Saturday 4 October 2014

አስገራሚው እና አሳፋሪው የ ፍ/ቤት ውሎ

ዛሬ ጀግኖች ልጆቻችን ካንጋሮው ፍ/ቤት የቀረቡበት ቀን ነው የአሁኑ ለየት እሚለው ገና ከ ጊዮርጊስ ጀምሮ የፌደራል እና የፖሊስ መአት ከተማዋን ወሮታል እንዴት ነው ዛሬ እያልን ወደ ፍ/ቤቱ ግቢ ገባን እስከዛሬ ፍተሻ አልነበረም ዛሬ አንድ ሰውን ለሁለት ሶስት ሆነው ነው እሚፈትሹት ከአስቸጋሪው ብርበራ በኋላ ወደውስጥ ዘለቅን ከወትሮው በርካታ ሰው ግቢውን ሞልቶታል ሰው ሰብሰብ ብሎ ጥላ ያለበት በታ ላይ ቆሞ ጀግኖቹን በጉጉት ይጠብቃል የማእከላዊው ምርመራ ክፍል ሃላፊ ኮማንደር ተክላይ ከደቀመዛሙርቱ ጋር ወደ ግቢ በመግባት የለመዱትን ሽብር መንዛት ጀመሩ ተሰብስበን ከቆምንበት ቦታ እንድንለቅ ተደረግን ፀሃዩ ላይ መሰጣት ግድ አለን ሁሌ እንደሚያደርጉት የማስጠንቀቂያውን ናዳ ያወርደው ጀመር ፎቶ እንዳታነሱ፣ እንዳታጨበጭቡ፣ አንዴ ከገቡ መውጣት የለም ፒሪሪም ፒሪሪም………..
ችሎቱ ተሰየመ የመንግስት ጋዜጠኞች መግባት እንደሚችሉ ተነገረ የETV ይቅርታ ይሄ ስም እኮ አፌ ላይ አልመጣ እያለኝ ተቸገርኩ የEBC ጋዜጠኞች ሊገቡ ተንደረደሩ በእውነት በጋዜጠኞቻችን ኮራሁ የተለያዩ ነፃ ጋዜጠኞች ተገኝተው ነበር( ከሸገር፣ኢትዮ ምህዳር፣ ነገረ ኢትዮጵያ፣ ፍኖተ ነፃነት ፣ የጀርመን ራዲዮ ድምፅ) እኛም ጋዜጠኞች ነን ለነሱ ከተፈቀደ እኛም እንገባለን ፍቃድ አለን ብለው ሲያስደስቱ ዘራፍ አሉ ከብዙ ንትርክ በኋላ ሁሉም አይገቡም ተባለ
8 ሰዓት የገባን እስከ 10 ሰዓት ማንም አልመጣም በባዶው እንዴ ወደ ቀኝ አንዴ ወደ ግራ ሲያንገላቱን ቆዩ::
10 ሰዓት ላይ የአንድነት ፓርቲ ህዝብ ግንኙነት አቶ ሃብታሙ አያሌው እና ድርጅት ጉዳይ ምክትል ሃላፊው አቶ ዳንኤል ሺበሺ ቀረቡ 11 አካባቢ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ምክትል አፈ ጉባኤ አቶ የሺዋስ አሰፋ እና የ አረና ፓሪቲ ምክትል ህዝብ ግንኙነት አቶ አብርሃ ደስታ የቀረቡ ሲሆን እጃቸውን አንስተው ሰላም እንዳይሉን እጃቸው በፌደራል ፖሊሶች ተይዞ ነበር፡፡ ይህ ችሎት ለመጀመርያ ጊዜ ካለ ጠበቃ ብቻቸውን ነው የቀረቡት ችሎቱ 11፡30 አካባቢ ያለቀ ሲሆን እስረኞቹ ከአካባቢው እስኪርቁ ድረስ የፍ/ቤቱ በር ተዘግቶ ምንም እንዳይወጣ ተደርጓል፡፡ የተባሉትን ለመስማት ወደ ችሎቱ ስንጠጋ ክልክል ነው ወደዛ መጠጋት እያሉ ደነፉብን በዚህም ምክንያት ትክክለኛውን የጊዜ ቀጠሮ ማወቅ አልቻልንም ኮማንደር ተክላይ ጥቅምት 20 ሲል ፖሊሶች ደግሞ ጥቅምት 22 ነው ሲሉ ነገሩን ምንኛቸው ይሆኑ ትክክል?
በዛሬው እለት የታዘብኩት ችሎቱን ለመከታተል የተገኙት የፓርቲ አባላት፣ የእስረኞቹ ቤተሰቦች፣ ጋዜጠኞች፣ እንዲሁም ጥቂት ደጋፊዎች እና ብዙ ሰላዮች ናቸው የተገኙት ፌስ ቡክ ላይ አብርሃ ደስታ ይፈታ እከሌ ይፈታ እምትሉ ሁላ ቢያንስ ፍ/ቤት ተገኝቶ ድጋፍን መግለፅ እንዴት ይከብዳችኋል? የፌስቡክ ብቻ ጀግና አንሁን እንጂ ጎበዝ
በነገው እለት በዚሁ ፍ/ቤት የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የ40 ምንጭ አመራሮች ከቀኑ 8 ሰዓት ስለሚቀርቡ ተገኝተን ድጋፋችንን እንግለፅላቸው!!!!1

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Lawlessness at Washington EPRDF Embassy

