እንደሚሰጡን ከነገሩን በሁዋላ ወዲያው በፌደራል እንድንከበብ አደረጉ፣ ትንሽ ቆይተው ፌደራሎች አስለቃሽ ጭስ መተኮስ ጀመሩ። በአካባቢው ቆሞ ሲመለከት የነበረው ህዝብ ተማሪዎችን ለምን ትነኩዋቸዋላችሁ ብሎ ከፖሊሶች ጋር መጋጨቱን ተናግሯል።
ሌላ አንዲት ልጃቸው በገፍ የተገደለባቸው እናት በበኩላቸው፣  በብዛት ያለቁት ከ7 አመት እስከ 11 አመት የሆናቸው ምንም የማያውቁ ህጻናት መሆናቸውንና ህጻናቱ ጥይት ለመሸሽ በሚል ወደ ጫካ ሲገቡ ጨካ ውስጥ መገደላቸውን በመግለጽ እነ አባዱላ እርምጃ የተወሰደው ንብረት ስለወደመ ነው የሚለውን አስተያየት አልተቀበሉትም።
የተለያዩ የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶችና አለማቀፍ ተቋማት መንግስት በአምቦ እና በተለያዩ የኦሮምያ አካባቢዎች የፈጸመውን ጭፍጨፋ ማውገዛቸው ይታወቃል።
ሂውማን ራይትስ ወች ግድያውን የፈጸሙትም ሆነ ትእዛዙን የሰጡት ባለስልጣናት ከተጠያቂነት እንደማያመልጡ መግለጹ ይታወሳል።

Evicted students of Haromaya University beseech help

May 07, 2014
Students of the Haromaya University, Eastern Ethiopia, who have been evicted following the protests held in relation to the new Addis Abeba City Master Plan in the past weeks and now sheltered inside Harar Mekanselam and Dire Dawa Medhanealem Churches, have beseeched for help.
Over 200 students are being sheltered in each of the churhces while many other students with no shelter are wandering in the streets.
Some students said they have neither been able to go back to their home nor college.
Although the University administration asked the students to return back as the situation has been calmed now, the students’ trust on the University administration has prevented them from returning.
A student, who preferred not to be named, said the grenade attack in the University may have been organised by the officials of the University. He said that there has been a rumour in the campus that there will be an explosion just days before the incident.
Similarly, a minor conflict had been ignited in Dire Dawa University and some students were detained subsequently.
Meanwhile, officials of the Oromo Peoples’ Democratic Organization (OPDO) are calling the residents of Ambo, Oromia region, Ethiopia to attend public meetings. The officials have been deployed to calm down the people.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Global Alliance condemns recent massacres and mass arrests

May 6, 2014
(Washington DC) The Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians (GARE) is deeply disturbed with the recent massacres and mass arrests of journalists, bloggers and activists in Ethiopia. These barbaric measures provide fresh evidence on the Ethiopian government’s total disregard for the basic rights, dignity and civil liberties of the people of Ethiopia.Global alliance for the rights of Ethiopians
GARE is very alarmed by the violent crackdowns on students and civilians in the Oromia region and earlier in Gondar. In light of the fact that the government of Ethiopia is facilitating land grab at the expense of the poor in the Awash Valley, Gambella, Southern region, Oromia and other parts of the country the concerns of the protesters should have been addressed appropriately in a civilized manner. The violent crackdown unleashed by security forces against unarmed civilians, most of whom were young students is totally unacceptable and illegal. The use of excessive force against unarmed civilians has resulted in over fifty people losing their lives and hundreds sustaining serious injuries. Unknown number of people have reportedly been detained and disappeared in many parts of Oromia region.
A few days ago in Addis Ababa four Blue party members were detained while canvassing support for a peaceful rally the party was organizing. Moreover, the arrest of nine bloggers and journalists, who were members of a group known as Zone 9, at a time when the rest of the world was gearing up to celebrate the World Press Day, signals the deterioration of press freedom violations in Ethiopia. GARE strongly believe that the Ethiopian government should respect international instruments such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and basic rights that Ethiopia has already incorporated in the constitution, which has never been respected and implemented since its inception.
GARE strongly condemns the repressions, killings, mass arrests and crackdowns unleashed against Ethiopian citizens. We call upon the regime to take the following measures:
- An independent commission tasked to investigate the violent crackdowns that have caused destruction, deaths and injuries must be set up immediately.
- Those who have committed crimes against humanity by killing and injuring innocent civilians must be brought to justice.
- All journalists, bloggers, activists, and dissidents, many of whom have been convicted of trumped-up terrorism charges and languishing in jails, must be freed without any conditions.
- The government, which has collective responsibility for any acts of violence, criminality, massacres and repressions must respect international conventions and its own constitution. – -The human rights abuses that have been and are being committed in many parts of the country must stop immediately.
-GARE demands that land grab schemes, which have displaced, dispossessed poor farmers and indigenous communities in many parts of Ethiopia be stopped.
GARE strongly and firmly believes that the era of impunity in this age of global connectivity is over and is confident that the Ethiopian government will be held accountable for the atrocities committed against defenseless own citizens.

An Unholy Alliance in East Africa

John Kerry knows Ethiopia is repressive. So why does Washington keep shoring it up?