by Robele Ababya
The patriotic young peaceful protesters occupied the Embassy compound in Washington on 29/09/2014. Their epic act of courage is signified by the historic fact that they lowered the provocative TPLF flag and hoisted the true centuries old, deeply revered, tri-color Ethiopian Flag – GREEN, YELLOW, and RED – symbolizing development, faith in God, and sacrifice for freedom in that order.tplf-gunman-deported
Ethiopians vehemently hate the pentagram emblem displayed on the YELLOW strip of the TPLF flag intended to fool Nations and Nationalities. The satanic pentagram was a symbol used by pagans to worship devils in the era before the advent of Christianity. This heroic deed must have surely infuriated the rude diplomats in the Woyane Embassy in Washington.
The Ambassador attributed the heroic demonstration held on 29/09/2014 by young Ethiopians on the Embassy grounds to jealousy because President Obama received Prime Minister and heaped praise on him for the performance of his government. But jealousy was not the case at all! The Ambassador saw opportunity for covering up the naked recent massacre of Ethiopians in the Ogaden and Gambella regions of Ethiopia – a gruesome act of genocide condemned by the international community including the United Nations and HRW.
The envoy of the brutal ruling regime to Washington is one of the top ranking politbureau members of OPDO supposedly representing the great Oromo people in the EPRDF coalition. But Oromos lawfully demanding for their constitutional rights suffer under the rule of the regime; they are victims of harsh life in exile, imprisonment in large numbers, torture, evictions from their ancestral lands. The Ambassador is desperately trying to cover up the detention of a number of journalists, bloggers and activists who have faced fabricated terrorism charges. At this juncture one would like to remind him the famous words “እስር ቤቱ ኦሮሚፋ ይናገራል” (the prison speaks Afan Oromo) coined by the former defense minister of TPLF, Mr. Seye Abraha, who had shared the infamous filthy dungeon at Kaliti by the regime on the outskirt of Addis Ababa overwhelmingly packed by Oromo prisoners of conscience. The Ethiopian patriotic young peaceful protesters
In case the Ambassador has forgotten the treasonous and gruesome legacy of tyrant Meles Zenawi, here below is a mirror from my files for him to look into it:-:
“Sellout of Ethiopia’s vital national interests such as active support for the separation of Eritrea, a land-locked country paying US$ one billion dollars to tiny Djibouti’s sea-port annually, grisly heinous crimes including genocide, victims of torture, incarceration of peaceful protesters en masse; extra judiciary execution of peaceful protesters, the wailing of mothers, the agony of bereaved families, filthy jails in which hundreds of political prisoners are cruelly kept, toiling peasants in serfdom, interethnic hatred, daylight robbery of votes, pervasive corrupt practices, culture of pathological lies, demised free media, government monopoly of all pillars of democracy, blocked freedom of expression, poor educational standard, forbidden academic freedom in tertiary institutions, fertile farmland ceded to the Sudan; leasing large chunks of fertile farmlands to unscrupulous foreign investors at tiny price; massive unemployment largely affecting the youth; demoralized youth addicted to psycho-thermal drugs; abject poverty; embezzlement of national treasure and diverting donor fund; rampant breach of the constitution; regional instability et al.”
The USA is one place of last hope in the troubled global village of the 21st century for the defense of supreme rule of law and preservation of fundamental values. This is true regardless of the bitterness of Ethiopians towards the present Obama Administration for its silence in the face of rampant violations of human rights well known to and recorded by its Department of State.
Pentagram emblem display on Ethiopian flag
Ethiopians vehemently hate the pentagram emblem displayed on the YELLOW strip of the TPLF flag intended to fool Nations and Nationalities.
The shockingly shameful lawlessness demonstrated by the TPLF cadres including the Ambassador tarnished the image of civilized Ethiopia. The rude act of lawlessness took place in Washington – the land of the free and brave coveted for its sacred basic values that are enshrined in the preamble to the Constitution of the U.S.A. These values are common to the human race in terms of the immortal words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The expulsion order of the lawless diplomat is unprecedented in the history of Ethiopia!!!

Friendship Accord between CPC & EPRDF Party

The old adage “Birds of the same feather flock together” comes glaringly to light focusing on the perplexing objective of the Accord signed between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the EPRDF Party. I would like to leave to learned lawyers to determine whether it is legal for political parties of sovereign to sign friendship agreements.
At this time of writing a massive peaceful protest demanding “Full Democracy” is going on in Hong Kong virtually bring activities to a halt in parts of the city. CPC is saying No! Protestors refuse to disband – demanding instead the resignation of the pro-Beijing Executive Council.
In Ethiopia democracy is on its deathbed; the EPRDFP, which dominates 99.6% of parliamentary seats as a result of fake election, is hell-bent on controlling all pillars of democracy and create a one-party state in Ethiopia by the power of the gun.
So, the two friends tied by the Accord are resolutely determined to defend their one-party state.
The Obama Administration has strategic interest in Africa. Ethiopia is a pivotal location for that interest. So President Obama should check CPC’s hegemony in Africa by treating Ethiopia as a genuinely equal ally. This requires fostering democracy in Ethiopia and embracing long-term interest of the U.S.A. by withholding direct budgetary support to the brutal EPRDF regime.
President Obama heaped praise on the fighting ability of Woyane soldiers in much the same way as the US Administration did during the Korean War on the Ethiopian Kagnew Battalion that showed its fighting prowess. Our ability to fight for freedom and dignity is entirely a sacred legacy of our forebears who repulsed successive foreign aggressors with militia forces fighting in the battle arena against far superior armies of the enemies in all aspects of materiel. He also praised the peace keeping operations of the TPLF soldiers. The bad news is that, according to Information and Broadcasting Minister Michael Makuei Lueth, South Sudan has refused to hold peace talks in Addis Ababa demanding that Kenya should be the venue for the talks. He complained that the officials in Addis Ababa are biased. So, the praise disappeared into the thin air in no time. TPLF warlords are not trustworthy, for as the saying goes, they fish in troubled waters.

Religious wars & civil strife

Religious wars in the world have so far claimed tens of millions of lives not to mention the millions of refugees caused by the wars and incalculable cost of properties damaged or wasted. Unfortunately The TPLF regime is thriving on perpetrating sectarian policy.
ሃይማኖት የእግዚአብሔር ነው፤ ሀገር የጋራ ነው (Religion is of God; country is common to all) is a famous quote attributed to Emperor Haile Selassie 1st of Ethiopia. These are enabling powerful words of wisdom for living together in peace and harmony. Young Ethiopians revolutionaries should always bear in mind and respect the fact that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam lived in Ethiopia for centuries in relative harmony.
God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. He does not need the protection of His creatures like me. Therefore, no individual or groups of individuals should wage wars of hate on others in the name of defending the honor of God the Almighty; for He has clearly stated in the Holy Bible that all manners of sins are forgivable except blasphemy against Him. He alone shall punish the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
God is the Greatest Democrat in the universe that has given freedom of choice to all mankind. It is up to us to make the right choice – either by choosing a path of destructive hate or one of loving one another as decreed by Jesus (Romans 13: 8 – 10).
The Obama Administration should stop its ally from dividing Ethiopians along ethnic and religious lines. The divisive policy of the EPRDF is very dangerous given the sensitive location of Ethiopia.
• I applaud the “Joint Statement by the three political parties – UDJ, Semayawi, and Arena
• Wars and civil strife in the name of religion must be condemned!
• All Ethiopians are for all-round development of their country; the brutal EPRDF regime must be forced to accept that universal human rights and economic development are inseparable.
• It is my ardent hope and fervent prayer that all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia including:- Andualem Aragie, Eskinder Nega, Andargachew Tsige, Abraha Desta, Bekele Gerba, Reeyot Alemu, Haptamu Ayalew Daniel Shibeshi, Yeshiwas Assefa, Leaders of the Ethiopian Muslims, the 9 bloggers and 3 Journalists, et al are released immediately and unconditionally!

የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ አመራሮች 28 ቀን ተቀጠረባቸው • በሽብርተኝነት ተጠርጥረው የተያዙ ሌሎች 10 ያህል ዜጎችም ቀርበዋል

ነገረ ኢትዮጵያ) በሽብርተኝነት ተከሰው ማዕከላዊ የሚገኙት የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የጋሞጎፋ ዞን አመራሮች ዛሬ መስከረም 23/2007 ዓ.ም ከሰዓት በኋላ 8፡00 አራዳ ችሎት ቀርበው 28 ቀን ተቀጠረባቸው፡፡ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የጋሞጎፋ ዞን ምክትል ሊቀመንበር አቶ ፍቃዱ አበበ እንዲሁም የዞኑ የድርጅት ጉዳይ ኃላፊ ኢንጅነር ጌታሁን አርባምንጭ ውስጥ ወር ከ15 ቀን ያህል ታስረው የነበር ሲሆን ወደ ማዕከላዊ ከተዛወሩ 24 ቀናት በላይ እንደሆናቸው ታውቋል፡፡ አመራሮቹ ጥቅምት 21 ከሰዓት ይቀርባሉ ተብሎ ይጠበቃል፡፡
semayawi party
ታሳዎቹ በቤተሰብ፣ በኃይማኖት አባትና በጠበቃ እንዳይጎበኙ የተከለከሉ ሲሆን ለመጎብኘት ፈቃድ አግኝተው የነበሩትም እንደገና እንደተገለከሉ ተገልጾአል፡፡ ለአብነትም የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የጋሞጎፋ ዞን ምክትል ሊቀመንበር አቶ ፍቃዱ አበበ አባት ከሳምንት በፊት ልጃቸውን እንዲጠይቁ ተፈቅዶላቸው ቢጠይቁም ከሳምንት በኋላ ዳግመኛ ለመጠየቅ በሄዱበት ወቅት ‹‹ከሳምንት በፊት ጠይቀሃል፡፡ ይበቃሃል!›› ተብለው መመለሳቸውን የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የህግ ጉዳይ ኃላፊ አቶ ይድነቃቸው ከበደ ለነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ተገልጾአል፡፡
ከዚህ በተጨማሪም በዛሬው ችሎት ቤተሰብ፣ የኃይማኖት አባት፣ ጠበቃና ሌሎችም ዜጎች እንዳይገቡ የተከለከሉ ሲሆን የህግ ጉዳይ ኃላፊው ድርጊቱ በታሳሪዎቹ ላይ እየጠፈጸመ ያለውን ህገ ወጥነት ያሳያል ብለዋል፡፡ ኃላፊው ጨምረውም ‹‹ችሎት በዝግ የሚታየው ታሳሪዎቹ ላይ ችግር ይደርሳል ተብሎ ሲታሰብ ነው፡፡ በአሁኑ ሁኔታ በችሎት ሊገባ የሚችለው ህዝብ በታሳሪዎቹ ላይ ችግር እንዳይደርስባቸው መንግስትን የሚጠይቅ እንጅ ችግር ሊያደርስ የሚችል አይደለም፡፡ ያም ሆኖ ግን ታሳሪዎቹ ይህ ነው ተብሎ ባልተነገረ ምክንያት ጉዳያቸው በዝግ ችሎት እንዲታይ ተደርጓል፡፡ ይህ ህገ ወጥነት ነው፡፡›› ሲሉ ሁኔታውን ለነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ገልጸዋል፡፡
በሌላ በኩል አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ በሽብርተኝነት ተጠርጥረው የተያዙና ለ4ኛ ጊዜ 28 ቀን ቀጠሮ ተሰጥቶባቸው ከሰማያዊ ፓርቲ አመራሮች ጋር ችሎት የቀረቡ 10 ያህል ግለሰቦች መኖራቸውን የነገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምንጮች ገልጸዋል፡፡ ይሁንና የታሳሪዎቹ ቤተሰቦች አለብን ባሉት ስጋት ስለ ታሳዎቹ አያያዝና ሌሎች ጉዳዮች መረጃ ለመስጠት ፈቃደኛ ባለመሆናቸው ነገረ ኢትዮጵያ በጉዳዩ ላይ ዝርዝር መረጃ ማቅረብ አልቻለችም፡፡
ባለፈው ሳምንት ወደማዕከላዊ እየታፈኑ የሚወሰዱት ዜጎች ቁጥር መበራከቱንና 12 ያህል ዜጎች ከኦሮሚያ ታፍነው በማዕከላዊ እንደሚገኙ ከእነ ስም ዝርዝራቸው ማቅረባችን ይታወሳል፡፡

Lawlessness at Washington EPRDF Embassy By Robele Ababya

The patriotic young peaceful protesters occupied the Embassy compound in Washington on 29/09/2014. Their epic act of courage  is  signified by the historic fact that they lowered the provocative TPLF flag and hoisted the true centuries old, deeply revered, tri-color Ethiopian Flag – GREEN, YELLOW, and RED – symbolizing development, faith in God, and sacrifice for freedom in that order.
Ethiopians vehemently hate the pentagram emblem displayed on the YELLOW strip of the TPLF flag intended to fool Nations and Nationalities. The satanic pentagram was a symbol used by pagans to worship devils in the era before the advent of Christianity. This heroic deed must have surely infuriated the rude diplomats in the Woyane Embassy in Washington.
The Ambassador attributed the heroic demonstration held on 29/09/2014 by young Ethiopians on the Embassy grounds to jealousy because President Obama received Prime Minister and heaped praise on him for the performance of his government. But jealousy was not the case at all! The Ambassador saw opportunity for covering up the naked recent massacre of Ethiopians in the Ogaden and Gambella regions of Ethiopia – a gruesome act of genocide condemned by the international community including the United Nations and HRW.
The envoy of the brutal ruling regime to Washington is one of the top ranking politbureau members of OPDO supposedly representing the great Oromo people in the EPRDF coalition. But Oromos lawfully demanding for their constitutional rights suffer under the rule of the regime; they are victims of harsh life in exile, imprisonment in large numbers, torture, evictions from their ancestral lands. The Ambassador is desperately trying to cover up the detention of a number of journalists, bloggers and activists who have faced fabricated terrorism charges. At this juncture one would like to remind him the famous words “እስር ቤቱ ኦሮሚፋ ይናገራል” (the prison speaks Afan Oromo) coined by the former defense minister of TPLF, Mr. Seye Abraha, who had shared the infamous filthy dungeon at Kaliti by the regime on the outskirt of Addis Ababa overwhelmingly packed by Oromo prisoners of conscience.
In case the Ambassador has forgotten the treasonous and gruesome legacy of tyrant Meles Zenawi, here below is a mirror from my files for him to look into it:-:
“Sellout of Ethiopia’s vital national interests such as active support for the separation of Eritrea, a land-locked country paying US$ one billion dollars to tiny Djibouti’s sea-port annually, grisly heinous crimes including genocide, victims of torture, incarceration of peaceful protesters en masse; extra judiciary execution of peaceful protesters, the wailing of mothers, the agony of bereaved families, filthy jails in which hundreds of political prisoners are cruelly kept, toiling peasants in serfdom, interethnic hatred, daylight robbery of votes, pervasive corrupt practices, culture of pathological lies, demised free media, government monopoly of all pillars of democracy, blocked freedom of expression, poor educational standard, forbidden academic freedom in tertiary institutions, fertile farmland ceded to the Sudan; leasing large chunks of fertile farmlands to unscrupulous foreign investors at tiny price; massive unemployment largely affecting the youth; demoralized youth addicted to psycho-thermal drugs; abject poverty; embezzlement of national treasure and diverting donor fund;  rampant breach of the constitution; regional instability et al.”