Bronwyn Bruton is deputy director of the Africa Center at the Atlantic Council.
John Kerry’s hastily announced trip to Africa last week is something of an occasion: It’s the first time he has set foot in sub-Saharan Africa as secretary of state aside from a brief visit just to Addis Ababa in May 2013.
But the abruptness of the trip—announced barely half a week before Kerry’s departure and conveniently timed to fill a scheduling gap caused by an unmet end-of-April deadline in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks—is hardly the most troubling part of Kerry’s visit. Far less forgivable is his decision to honor Ethiopia, a country that widely persecutes dissidents, with another visit, and the first on this trip. Kerry’s remarks in Ethiopia included long-overdue public comments on the sorry state of democratic and human rights in the country. But the secretary made clear that the United States is more concerned about strengthening ties with Ethiopia—a repressive regime that Washington nonetheless relies on as its primary strategic partner in the region.
Secretary Kerry Shakes Hands With Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shakes hands with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam at the beginning of a meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on May 1, 2014. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]
The State Department announced a confusing range of objectives for Kerry’s visit to Africa: to encourage democratic development; promote respect for human rights; advance peace and security; engage with civil society and young African leaders; and promote trade, investment and development partnerships in Africa. In pursuit of these goals, Kerry spent two days in Ethiopia, convening an African Union summit and meeting several regional heads of state. Before heading to the conflict-ridden Democratic Republic of Congo and southern economic powerhouse Angola, he made a previously unannounced visit on Thursday to South Sudan. His remarks about the possibility of genocide in the country will likely eclipse the rest of his visit to the continent—unsurprisingly, perhaps, as Washington’s desire to resolve the conflicts in South Sudan and Somalia has long overshadowed other interests in Africa, especially human rights and good governance.
American national security interests are not at stake in South Sudan, but reputations are: The nation was created with U.S. assistance in 2011, and until it plunged into violence several months ago, it was one of Washington’s favorite “success” stories. South Sudan’s independence struggle against the genocidal regime in Sudan to the north has been heavily romanticized by American activists, even George Clooney. Having invested so heavily in South Sudan’s creation, Washington now feels responsible for its successes and failures. In Somalia, meanwhile, the United States has been deeply worried by terrorism threats, especially since 2006, and has spent time and treasure launching a new government and a host of African troops to protect it.
Both countries deserve Kerry’s attention and American engagement. But Washington’s apparent eagerness to resolve these two crises—while at the same time cutting costs and shrinking America’s security footprint on the continent, especially in Somalia—has forced the United States to develop an unholy alliance with one of the region’s most authoritarian regimes: Ethiopia.
Ethiopia used to be one of Africa’s stronger democracies, but ever since disputed elections in 2005, the government has cracked down heavily on civil society, the media, the political opposition and even organized religious groups. Protests over the 2005 elections ended when the government arrested thousands of peaceful demonstrators, charging hundreds of opposition leaders and journalists with treason. Since then, the government has implemented laws that criminalize social advocacy by “foreigners” (including Ethiopian charities that receive donations from abroad); imposed draconian restrictions on the press (even copy shops can be fined ruinous amounts for printing articles that criticize the government); and enforced such a broad definition of “terrorism,” under a 2009 proclamation, that the mere act of blocking traffic during a peaceful street protest can be punishable by the death penalty.
That anti-terror proclamation has been used to arrest scores of peaceful Muslim demonstrators. Just two days before Kerry’s arrival in Addis Ababa, nine prominent journalists and bloggers were arrested in Ethiopia, apparently for the crime of collaborating with foreign human rights groups; they are being held incommunicado. An uncounted number of other journalists and political activists are already in jail. In March, seven female marathon runners were arrested simply for shouting their support of those incarcerated by the regime. Not to mention that Ethiopia has also been accused of mass human rights violations in its eastern Ogaden region, of using torture in its prisons and of withholding food and humanitarian relief from opposition supporters. This repression has been extraordinarily effective: During the country’s 2012 elections, the ruling party won 546 out of 547 seats in the federal parliament.
But that same year, Ethiopia was among the top 10 recipients of U.S. foreign aid, receiving $580 million in development, humanitarian relief and health programs. (In 2013, Ethiopia fell off of the top 10 list, thanks to a $200 million cut to AIDS programsand other health funding; Kerry devoted part of his time in Ethiopia to praising what remains of those programs.) Washington’s massive underwriting of the Ethiopian state’s budget has kept the government afloat for years. Foreign donations account for at least 50 to 60 percent of the country’s $8.5 billion budget, with the United States as the second-largest donor after China. Until very recently, only a tiny fraction of that funding has gone directly to the military. But development and humanitarian contributions allow the ruling party to direct the bulk of its discretionary, domestic revenues (money that would otherwise have to be spent on social services like schools and hospitals) to military spending. As a result, Ethiopia has the largest and most sophisticated security apparatus in sub-Saharan Africa, and it maintains one of the largest and best-trained militaries on the continent.
Even as Addis Ababa uses its security apparatus to intimidate its own population, it is pursuing American national security interests in the region. Ethiopia has repeatedly launched its military into Somalia, most recently contributing more than 4,000 troops to the African Union peacekeeping mission there, in addition to deploying peacekeepers to Darfur. Ethiopia’s prime minister has also been the primary host and broker of peace talks between the combatants in South Sudan. But Ethiopian “peacekeeping” efforts have not always been so peaceful: The country’s brutal invasion and occupation of Somalia from December 2006 to January 2009 triggered a violent local backlash that in turn propelled the al Qadea-linked al Shabaab to power in Mogadishu, and there were reports at the time of Ethiopian soldiers systemic raping Somali women, among a host of other human rights abuses.
Still, policymakers in Washington have long leaned on Ethiopia’s military support in the region. When it comes to security in East Africa, Kerry said in Addis Ababa, “Ethiopia plays such an essential role—a key role, a leadership role—and we’re very, very grateful for that.” In a more or less direct quid pro quo, however, Washington has turned a blind eye to Addis Ababa’s human rights abuses. Concerns about the shrinking democratic space in the country or the torture of opposition members have largely been voiced in private, behind closed doors—producing a silence that has cemented a strong regional perception that Washington cares more about counterterrorism than it does about democracy or human rights.
Perhaps the best evidence of this to date is America’s willingness to foot the bill for Ethiopia’s participation in the African Union peacekeeping mission in Somalia, despite Ethiopia’s chilling record of prior human rights abuses in that country. Because Ethiopia just joined the mission this past January, it’s not yet clear how much bilateral aid the United States is giving Ethiopia to support its participation. But if the amount is consistent with the aid packages provided to Kenya, Uganda and Burundi for their troop contributions to the mission, Ethiopia can expect to receive tens of millions of dollars in direct military support from Washington, in the form of weapons, cash and training.
Thankfully, discomfort with the Ethiopian partnership is slowly growing, and Kerry’s visit is evidence of that. In a press conference in Addis Ababa on Thursday, he finally did what human rights activists have been demanding for some time: publically criticizing the human rights record of the regime—even mentioning the incarcerated political blogger Natnail Feleke by name and defending the right of journalists to criticize the regime. Still, most of his comments extolled Ethiopia’s economic growth and its peacemaking efforts in the region. A strong commercial partnership with the United States, Kerry said, “helps to provide the capacity for Ethiopia to be able to lead in some of the other initiatives that are so critical to stability in the region.”
Most important, Kerry actively extended his first press briefing in Addis Ababa for a question that gave him an opening to reinforce his human rights message. “When I stand up in public,” he said, “the fact that I’m doing that is serious.”
He’s right. If Kerry is signaling his intention to be openly critical of the Ethiopian government’s human rights from this stage forward, it marks a significant evolution of U.S. policy. But a handful of sentences in the midst of so much financial and political support for the Ethiopian government still seems very little. It is a step in the right direction, if still painfully small.