The USA is one place of last hope in the troubled global village of the 21stcentury for the defense of supreme rule of law and preservation of fundamental values. This is true regardless of the bitterness of Ethiopians towards the present Obama Administration for its silence in the face of rampant violations of human rights well known to and recorded by its Department of State.
The shockingly shameful lawlessness demonstrated by the TPLF cadres including the Ambassador tarnished the image of civilized Ethiopia. The rude act of lawlessness took place in Washington – the land of the free and brave coveted for its sacred basic values that are enshrined in the preamble to the Constitution of the U.S.A. These values are common to the human race in terms of the immortal words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The expulsion order of the lawless diplomat is unprecedented in the history of Ethiopia!!!  
Friendship Accord between CPC & EPRDF Party
The old adage “Birds of the same feather flock together” comes glaringly to light focusing on the perplexing objective of the Accord signed between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the EPRDF Party. I would like to leave to learned lawyers to determine whether it is legal for political parties of sovereign to sign friendship agreements.
At this time of writing a massive peaceful protest demanding “Full Democracy” is going on in Hong Kong virtually bring activities to a halt in parts of the city. CPC is saying No! Protestors refuse to disband –   demanding instead the resignation of the pro-Beijing Executive Council.
In Ethiopia democracy is on its deathbed; the EPRDFP, which dominates 99.6% of parliamentary seats as a result of fake election, is hell-bent on controlling all pillars of democracy and create a one-party state in Ethiopia by the power of the gun.
So, the two friends tied by the Accord are resolutely determined to defend their one-party state.
The Obama Administration has strategic interest in Africa. Ethiopia is a pivotal location for that interest. So President Obama should check CPC’s hegemony in Africa by treating Ethiopia as a genuinely equal ally. This requires fostering democracy in Ethiopia and embracing long-term interest of the U.S.A. by withholding direct budgetary support to the brutal EPRDF regime.
President Obama heaped praise on the fighting ability of Woyane soldiers in much the same way as the US Administration did during the Korean War on the Ethiopian Kagnew Battalion that showed its fighting prowess. Our ability to fight for freedom and dignity is entirely a sacred legacy of our forebears who repulsed successive foreign aggressors with militia forces fighting in the battle arena against far superior armies of the enemies in all aspects of materiel. He also praised the peace keeping operations of the TPLF soldiers. The bad news is that, according to Information and Broadcasting Minister Michael Makuei Lueth, South Sudan has refused to hold peace talks in Addis Ababa demanding that Kenya should be the venue for the talks. He complained that the officials in Addis Ababa are biased.  So, the praise disappeared into the thin air in no time. TPLF warlords are not trustworthy, for as the saying goes, they fish in troubled waters.
Religious wars & civil strife
Religious wars in the world have so far claimed tens of millions of lives not to mention the millions of refugees caused by the wars and incalculable cost of properties damaged or wasted. Unfortunately The TPLF regime is thriving on perpetrating sectarian policy.
ሃይማኖት የእግዚአብሔር ነው፤ ሀገር የጋራ ነው (Religion is of God; country is common to all) is a famous quote attributed to Emperor Haile Selassie 1st of Ethiopia. These are enabling powerful words of wisdom for living together in peace and harmony. Young Ethiopians revolutionaries should always bear in mind and respect the fact that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam lived in Ethiopia for centuries in relative harmony.
God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. He does not need the protection of His creatures like me. Therefore, no individual or groups of individuals should wage wars of hate on others in the name of defending the honor of God the Almighty; for He has clearly stated in the Holy Bible that all manners of sins are forgivable except blasphemy against Him. He alone shall punish the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. God is the Greatest Democrat in the universe that has given freedom of choice to all mankind. It is up to us to make the right choice – either by choosing a path of destructive hate or one of loving one another as decreed by Jesus (Romans 13: 8 – 10).
The Obama Administration should stop its ally from dividing Ethiopians along ethnic and religious lines. The divisive policy of the EPRDF is very dangerous given the sensitive location of Ethiopia.
  • I applaud the “Joint Statement  by the three political parties – UDJ,  Semayawi, and Arena
  • Wars and civil strife in the name of religion must be condemned!
  • All Ethiopians are for all-round development of their country; the brutal EPRDF regime must be forced to accept that universal human rights and economic development are inseparable.
  • It is my ardent hope and fervent prayer that all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia including:- Andualem Aragie, Eskinder Nega, Andargachew Tsige, Abraha Desta,  Bekele Gerba, Reeyot Alemu, Haptamu Ayalew Daniel Shibeshi, Yeshiwas Assefa, Leaders of the Ethiopian Muslims, the 9 bloggers and 3 Journalists, et al are released immediately and unconditionally!

Friday 3 October 2014

Government using taxpayer’s money to train Ethiopia’s security forces while British man is held there on death row

Exclusive from independent: The 59-year-old sought asylum in Britain in 1979 after being threatened by Ethiopian authorities over his political beliefs
The 59-year-old sought asylum in Britain in 1979 after being threatened by Ethiopian authorities over his political beliefs. He has since been an outspoken critic of the country’s government and was sentenced to death in absentia in 2009 following a mass trial – a punishment which his family fear may now be carried out.
According the legal charity Reprieve, which has taken up Mr Tsege’s case, torture is common in Ethiopian prisons at the hands of security staff, who have been known to employ methods such as electrocution, beatings with rifle butts and the tying of bottles of water to men’s testicles.
In 2012, the UK Government agreed to spend £2 million over five years to fund a series of master’s degrees in “Security Sector Management” for 75 Ethiopian officials. In supporting documents, the Department for International Development (DfID) said the country’s police and defence forces were “considered amongst the best in the region in terms of effectiveness and with regards to human rights”.
The 59-year-old sought asylum in Britain in 1979 after being threatened by Ethiopian authorities over his political beliefsThe 59-year-old sought asylum in Britain in 1979 after being threatened by Ethiopian authorities over his political beliefs (Reprieve)
In a letter to International Development Secretary Justine Greening, seen byThe Independent, Reprieve’s legal director Tineke Harris said it was “extremely worrying that UK taxpayers’ money appears to be supporting Andy’s ill-treatment at the hands of Ethiopian officials”. INSERT: Reprieve wrote to Ms Greening that “torture is common in Ethiopian prisons at the hands of security staff, who have been known to employ methods such as electrocution, beatings with rifle butts and the tying of bottles of water to men’s testicles”, INSERT: Ms Greening replied in a letter highlighting “the part of the DFID programme working to improve the accountability of Ethiopia’s security and justice services” and stating that “a key focus is human rights”.
In her reply, Ms Greening said  that Mr Tsege’s welfare was of “great concern” to the Government, adding that DfID’s work was “carefully designed and robustly monitored”. But his partner of nine years, Yemi Hailemariam, said she had “serious problems” with the Government INSERT: indirectly funding the training of Ethiopian security forces.
“In principle, the idea of teaching them to be accountable is a very good thing – but in practice, if they are not doing that, then what are you funding? Something, somewhere is wrong,” she said.
Reprieve wrote to International Development Secretary Justine Greening, telling her that it was extremely worrying that UK taxpayers’ money appears to be supporting Andy’s ill-treatmentReprieve wrote to International Development Secretary Justine Greening, telling her that it was extremely worrying that UK taxpayers’ money appears to be supporting Andy’s ill-treatment (Getty Images)
Maya Foa, strategic director of Reprieve’s death penalty team, said: “British taxpayers will be shocked to learn that they have been funding training for the very same Ethiopian security officials who are likely to be responsible for the unlawful kidnap and incommunicado detention of an innocent British citizen.
“Andy Tsege has now spent over three months in secret detention, subject to probable torture, and without access to a lawyer, his family or proper consular assistance. On top of that, he is under sentence of death. His family in London is desperately worried. , the Government should be doing all it can to ensure Andy is returned home without delay.”
Mr Tsege’s family have not seen or heard from him since he was detained in Yemen, while the British Ambassador to Ethiopia has been allowed to visited him only once in prison, on 11 August. Mr Tsege was recently paraded on the country’s state television appearing thin and exhausted, when he was said to have “confessed” to various charges.
A spokesperson for the Foreign Office said: “The British Embassy in Ethiopia remains in contact with the Ethiopian authorities about regular consular access to Mr Tsege in the future so that we are able to continue to monitor his welfare. We also continue to press for reassurances that the death sentence previously imposed on him in absentia will not be carried out.”
The Independent  INSERT: The description of the Ethiopian master’s courses – and the supporting documents – no longer appears on the DfID’s website.
DfID said INSERT: to the Independent, when asked to comment on the content of Reprieve’s letter to the Secretary of State for International Development, that while it was funding the courses, the money did not go directly to the police. “Not a penny of our funding goes to Ethiopia’s police or security sector,” a spokesperson said. “We work with independent agencies like UNICEF to make the security and justice sector fairer and more accountable, for instance helping women and girls get better access to justice.”