የአንድነትን ሰልፍ አስመልክቶ የገዢው ፓርቲ ካድሬዎች በየክፍለ ከተማው የሚገኙ የ2ኛ ደረጃ ርዕሰ መምህራንን ሰብስበው መመሪያ ሰጧቸው – ፍኖተ ነፃነት

መጋቢት 27 ቀን 2006 ዓ.ም ጠዋት በአዲስ አበባ የሚገኙ የ2ኛ ደረጃ ርዕሰ መምህራንን የገዢው ፓርቲ ካድሬዎች ሰብስበው እሁድ ዕለት በተደረገው የአንድነት ፓርቲ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ላይ የተገኙ መምህራንን ፈትሸው እንዲያወጡና እንዲያጋልጡ የሚል መመሪያ የተሰጣቸው ሲሆን ተማሪዎችን ሰብስበው የኔት ወርክ ችግር እስከ ሰኔ 30 ድረስ እንደሚፈታ ከዚያ በኋላ ምንም ዓይነት ችግር እንደማይኖር ሌሎቹ ችግሮች ግን እንደሚቀጥሉ ለወላጆቻቸው እንዲያስረዱ እንዲደረግ ማሳሰቢያ ተሰጥቷቸው ስብሰባው ተጠናቋል፡፡
በተያያዘ ዜና እሁድ በደማቅ ሁኔታ የተጠናቀቀው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ያስደነገጣቸው ደህንነቶችና ካድሬዎች በሰልፉ ላይ የተገኙ ነዋሪዎች ቤት በመሄድ በማስፈራራት ላይ እንደሚገኙ ለፍኖተ ነፃነት ገለጹ፡፡gk2

ከወያኔ ኢህአዴግ የጣር በትር አገራችንን እና ሕዝባችንን እንታደግ!! ታላቅ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ በዋሽንግተን ዲሲ – የዋሽንግተን ዲሲ የጋራ ግብረሃይል

ባለፉት ፳፫ የስልጣን ዘመኑ እንዲሁም ከዚያም በፊት በ፲፯ የጫካ ዘመኑ ኢትዮጵያን ከካርታ፣ ህዝቧን ከምድረ ገፅ ለማጥፋት ወያኔ አርነት ትግራይ ያልፈነቀለው ድንጋይ ያላፈሰሰው ደም የለም።
በባዕዳን ሁለንተናዊ ድጋፍ በመታገዝና በአንቀልባ በመታዘል በተለያዩ የአገሪቱ አቅጣጫዎች በመገስገስ ላይ እያለ በተለያዩ ግዛት ያሉ ኢትዮጵያውያኖች የዚህን እኩይ ግስጋሴ ለመግታት አይከፍሉ መስዋእትነት ከፍለዋል፤ የጣሊያንን ወረራ ለመመከት በግንደ በረት በረሃ ለሃገራቸው ኢትዮጵያ ተጋድሎ እንዳደረጉት እንደ አባት እናቶቻቸው አያት ቅድመ አያቶቻቸው የዘመኑ የአምቦ ትንታግ ወጣቶች የዛሬ ፳፫ አመት በወርሃ ግንቦት ባደረጉት ተጋድሎ የገበሩት ህይወት ምንግዜም የጀግንነት ታሪካቸው በኢትዮጵያውያን ልብ ውስጥ ትልቅ ስፍራ ይሰጠዋል።
የብሄር ብሄረሰብ መብት አስከባሪ ከኔ በላይ ላሳር ባዩ ወያኔ በቴሌቪዥኑ በየቋንቋው ከማዘፈንና ከማስለቀስ ያለፈ እኩልነት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ታፍኖ በመቀበሩ፤ የማንነትና ፍትሐዊ የመብት እኩልነትን በጠየቁ በአፋር፣በኦጋዴን፣በአማራ፣በኦሮሞ፣በደቡብ ወዘተ ወገኖቻችን ላይ በተለያዩ ጊዜያቶች የስልጣን ዘመኑን ለማራዘም ስልጣኑንም መከታ በማድረግ የህዝብን ሃብት ለመዝረፍ የጭቁኖችን መሬት በመቀማት የሚያደርገውን ጭፍጨፋ መዘርዘር ይቻላል። እነሆ ከዚሁ ጋር የተያያዘ ያልጠግብ ባይነት መዘዙ ተመዞ ሰይፍ ሆኖ ሰሞኑን የአምቦ ተማሪዎችን አንገት ቀልቷል።
ለህዝብ መብት መከበር፣ ለፍትሕ፣ ለእኩልነት እና ለዲሞክራሲ መስፈን የኢትዮጵያ ተማሪዎች ባለፉት ፵ አመታት የከፈሉት መስዋዕትነት አልበቃ ብሎ የዛሬውንም ትውልድ ደም እያስገበረ ይገኛል። ግና ትግል ትግል ነውና ወላድ በድባብ ትሂድ ፀረ ወያኔው ትግል ሰሞኑን በአምቦ ተማሪዎች ተለኩሶ በጅማ፣ በድሬዳዋ ፣በአዲስ አበባ፣ ሃረማያ ወዘተ እየተቀጣጠለ ይገኛል።
ባለፉት ወራትም በባህር ዳር፣ በደሴ፣ በጎንደር፣ በአዲስ አበባ፣በአዋሳ፣በአፋር፣በጋምቤላ በተለያዩ የኢትዮጵያ ግዛቶች ህዝባዊ አመፁና ሰልፉ እየተንቦገቦገ ይገኛል።
እኛ በዋሽንግተንና አካባቢዋ የምንገኝ የጋራ ግብረሃይልም ህዝባችን እያካሄደ ያለውን ትግል እየደገፍን በአምቦ የኦሮሞ ወገኖቻችን ላይ የደረሰውን ጭፍጨፋ አምርረን እናወግዛለን።
ለዚህም ነው ደማችሁ ደማችን ነው የምንለው፤ በልማት ስም ዘር ማጥፋት ይቁም እያልን ይህንኑ ድምጽ ለአለም ለማሰማት የፊታችን እሮብ ሚያዝያ ፳፱, ፳፻፮ ከጠዋቱ ፫ ሰአት ቀጠሯችን በአሜሪካ የውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት ይሁን እንላለን።