South Sudan government demanded the removal of Seyoum Mesfin

October 3, 2014

South Sudan Government : Seyoum Mesfin undesirable to us, we request a new envoy

Juba ( Agencies + DIPLOMAT.SO) – The South Sudan government demanded the removal of Ethiopian chief mediator Seyoum Mesfin after accusing him of pursuing “regime change” at the behest of the Troika members of the US, UK and Norway.South Sudan Government : Seyoum Mesfin undesirable to us, we request a new envoy
Government spokesman Micheal Makuei Lueth told BBC’s Focus on Africa program on Tuesday that the former Ethiopian foreign minister was so weak and for “being influenced that easily by others” naming the Troika members.
He further accused the Troika member states of trying to force “regime change” and being “responsible for the beginning of the crisis” in South Sudan.
Micheal Makuei Lueth also demands the relocation of the venue for the talks, that currently taking place in Ethiopia, to Kenya.
Lueth said, “We are appealing to the region and especially the Kenyan government. Kenya is the centre for everything here in the region. This is where our message should be carried from.”
“The problem of South Sudan should not be used for serving others interests. Those who want to over throw the Government of South Sudan should seek other avenues but not through the mediation.”
Such developments have a devastating effect on the nine months old, bad-tempered negotiations that have yet to produce a firm ceasefire, let alone a political deal to end the conflict.
The rebels, however, are against the idea of moving the peace talks from Ethiopia. They said such move would only cause unnecessary delays to negotiations and only prolong the suffering of the people of South Sudan.
“Since January, the South Sudanese government has continuously been undermining the peace process in Ethiopia, and this is just the latest delaying tactic in a strategy to ensure the failure of the peace process”, a statement issued by the rebels state.
On seizing the occasion, the rebels expressed their full confidence in the IGAD-led peace process in Ethiopia and in the leadership of the current chief negotiator, Seyoum Mesfin.
The rebel groups led by former Vice-President Riek Machar, however, refused last month to sign a detailed protocol mapping a way out of the conflict that even offered to create the position of prime minister for an opposition nominee.
The protagonists have warned of all-out war if the talks flounder, fanning concern that while the politicians declare their commitment to making peace, commanders on both sides are preparing new military campaigns.
Fighting in South Sudan erupted after President Salva Kirr accused Riek Machar of a coup. The violence has left thousands dead and more than a million displaced.