ቀን፦ MAY 7, 2014
ሰአት፦ 9:00 AM
ቦታ፦ U.S State Department
2201 C St NW
Washington, DC. 20520
የዋሽንግተን ዲሲ የጋራ ግብረሃይል

Ethiopia: Brutal Crackdown on Protests

Human Rights Watch
(Nairobi) – Ethiopian security forces should cease using excessive force against students peacefully protesting plans to extend the boundaries of the capital, Addis Ababa. The authorities should immediately release students and others arbitrarily arrested during the protests and investigate and hold accountable security officials who are responsible for abuses.
On May 6, 2014, the government will appear before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva for the country’s Universal Periodic Review of its human rights record.
“Students have concerns about the fate of farmers and others on land the government wants to move inside Addis Ababa,” said Leslie Lefkow, deputy Africa director. “Rather than having its security forces attack peaceful protesters, the government should sit down and discuss the students’ grievances.”
Since April 25, students have demonstrated throughout Oromia Regional State to protest the government’s plan to substantially expand the municipal boundaries of Addis Ababa, which the students feel would threaten communities currently under regional jurisdiction. Security forces have responded by shooting at and beating peaceful protesters in Ambo, Nekemte, Jimma, and other towns with unconfirmed reports from witnesses of dozens of casualties.
Protests began at universities in Ambo and other large towns throughout Oromia, and spread to smaller communities throughout the region. Witnesses said security forces fired live ammunition at peaceful protesters in Ambo on April 30. Official government statements put the number of dead in Ambo at eight, but various credible local sources put the death toll much higher. Since the events in Ambo, the security forces have allegedly used excessive force against protesters throughout the region, resulting in further casualties. Ethiopian authorities have said there has been widespread looting and destruction of property during the protests.
The protests erupted over the release in April of the proposed Addis Ababa Integrated Development Master Plan, which outlines plans for Addis Ababa’s municipal expansion. Under the proposed plan, Addis Ababa’s municipal boundary would be expanded substantially to include more than 15 communities in Oromia. This land would fall under the jurisdiction of the Addis Ababa City Administration and would no longer be managed by Oromia Regional State. Demonstrators have expressed concern about the displacement of Oromo farmers and residents on the affected land.|
Ethiopia is experiencing an economic boom and the government has ambitious plans for further economic growth. This boom has resulted in a growing middle class in Addis Ababa and an increased demand for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. There has not been meaningful consultation with impacted communities during the early stages of this expansion into the surrounding countryside, raising concerns about the risk of inadequate compensation and due process protections to displaced farmers and residents.
Oromia is the largest of Ethiopia’s nine regions and is inhabited largely by ethnic Oromos. The Oromos are Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group and have historically felt marginalized and discriminated against by successive Ethiopian governments. The city of Addis Ababa is surrounded on all sides by the Oromia region.
Given very tight restrictions on independent media and human rights monitoring in Ethiopia, it is difficult to corroborate the government crackdown in Oromia. There is little independent media in Oromia to monitor these events, and foreign journalists who have attempted to reach demonstrations have been turned away or detained.
Ethiopia has one of the most repressive media environments in the world. Numerous journalists are in prison, independent media outlets are regularly closed down, and many journalists have fled the country. Underscoring the repressive situation, the government on April 25 and 26 arbitrarily arrestednine bloggers and journalists in Addis Ababa. They remain in detention without charge. In addition, the Charities and Societies Proclamation, enacted in 2009, has severely curtailed the ability of independent human rights organizations to investigate and report on human rights abuses like the recent events in Oromia.
“The government should not be able to escape accountability for abuses in Oromo because it has muzzled the media and human rights groups,” Lefkow said.
Since Ethiopia’s last Universal Periodic Review in 2009 its human rights record has taken a significant downturn, with the authorities showing increasing intolerance of any criticism of the government and further restrictions on the rights to freedom of expression and association. The recent crackdown in Oromia highlights the risks protesters face and the inability of the media and human rights groups to report on important events.
Ethiopian authorities should abide by the UN Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, which provide that all security forces shall, as far as possible, apply nonviolent means before resorting to force. Whenever the lawful use of force is unavoidable, the authorities must use restraint and act in proportion to the seriousness of the offense. Law enforcement officials should not use firearms against people “except in self-defense or defense of others against the imminent threat of death or serious injury.”
“Ethiopia’s heavy handed reaction to the Oromo protests is the latest example of the government’s ruthless response to any criticism of its policies,” Lefkow said. “UN member countries should tell Ethiopia that responding with excessive force against protesters is unacceptable and needs to stop.”

የሃሮማያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች አሁንም በከፍተኛ ጭንቀት ውስጥ ናቸው

ኢሳት ዜና :-ከአዲስ አበባ ማስተር ፕላን ጋር ተያይዞ በሃሮማያ ዩኒቨርስቲ የተነሳው ግጭት አሁንም አስከፊ በሆነ መልኩ እንደቀጠለ ከአካካቢው የሚደርሱን መረጃዎች አመልክተዋል። የዩኒቨርስቲው ምክትል ዲን ዶ/ር ጨመዳ ችግሩ ከዩኒቨርስቲው አቅም በላይ መሆኑን ለተማሪዎች ተናግረዋል።
ባለፈው አርብ በተማሪዎች መካከል አካባቢን መሰረት አድርጎ በተነሳ ግጭት አንድ ተማሪ በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ ሲገደል አንዲት ሴት ተማሪም እንዲሁ ከፍተኛ የሚባል አካላዊ ጉድለት ደርሶባታል።
በብዙ መቶዎች የሚቆጠሩ ተማሪዎች መካነ ስላሴ ካቴደራል ተጠልለው ህዝቡ እርዳታ እያደረገላቸው ሲሆን፣ በርካቶች ደግሞ በግለሰቦች ቤት ተጠግተው ይገኛሉ። ከአለማያ ወደ ሃረር ተሳፍረው ለመጓዝ ሙከራ የሚያደርጉ ተማሪዎችም ተይዘው ይደበደባሉ።
በቅርቡ በዩኒቨርስቲው ውስጥ የፈነዳውን ፈንጅ እንዲሁም በተማሪዎች መካከል የተነሳውን ግጭት ተከትሎ ከ100 በላይ ቁስለኞች  በህይወት ፋና ሆስፒታል ተኝተው በመታከም ላይ ናቸው። ከእነዚህም መካከል ከፍተኛ ክትትል በሚደረግበት አይ ሲ ዩ በሚባለው ክፍል ውስጥ 7 ተማሪዎች መገኘታቸውም እንዲሁም፣ ሆዳቸው ፣ ጭንቅላታቸውና እግራቸው ውስጥ የቦንብ ፍንጣሪ ያለባቸው 8 ተማሪዎች በዚሁ ሆስፒታል እየታከሙ ይገኛሉ።
ለማ የሚባል የአባቱ ስም ያልታወቀ ተማሪም ሆስፒታል ከገባ በሁዋላ በማረፉ አስከሬኑን የሚወስድ ጠፍቶ በአስከሬን ማቆያ ውስጥ እንደሚገኝ የሆስፒታል ምንጮች ገልጸዋል።
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ኦህዴድ በመካከለኛ ደረጃ ያሉ አመራሮችን ሰብስቦ ሰሞኑን በክልሉ ለታየው ግጭት የሌሎች ብሄር ተወላጆችን ተጠያቄ ማድረጉ ታውቋል።
በስብሰባው የተሳተፉ ምንጫችን እንደገለጹት ኦህዴድ የተማሪዎችን የመብት ጥያቄ የዘር ግጭት አስመስሎ ለማቅረብ መፈለጉ ፣ መንግስት ጉዳዩን ወደ አልተፈለገ አቅጣጫ እየወሰደው መሆኑን የሚያመለክት ነው። የአህዴድ ካድሬዎች ለተሰብሳቢዎች ” የአንድን ብሄር ስም እየጠሩ፣ ትናንት የገደሉን አንሶ አሁን ደግሞ ይሰድቡናል” በማለት መናገራቸውንና አንዳንድ ካድሬዎችም ይህንኑ በቁጭት ሲናገሩ እንደነበር ገልጸዋል።
ህወሃት በኦህዴድ አማካኝነት እየሄደበት ያለው መንገድ አደገኛ ነው የሚሉት ምንጫችን ፣ ህዝቡ በጊዜ ካልነቃ ከፍተኛ ጉዳት ሊደርስ ይችላል በማለት አስጠንቅቋል።
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ኦሮሞ ፌደራሊስት ኮንግረስ ባወጣው መግለጫ በተማሪዎች ላይ የተፈጸመውን ግድያ፣ የደረሰውን የአካል ጉዳትና እስራት አውግዞ፣ አዲስ አበባ ማስተር ፕላንን ተግባራዊ ለማድረግ የሚደረገው እንቅስቃሴ እንዲቋረጥ እንዲሁም በተማሪዎች ላይ ግድያ የፈጸሙ ለፍርድ እንዲቀርቡ እንዲሁም በእስር ላይ የሚገኙ ፖለቲከኞቸ ፣ ጋዜጠኞችና የህሊና እስረኞች እንዲፈቱ ጠይቋል።

Sunday 4 May 2014

Overplaying Senseless Propaganda: The Most Stupid and Lethal Way of Doing Politics