Fake Medias running scared with their pants down to save Woyane

October 3, 2014
by Teshome Debalke
Things aren’t groovy for fake Medias run by Woyane operatives. Like everything fake that embarrass you when you least expect it they are falling apart like a wig falls from the head of a women that attracted too much attention in an event.
This time a fake Media run by a person named ‘Mesfin from TG TV Media Company’; as he introduced himself on the US Department of State’s daily press briefing on September 30th. The embarrassing fake journalist not that introduced himself as ‘Mefin for TG TV, a media company’ he kept talking like street cadre than asking a question as real journalist. It was obvious he came prepared to undermine the Ethiopians that confronted the TPLF run Ethiopian Embassy’s stuff and defend the out of control TPLF assassin — shooting all over the place like a cowboy on the loss. He even went on blubbering about voting for Obama and praising America “as the greatest democracy in the world” on behalf of the most notorious and corrupt tyrannical ethnic regime of Africa.Mesfin Bezu of TG TV
It was not clear the man was pleading with the State Department to forgive the cadre in a shooting spree or he himself is an agent asking for protection for himself. Amazed by his rowdy behavior, the Press Secretory kept telling him the incident is under investigation by the Secret Service and to wait until they complete the probe. As a typical cadre that is used to jail and kill on the spot he couldn’t wait until the US government turn Woyane and arrest and torment people at will. Once again he interpreted her and claimed to talk to the Secret Service and they didn’t arrest anyone –wishing they arrest the victims than the felon as Woyane does in Ethiopia every day. Other journalists that couldn’t wait until he shut his mouth to ask important questions than what happened to a tug who couldn’t tell Washington from Mekele finally interrupted him to ask question. He went on and on making a jackass out of himself relating the Embassy shooting with the speech Obama gave praising the Woyane regime to the amusement of the Press Secretory.
Record shows the fake Media man is identified as Mesfin Bezu, TG Radio & Television, according to My MC Media. Apparently, the drifter posed as a Media mogul doesn’t have other job according to his LinkedIn profile but using free public access channel provided by the Montgomery Maryland community. My MC Media, a nonprofit organization that runs the service, for the residence of the County. The purpose of the free platform was to foster free exchange in the community it serves. Accordingly, My Montgomery Medea “accepts almost all programming so long as it is noncommercial, legal content and does not solicit”.
In addition, one of the requirement to use the free access is; “contributor agrees not to use any portion of for uploading, posting, emailing, transmitting or otherwise making available content that is harmful to minors in any way, harassing, harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, libelous, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.”
But, the fake TG TV Media mogul not only violets everything in the book but he is in search of other free community Media platform anywhere he can find them to push rubbish in the community. According to his bizarre website that refers him as Executive Producer of TG TV. He is also using Arlington Country free community platform as well as several counties in the surrounding area violating the residency requirement.
But wait, it gets better, the TG TV Media man not only have a funny looking website TG Television promoting the Woyane run ETV and the program he produce on My MC Media platform, but he paste hilarious slogans;
ኢትዮጵያ ሀገራችን በሰላም ለዘላለም ትኑርልን!
እውነትን እንጂ ውሸትን በፍጹም አናስተናግድም!
TG Television never broadcasts lies!
With that kind of slogan TG TV mogul should be honest enough to tell Ethiopians he is a video clipping TPLF cadre using free public Media access to confuse unsuspecting Ethiopians. That kind of honesty would have earned him some respect for honesty than acting like a real Media mogul and sounding more patriotic Ethiopian than the real Ethiopians.
That is not all; the man also run a Video production business too, according to his website it says ‘”As seen on TV, we have been producing broadcast quality videos since 2009. As the quality of the video is more important than lots of effects, we will also produce broadcast quality videos for your personal and business events. (Wedding, engagement, court related deposition, training videos…etc.). You will definitely love our low prices. Please call us for all your video production need at (703) 688-2398”, again violating My MC Media rule not to use the free public access platform for commercial purpose.
For whatever reason the fake Media mogul that uses the free community access Media’s platform plastered the king of Ethiopian music Telahun Gesesse all over his website along many Ethiopian artists it is clear. But, using them to push Woyane propaganda is another twist in the saga of fake Medias. But, like everything Woyane does; using popular Ethiopians until it gets what it wants is not new.
Somebody need to contact all the counties public access Media (listed below) and inform them the scum artist is using free public access Media for other than what it is intended and put him out of his misery.
Virginia-Cox Cable Channel 30 (Falls Church, Fairfax County)
Virginia-Verizon FiOS TV Channel 30 (Falls Church, Fairfax County, Loudon County, Leesburg, Prince William County, Stafford County, Fredericksburg)
Virginia-Arlington Comcast Cable Channel 69
Virginia-Arlington Verizon FiOS TV Channel 38
Maryland Montgomery County
Comcast, Verizon & RCN Cables channel 21
Washington DC (DC TV)
Comcast channel 95, Verizon & RCN cables channel 10.
In another development, fake Medias are nowhere to be found to cover the shooting spree of a TPLF cadre plastered all over the world’s Medias. The most telling is Awramba Times that have a habit of chasing Woyane’s officials for interview. He is nowhere to be found asking the official respond of the Ministry of Foreign Affair or the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington. The “we value impartiality” slogan pushing Awramba times that snatched 36,000 US dollars from the National Endowment for Democracy on the bases of;
“To contribute to long-term democratic changes in Ethiopia, Awramba Times will produce, translate, and disseminate news and analysis on good governance, human rights, rule of law, and the importance of strong institutions on its website. The online publication will provide an alternative to the state dominated media in Ethiopia through in-depth and critical analysis”
Interestingly, the one man Media that supposedly ‘disseminate news and analyses on good governance, human right, rule of law…’ uses the 36k grant it snatched to make sure there will be no good governance, rule of law or institutions free of TPLF cadres. It appears Dawit Kebdes’ long tour from independent journalist to prosecuted tourist/refugee by the notorious regime back ‘to contribute to long-term democratic change in Ethiopia’ under the same regime was the work of Woyane financed by non-other than the tax payers of America as everything else. It is how Woyane operatives have been playing Ethiopians for far too long. By the way, what happen to the Woyane’s Charities and Societies Proclamation that prohibits foreign funding of Media and Civil society? I guess it doesn’t apply to “we value impartiality” Medias that promote democracy in the long run, mind you not in the short run. After all it takes a long time for Africans to find the ballet box to vote out Woyane for a government of their choice. Better yet, they have to eat three times a day to think straight to figure out the right candidates.
Let’s see the slogan of some of our esteemed fake Medias’ use to promote good governance and democracy. ‘We report you judge’ ‘Unity in diversity’ ‘Committed to make a difference’ ነፃ ፕሬስ ነፃ ሀሳብ ነፃ መንፈስ it goes on and on.
It seems the lie factories packaging is falling apart on the weight of their own lies. As the slogan of TG TV ‘እውነትን እንጂ ውሸትን በፍጹም አናስተናግድም!’told by the Executive Director Mesfin Bezu. It summed up what the fake Medias are going through to unpack 23 years of lies and make sense out of it all.
It appears Woyane operatives’ fake Medias came up with a new strategy of overwhelming us with growth and transformation, entertainment and bashing the oppositions relentlessly. I don’t blame them, what else can they do to cover up the truth coming from all directions faster than they can run with their pants down?
Quite frankly my people, fake Medias must be confronted as much as the TPLF cadre that shoot first and ask question later in the Embassy that supposed to serve our people than Woyane cronies. After all shooting lies is as much damaging as a bullet if not more. If Woyane apologists couldn’t understand that reality by now they deserve what is coming to them.
If I were a Woyane, thank God I am not; I will run faster than the truth to save my behind or surrender to the truth. That, my friends is the honest truth you can take to the bank.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Honoring Ms. Ana Gomes!