May 3, 2014
by T. Goshu
As it generally means a systematic way of dissemination and promotion of one’s ideas, propaganda can be used for good or bad. As the very focus of this piece of writing of mine is on the bad (deadly) play of propaganda, I want to proceed expressing my points of view accordingly.
Jason K. Stearns, the author of a book – Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa, 2011) states how an evil-driven propaganda incited and organized by political elites, more particularly by ruling elites could result in an incredible tragedy. He raises the case of Rwanda as an extremely shocking and fresh memory by stating that, “Rwanda’s genocide was organized by elites but executed by the people.” He states a figurative expression about the consequences of this very hard -to -comprehend situation as follows: … killing a sixth of the population and sending another sixth into refugee camps. I just wanted to begin my opinion with this deeply heartbreaking reality of our time to show how the propaganda of political madness could change a longtime and relatively peaceful neighborhoods into the killing fields of one ethnic group against another, of brothers against brothers, sisters against sisters, and neighbors against neighbors. Now, the Rwandans have a museum of skulls to be handed down to their children instead of museums which should have been stuffed with pictures, documents, arts and statues of peace and love among their parents and grandparents. Although, we may argue that this “horrible museum” can be taken as a bitter lesson not to repeat itself, there is no doubt that it is an extremely painful part of history that remains terribly hard to comprehend for the generations to come. The challenge that should not simply be ignored is that unless the politics of exploiting ethnic or any other differences within a society by deadly-selfish ruling elites comes to an end and replaced with a genuine political freedom and socio-economic justice, there is no guarantee for not slide back to similar, if not much more horrible situation.ECADF Ethiopian News and Opinions
Needless to say, the world has gone through unbelievably destructive conflicts. Most of those horrible conflicts had been caused by those individuals and groups whose minds and hearts have terribly been blinded by their blood-thirsty power monger. Those evil-minded individuals and groups have used any dirty means to get their evil-driven political agenda satisfied. They have incited hate propaganda between or among races, ethnic groups, religions, religious sects. The First and Second World Wars were the most devastating wars incited and waged by individuals and groups who terribly lost their minds of very basic and common human reasoning or rationality because of their madness about getting their monstrous power achieved and maintained. The very idiotic and deadly propaganda of racism by Adolf Hitler and its consequences is part and parcel of the unforgettably painful history of world politics.
The propaganda of great conspiracy of “controlling, ruling and modernizing a dark continent” had been employed in the process of partitioning Africa among the great European powers of the time which is historically knows as the Scramble for Africa (the Berlin Conference of November 1884- February 1885) with the exception of Rwanda of which its fate had been orchestrated and decided in Brussels, Belgium.
A very dirty work of propaganda of “civilizing the savage continent” had conspiratorially been played as the weapon of “legitimizing” the horrible colonial rule over Africa until the 1960s.
An evil work of propaganda had been used by Mussolini of Italy to propagate his own people in order to get support for his invasion that was aimed at settling them in that fertile and strategic part of Africa. He used the propaganda of making that part of the continent” a family of the civilized world”. He also had attempted to make the Ethiopian people believe that invading and establishing his fascist rule was good for them to be part of “modern civilization”. It has to be noted here that even religion (the Roman Catholic Church of the time) was part of the propaganda of that international political crime by offering its “Holy –blessings.”
We recently have witnessed many disastrous political propaganda works in Africa that were incited and inflamed by those ruling elites who had and have no any sense of morality and humanity except fulfilling their evil-driven self-interests by any evil means. Let me mention the following few cases just to make my points more clear and specific : one of the most notoriously ruthless dictators of Africa who had come to power by coup de ’ate and who had anointed himself as field marshal id -Amin of Uganda ( a country under a less-brutal dictator , Yoweri Katuga Museveni since 1986) ; the most horrifying genocide of the 20th century in Rwanda in 1994 which has given a chance for the current president, Paul Kagame to be seen as kind of benevolent dictator ( the developmental leader); the Darfur of Sudan that has made AL Bashir a wanted criminal by ICC (International Criminal Court in the Hague); the most devastated country ( Congo-Kinshasa ) by its late monstrous dictator-Mobutu Sese Seko and steal is suffering from the absence of an inclusive and truly reconciliatory political atmosphere; the suffering of Zimbabwe because of a stupidly power-mongering man (Mugabe) who is in power since its independence in 1980; the very terrible crisis in one of the small countries of West Africa (Liberia) during the rule of the most idiotic African politicians ( Samuel Doe ,1980-1989) and later Charles Tylor (1997-2003) ; the ongoing horrible killings of brothers against brothers in newly born South Sudan after two decades of deadly fight for independence.
The Horn of Africa? It goes without saying that the sub-region is one of, if not the most unfortunate part of Africa. Yes, it is a very sad situation to witness the peoples of this sub-region facing misery after misery mainly because of the coming and going of undemocratic and ruthless rulers who have employed any dirty and deadly propaganda machine in order to perpetuate their political power and economic exploitation. Despite the fact that the negative propaganda and conspiratorial political and diplomatic games by foreign powers (for their own interest) had and have a lot to do with the continuation of the untold sufferings of the peoples of the sub -region, there is no doubt that the main responsibility rests on the shoulders of the ruling groups or families of each country (Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia and Eritrea) were and are mainly responsible.
We may argue that Djibouti’s (a port city state) situation is not as bad as the rest of its neighbors. This apparently sounds true mainly because of the heavy influence and “protection” by its former colonial master (France).
As the case of Somalia (without government since 1991 in the real meaning of the term) is a very self-evident case, I do not want to say more about it. But, it is absolutely necessary to underscore that the dirty, divisive, and deadly propaganda by the ruling elites and war lords of that country since its independence is the root cause of the untold misery of the people. Imagine how a senseless and evil-driven propaganda can make the people even with the same religion and the same language hate and kill each other.
The ruling elites of the sub-region have had neither public legitimacy (in the real sense of the term) nor political set up with certain principles and values of democracy throughout the political history of the sub-region. They had used and still use deception, killing machine and betrayal in order to perpetuate the power they have grabbed by hook or crook. Their deadly propaganda of inciting or provoking hatred and animosity among their own people; and between or among the peoples of the sub-region is getting worse and dangerous from time to time. There is no need to do kind of study let alone research to tell or show how the people of the sub-region are being dehumanized by their own monstrous ruling elites in this 21st century. Needless to say, the main instrument for making the people not to fight against the ruthless ruling elites is keeping them apart by waging the propaganda of hatred and division under the cover of national interest and security. By the way, as there is no constitutionalism other than just a document (constitution) to serve the interests of the ruling elites, there is no national interest and security in the real sense of the term other than protecting the interest and security of the ruling elites under the cover of keeping a nation or a country save. In other words, the very essence of national interest and security have been terribly abused as they have become victims of senseless and lethal political propaganda by chronically cynical and tyrannical ruling elites.
The people of the countries of the sub- region have never had any opportunity to have their own says about their interests and destinies in their own respective countries let alone to make meaningful peace, stability and cooperation between or among their countries. The end of the cold war has brought about relatively better opportunities in many former socialist countries in most Eastern Europe and Asia. In Africa, we may mention the case of Tanzania only as relatively success story. Unfortunately enough, tyrannical regimes such as ours have gotten another play card for playing their internal dirty politics. And that very deceptive playing card is anti-terrorism. Sadly enough, what we are witnessing is that this ‘ deadly new ‘playing card is targeting and attacking civic organizations and opposition political parties which vehemently oppose the sufferings of the innocent people under dictatorial ruling elites .
Ethiopia? Yes, we have a great country of never-colonized and one of the sources of ancient civilization that should make us proud. There is no doubt that our Patriotic forefathers and mothers had to pay ultimate sacrifices for protecting, and safeguarding and handing down a country from generation to generation. It goes without saying that we should be deeply grateful to those leaders of our country who had used a powerfully articulated, genuinely patriotic propaganda in mobilizing the people during extremely difficult times of foreign invasions. Yes, we remain proud of them for providing their wise and decisive leadership that had/has a lot to do with our shining and exemplary history of never surrender to the enslavement under foreign invaders and colonizers. Unfortunately enough, our rulers who have come to power in different times and through different means have made the country one of the economically impoverished and politically oppressed countries of the world. That truly patriotic propaganda against foreign invaders and colonial powers did not change into the propaganda of internal political freedom, the supremacy of law, genuine social cohesion and socio-economic justice. The reign of the absolute monarchy of Emperor Haile -Selassie used a very mystified propaganda of “God- chosen and God-anointed”, and a very deceptive and fake expression of “The people we love; and so do they”. The military junta in its turn used a very horrible propaganda of “crashing white terror with red terror” that killed a very patriotic and energetic generation of the country under the cover of “saving the revolution and protecting the nation.” Well, all these and so many other senseless, deceptive and deadly political propagandas have left us with another deadly divisive and poisonous political propaganda which we are terribly suffering from at this moment in time.
For the last quarter of a century? The propaganda machine used since the very inception of TPLF of the late Ato Meles Zenawi has been deadly poisonous. Although the people of Ethiopia have never allowed the deadly poisonous political propaganda well-orchestrated by TPLF that has been and is being accompanied by its brain children (ANDM, OPDO and SEPDM) to destroy the very essence of peoples’ togetherness, there is no doubt it has made its own severe damage .And the damage is painfully felt in our difficulties and failures to shorten the incredible suffering we are experiencing by bringing down a tyrannical ruling circle. The very reason why I just highlighted TPLF is that the other three members of the so-called Front are nothing, but parts and parcels of a senseless and lethal political propaganda as they were created and nurtured by TPLF itself. I wish things could be otherwise. But the very hard fact we have witnessed for the last 20 years and continue to witness could not be otherwise. And that is a very sad reality the country and her people are facing. Who controls all the critical political powers and most important positions of all ministries and agents, and who benefits the most from all available resources of the country is a very common knowledge of the people. Yes, it is powerfully self-evident that the ruling elites and their parasitic cronies are the ones who do live at the very expense of the very lives of the innocent people of Ethiopia.
Needless to say, the political practice of the ruling party has proven itself to be dangerously deceptive and highly contaminated. I here strongly want recommend to any genuinely concerned Ethiopian to read the book (YALTEHEDEBET MENGED -In Amharic) written by a truly patriotic citizen who has been sentenced with a politically fabricated and orchestrated accusation and is paying a huge sacrifice in Kaliti prison, Andualem Arage. He particularly dedicates Part One of his book on this dangerous ethic-based political propaganda of the ruling party, particularly TPLF. I want to add here that given an extremely hostile environment he is forced to be in, Andualem’s approach to the subject matter he wants to deal with, and his analytically objective and powerfully constructive discussion is amazingly remarkable.
I am well aware that some fellow Ethiopians may argue that as all evil-driven political propagandas by the ruling party are well-known, it is not necessary to repeat them. Well, this kind of argument makes sense if we really make unnecessary repetition over and over again without being selective at all (major and minor). But, we cannot afford not to repeat very major and critical issues as long as they stay with us unresolved.
It has to be underscored here that if we do not as a people come together, walk together and work hard together, and change the challenges we are facing into opportunities and get rid of the those ruling elites whose political power base is deadly irresponsible and senseless propaganda, there is no reason not to expect the worst .