October 2, 2014
by Geletaw Zeleke
Today I take up my pen to write and honor one world leader whom I am convinced must be a representative of God for her sheer determination and commitment to justice and democracy for oppressed people on this planet. I first came to hear of Honorable Ana Gomes during the 5th month of 2005 in Addis Ababa City where I was living at the time. During that time the general atmosphere in Addis Ababa had totally changed before the days leading up to the May 15th National Election. I don’t know who promised them that the election would be free and fair but spirits were very high. People around the University, at the office, outside on the street and in the coffee shops were all talking about the impending national election. All seemed very hopeful that for the first time in their history they were going to be able to choose their own leaders. People everywhere I met talked about the election and held up two fingers to show support for CUD the opposition party. It was around that time that we learned the EU parliament had sent an election observation commission led by Ana Gomes and also we heard that Jimmy Carter Center’s election observation team came to Ethiopia. Ana’s face appeared for the first time in Medias where she was encouraging free and fair elections on the eve of the 2005 Election. It was great having Ana Gomes with us during this historic time.Honorable Ana Gomes
Election Day finally came and people headed out to election centers early in the morning. Little kids were buzzing around election centers and surrounded bulletin boards where results were posted trying to be the first to relay the good news. What did their instincts tell them? I wonder. The whole day people cast their votes and throughout the country a Very peaceful election took place. It was perhaps the largest turnout in our history. Finally, Addis Ababa City and Ethiopia itself was calm and people everywhere were excited to hear what they assumed would be positive results. People were so happy when they first heard that the CUD had won 100 per cent of the seats in Addis Ababa capital City. Such a result, however, was more than a little unusual. How on earth could all 23 seats be taken by the opposition party leaving zero to the ruling party in a capital city of one country? Such a result had never before occurred in a democratic election history. Not only that, the disparity of votes was incomparable across election centers in Addis Ababa. The CUD had won by a landslide. These results show many realities but we’re not going to talk about what the staggering number of pro-opposition votes does or does not prove today.
Prompted by what I see as frustration over pending results from the corners of Ethiopia, the government called an emergency meeting of top officials. After the meeting the late Prime Minster Meles Zenawi appeared on television where he declared an overwhelming victory for his party. This announcement came before the National Election Board had formally announced the final result and even, some people feared, before all votes had been fairly counted across the country. He also mistakenly declared a state of emergency and banned public gatherings and assemblies within the country.EU Human Rights Committee hearing on Ethiopia
People were highly suspicious after the untimely and seemingly retaliatory announcement made by Meles Zenawi the day following the May 15th election. Even though there is still no evidence to prove that election results were manufactured, people rightfully believed that their voices had been muffled by the tactics of the EPRDF. They generally felt hopeless and were angry because of it. What is worse from Addis Ababa family members feared the government had misrepresented the votes of farmers because it was difficult for international observers to reach remote areas. Moreover people feared rural dwellers had been overlooked or disregarded and even manipulated, being that they are not typically well provided for.
Addis Ababa University students cried out in concern for their family members. Students started chanting that the voices of their mothers and fathers had been stolen. It was impossible for most people to believe that a party who lost 100 per cent of Parliamentary seats in a capital city Addis Ababa could have won by a margin in the same elections at the national level. Farmers and city goers are not strangers in Ethiopia. They are usually fathers and sons, mothers and daughters or, brothers and sisters so; they typically will be in contact with one another. These close knit community members will share their feelings, their happiness’ and troubles. The students and other demonstrators at Addis Ababa University were provoked to challenge the government’s proclaimed sweeping victory.
The first reactions of Ana Gomez were similar to those of most Ethiopians. With an open ear they listened to the observations of leadership and other election groups while mass gatherings began in public places. Later when reports released by her team stated that the election failed to meet the international standard. Prime Minister Zenawi became angry and proceeded to denounce her report. Ana was unbending. Her persistence impressed most people. This is how she began to attract the attention of the Ethiopian people. At this time Ana showed herself to be a woman committed to truly serving justice by fairly reporting the national election process.
Some human right activists seem to shrink when devious leaders beseech or confound them but Ana was brave. She smelled a rat and she was able to estimably evaluate the spirit of both the people and the government. Later she said this about the election. “In 2005 there was a massive turn-out to vote, and people believed that the election would be genuine. The problem was with the counting, which people felt, and I felt, had been manipulated.” This statement reiterates how she shared the belief of a fundamental wrongdoing with the majority of the people.
She later accurately characterized the EPRDF as “deviously smart.” The more she understood of the nature of the government, the more people claimed, she understood. She’s got it! They would shout. I think this camaraderie is one of the main elements which make Ethiopians go crazy for Ana Gomes. Many people believe that foreign people cannot easily understand the devious nature of Meles Zenawi and his colleagues. But for Ana Gomez it didn’t take long at all. She was able to quickly identify and communicate the Ethiopian government’s strategy of defeat through misinformation, distraction and confusion.
Ana Gomes once said after the death of Meles Zenawi that, “Meles was an expert in using jargon such as ‘good governance, the rule of law, democracy, sustainable development’ but in practice doing just the opposite. It was a smart leadership which uses politically correct language for European and American consumption, but the practice was really oppressive.” She also once recounts of the late Prime Minster Meles Zenawi that, “Until June 8, the day of the massacre, I had actually developed a very good relationship with him. I had frank exchanges with him and could see he was shrewd, very smart, and at the beginning I believed him. But little by little I came to see he was trying to fool me; he was very perverse, he had a very perverse mind, very smart but very perverse.” These feelings conveyed so forcefully by Ana Gomes were shared by the majority of Ethiopians. Her incisive comments made the people appreciate her and it put her in a higher place in their minds. And as usual they said, “she’s gotten it.”
Ana was deeply angered by the massacre of demonstrators which took place on June 8th 2005 one month after the botched National Election. She raised her voice again this time to condemn the acts of the Ethiopian government and she called upon the international community to do the same. As her fervor grew so did her support. Her stance for justice seemed to dazzle otherwise disaffected Ethiopians
from the four corners of the country and the Diaspora as well. Her understanding and her brave stance saw the people come to call her their hero.
People believe that breaking the lobby and personal pressures of the late prime minster meles and his party TPLF must have been so difficult for her, but they appreciated her unmovable stance. Mr. Meles tried to fool her but when he understood it was impossible to convert her he wrote a nasty article in the Ethiopian Herald to stop her from exposing his terrible works. However, the more the Ethiopian government tried to stop her the more she would expose them on the world stage. This condemning bravery saw her take a place in the hearts of the suffering Ethiopian people forever. The more truths she was able to reveal the more her name spread across Ethiopia. Even farmers living in remote areas had heard about her. I imagine they told the story of the one woman “fighting for our voice” who came from Europe. When people asked her name they began to call her “Hana Gobeze” which can be translated to Ana my Hero or Brave Ana as is tradition in Amharic. In fact, she’s my hero too.
Personally, as a world citizen and an Ethiopian I am proud of her. We need more people like Ana Gomes on the earth. Her passion for international justice and protecting human rights has deeply moved me. When she spoke on the international stage about Ethiopia she accurately showed the depth of our persecution. Together with her title, Ana Gomez has recently been able to do more in the diplomatic fight against injustice In Ethiopia than any other Ethiopian activist themselves is even able to say that they have accomplished. She continues to speak for Ethiopians now and we Ethiopians want to recognize her outstanding work and dedication to go above and beyond for what it takes to help Ethiopia today. When journalists are arrested or political activists are thrown in jail she acts as what we Ethiopians would “our mother”. She goes above and beyond to expose the deficiencies of the Ethiopian government on the world stage and to protect our lives and help grow our freedoms.
Ana Gomes has stepped up her efforts to spur fundamental change in Ethiopia since the death of Meles Zenawi. In September 2012, she blasted the EU Parliament expressing the needs of the oppressed in Ethiopia and demanding action to relieve the desperate situation of Ethiopians. When Mr. Andargachew Tsige was kidnapped she set to action immediately writing letters here and there. In recent days, she has expressed that his life has been saved because there was a reaction from the international community. She is so right to do and say these things of vital importance to us all and Ethiopians will forever be indebted to her. I cannot qualify all of her good works now by pen alone but let me say that we Ethiopians recognize and greatly value the work she is doing to see justice and democracy return to Ethiopia. Her extraordinary contributions to justice and democracy in Ethiopia make her one of the unforgettable in our hearts.
I am sure one day, some day, when democracy has won in our country the Ethiopian people will honor and remember her forever along with so many others who have merited recognition by us today. We will prize her for her outstanding contribution. She will be a symbol for free and fair elections in Ethiopian history. We can hope to build a monument to her to represent our passions for free and fair election.
I feel along with so many of my friends and brothers that we Ethiopians are lucky to have so many people around the world who are fighting for our freedom especially those in international organization. We want to recognize them as we know God does. We want to honor and exalt them as we know he does. That is all that we or anyone else can say about such remarkable individuals.
God Bless Ethiopia!