Yes, it has to be reiterated that the most stupid and lethal political propaganda is still a very serious threat not only to bring about a genuinely democratic and prosperous Ethiopia but also to the very survival of the country itself. Our ruling elites have never shown any sign of regret and correcting what has terribly gone wrong, and I strongly believe the cannot afford not to say zero -tolerance to this horrible political behavior and practice.
Sadly enough, the more the ruling party becomes frustrated and worried about losing its political power as the result of the zero tolerance from the people, the more it loses its limits and boundaries of its responsibilities and functions and the more it acts just like a dangerously mad beast. That is why it attempts hard to make a dangerous hatred and conflict not only between Christians and Muslims but also within the same religion. We have a strong reason that emanates from our day-to-day experiences, not from far-fetched or past experiences that if the ruling party is not challenged with a strong, well-coordinated and mutually respectful popular uprising; there is no any plausible ground not to expect the worst. I hope the better will prevail over the worst through a rational and well-coordinated leadership of genuinely concerned opposition political forces with rationally aggressive and timely participation of the people.
We witnessed when our current ruling elites tried hard to locate and dag the mass graves of the victims of the red terror not to honor the ultimate sacrifices they had paid, but for an extremely cynical and hypocritical political propaganda consumption. As a matter of fact, it is not an exaggeration at all to say that TPLF/EPRDF has used the remains of the victims of the red terror for its political propaganda while it has on the other hand kept torturing, killing and burring those innocent citizens for the simple reason they have tried to exercise their political freedom and basic human rights. The case of what happened during the 2005 election is a fresh and horrible memory. Will this repeat itself next year? I hope it will not!
We have witnessed and continue to witness the erection of statues, building memorial halls, and naming roads and schools after those members of the former rebel force and the current ruling party who have sacrificed their lives in the name of the struggle for freedom and justice. Unfortunately enough, the reality on the ground for the last two decades has shown us quite the contrary. I strongly argue that the horrible history of glorifying a brother or sister who kills/ killed his or her brother or sister for the benefit of very few tyrannical ruling elites on the one hand, and condemning the brother or sister who was/is killed for the simple reason he or she stands against those who grossly violate his or her fundamental rights has to come to its end. Yes, the political history and culture of erecting or building statues/memorial squares for brothers and sisters who kill each other as a political propaganda has to be dealt with seriously and honestly. How? By not allowing those few ruthlessly power- mongering ruling elites to continue their deadly political agenda.
I recently (4/16/14) watched the continuation of a very idiotic, irresponsible and deadly political propaganda on ETV. Although the political history of the inner circle of the ruling party is chronically characterized by senselessly irresponsible behavior and practice, “Akeldama” and “Jihadawi Harakat” were and are the most idiotic and dangerous political dramas of our time. The latest one (the orange revolution) was held by two journalists of ETV. By name: Tadesse as a moderator, Gebre-Michael as the producer of a documentary film on “Yeqelm Abyot” in Ukraine, and Yenebeb as “international affairs researcher.” It is not difficult at all to understand that the main objective of the “discussion” was to send a warning message to opposition political forces in particular and the public in general that TPLF/EPRDF will never tolerate a popular political movement like the one in Ukraine which forced the former pro-Russian corrupt president, Victor Yanukovych to step down and run away. Imagine how “our” ill-guided ruling elites are extremely frustrated and worried about losing their dirty political game. They had to instruct those self- disqualified “journalists” working for one of the deadly propaganda machines (ETV) to pull out a documentary from their junk file or borrow from the Russian Embassy in Addis and use it to make a scare propaganda aimed at the people of Ethiopia.
I really felt sad about those three people when they struggled hard to make sure that they could perform the very mission they have been assigned by the tyrannical ruling circle. I am well aware about our usual argument that those ETV and Radio employees (if it makes sense to call them journalists –in the real sense of the term) have to do any dirty job assigned by the ruling party in order to secure their daily livelihood. And that is exactly what the inner circle of TPLF/EPRDF and all its painfully parasitic cadres are doing. They never hesitate to make art and artists and even religious institutions parts and tools of the continuation of the miserably senseless and deadly political propaganda let alone ETV which is the main propaganda machine under their absolute control. What is an extremely difficult challenge we are facing is what and where is the bottom line to say no to a this kind of dehumanizing way of doing politics. The poor “producer” of the documentary tried to show himself as if he did a very fantastic job. He struggled to describe and discuss the various phases and timings of the Orange Revolution (before, during and after elections) and tried to show his bosses ( the top ruling party cadres) that “his documentary” accomplished its mission by making it “strongly” relevant to the very approaching elections in Ethiopia (next year). I felt deeply bad about the so-called international affairs expert (the poor Yenebeb) when he tried to educate us that development and democracy are internal matters of his bosses (providers of his daily beard and butter). I do not think the guy is that much stupid about the universality of democratic and human rights values? I do not think he has without an elementary knowledge about the question of who are the beneficiaries of “development “in a country of which its resources and economic sectors (investment, trade and business, etc.) are controlled by the ruling party and deadly parasitic cronyism. I hope all these very sad self-disqualifying and self-dehumanizing situation can become the story of the past by only and only get rid of the dirty and deadly political game.
Let me conclude my opinion with a powerfully challenging argument by Andualem Argage in his book I cited earlier. On page 107 of the concluding paragraph, he argues, “Selezeh bewunet, benetsanet enna befitih layi yetemeseretchn ager lelijochachin lemawuress zare eyye’tesereche yalewun yetsere-wondemamachinet merz mamiken khulum belayi qidimia lessettew yigebbal- (And therefore, in order to hand down a country that firmly established on truth, freedom and justice to our children; overcoming the ongoing dissemination of anti- brotherhood poison must be given the highest priority.” I want to remain optimistic that this very powerful message will be taken seriously by those opposition political forces which are trying to do the best they can in particular, and the all citizens in general.