Breaking News: United States expels Ethiopian Embassy gunman

October 2, 2014
by Abebe Gellaw
The United States has expelled the Ethiopian Embassy gunman who opened fire at peaceful protesters last Monday, Ethiopian embassy sources confirmed to the Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT).Ethiopian Embassy gunman expels
Solomon Tadesse Gebreselassie, aka Wedi Woyni, who was the security chief at the embassy, was given 48 hours to leave the United States. Gebreselassie had diplomatic immunity.
It has now been confirmed that Mr. Gebreselassie has arrived in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital. Airlines insiders told ESAT that the gunman took Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET501, on Wednesday, October 1, at 11:15 AM (EST) from Washington Dulles International Airport. The Boeing 777-200LR carrying Mr. Gebresellasie landed in Addis Ababa after a 12-hour direct flight on Thursday October 2, at 06:45 am local time.
Gebresellassie was captured in a dramatic video brandishing a gun and shooting at unarmed protesters. The U.S. Secret Service (USSS) had announced Monday that it had detained a suspect in connection with the shooting incident.
Nicole Mainor, a USSS spokesperson, declined to give updates to this reporter on the ongoing investigation and referred the matter to the State Department. The department indicated that there will be major updates in connection with the incident in the next few days.
State Department spokesperson, Jen Psaki, had said in a brief statement that the Department of State took the incident involving the use of firearm very seriously.
Ethiopian Embassy officials allegedly expressed displeasure with the ongoing investigation and body searches that law enforcement agents had conducted on Gebreselassie and a few other embassy staffers.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

የወያኔ አምባሳደር ግርማ ብሩ ኮከብ የለሽ ባንዲራን የሰቀሉትን ጋጣ ወጦች አላቸው

ኢትዮጵያዉያኖች በኢትዮጵያ ኤምባሲ ባደረጉት የተቃዉሞ ሰልፍ፣ ኮከብ ያለበትን የአገዛዙ ባንዲራ አንስተው፣ የጠራዉን የኢትዮጵያ አረንጓዴ ቢጫ ቀይ ሰንደቅ አላማ መትከላቸው ይታወቃል። መሳሪያ ያልታጠቁ፣ ወረቀትና ባንዲራ ብቻ በእጃችቸው የያዙ ሰላማዊ ዜጎች “ግርማ ብሩን ለማነጋገር እንፈልጋለን፣ ወንጀለኞች አይደለንም” በሚሉበት ጊዜ፣ አንዱ የኤምባሲ ጠባቂ፣ ጥይት መደቀኑና ሶስት ጊዜ መተኮሱ፣ በኢትዮጵያዉያን ብቻ ሳይሆን በአለም አቀፍ ሜዲያዎች ሁሉ በስፋት እየተዘገበ ነው።
መሳሪያ ባልያዙ ሰላማዊ ሰልፈኞች ላይ ጥይት መደቀኑ ብዙዎችን እያስቆጣ ባለበት ወቅት፣ የአገዛዙ አምባሳደር የሆኑት አቶ ግርማ ብሩ፣ ለኢትዮጵያ ፈርስት በሰጡት አስተያየት፣ ሠልፈኞቹን “ጋጣወጦች” ሲሏቸው፣ ጥየት የተኮሰዉን ግለሰብ ደግሞ “ስራውን በትክክል የሰራ” ሲሉ አሞግሰዉታል።
በሰልፉ የነበሩ ኢትዮጵያዉያንን ላይ ክስ እንዲመሰረትና እርምጃ እንዲወሰድ ጠበቃዎች እንደሚቀጥሩ የገለጹት አቶ ግርማ ብሩ፣ “ተቃዋሚዎቹ የኢትዮጵያና የአሜሪካ ግንኙነት ጠንካራ በመሆኑ የተናደዱ ናቸው” ሲሉም ከሰዋቸዋል። ከአሜሪካኖች ጋር በቅርበት ዲፕሎማሲያዊ በሆነ መንገድ እየተነጋገሩበት እንደሆነም የተናገሩት አቶ ግርማ፣ ሰልፈኞቹ ተቃዉሞ እንዲያሰሙ ስለገፋፋቸው፣ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ስለሚደረገው ዜጎችን የማሽበር፣ የማሰር መረን የለቀቀ የሰባአዊ መብት ረገጣ ጉዳይ አስተያየት ከመስጠት ተቆጥበዋል፡
አምባሳደሩ ሰልፈኞችን ጋጣወጦች ቢሏቸውም፣ ህዝቡ በሰልፉ ለነበሩ ወገኖች ያለዉን አድናቆትና ክብሩን እየገለጸ ሲሆን፣ ብዙዎች በኤምባሲ የተሰቀለዉን ባንዲራ የሚያሳየዉንን ፎቶ የፌስቡክ ፕሮፋይላቸዉ እያደረጉ ነው። በርካታ በዉጭ ያሉ የተቃዋሚ መሪዎች፣ አክቲቪስቶችም በ ኤምባሲ የታየው በተጠናከረ መልኩ መቀጥል እንዳለበት ይናገራሉ።
በጉዳዩ ላይ ያነጋግርናቸው የፖለቲካ ተንትታኝ “ በዲስም ሆነ እንደ ለንደን ብራሰልስ ባሉ ከተሞች የሚኖሩ ኢትዮጵያዉያን፣ ለአገራቸው፣ ለሕዝባቸውና ለባንዲራቸው ክብር የቆሙትን የሚያኮሩ ኢትዮጵያዉያንን “ጋጠወጦች” ብሎ ለጠራው የወያኔ ቅጥረኛ ግርማ ብሩ ምላሽ መስጠት ይኖርብናል” ያሉት በጉዳዩ ላይ ያነጋገርናቸው የፖለቲካ ተንታኝ ፣ በኤምባሲ የታየው ህዝቡን ኤነርጃይዝድ በማድረጉ አንጻር ፣ ትግል ብዙ እርምጃ ወደፊት እንደወሰደው ይናገራሉ።

የኢትዮጵያ ኢምባሲ ሰራተኛው እጣ ፋንታ አልታወቀም

መስከረም ፳(ሃያ) ቀን ፳፻፯ ዓ/ም ኢሳት ዜና :-ትናንት ሰኞ በኦጋዴንና በጋምቤላ በተጨፈጨፉ ኢትዮጵያውያን ዙሪያ በአሜሪካ የኢትዮጵያ ኤምባሲ ተወካዮችን ለማነጋገር በኢምባሲው አካባቢ በተገኙት  ኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ አንድ የስልጣን ደረጃው ያልታወቀ ሰለሞን
ወይም በበረሃ ስሙ ወዲ ወይኒ የተባለ ግለሰብ ጥይቶችን በመተኮሱ የኢትዮጵያውያንንና አለማቀፍ የመገናኛ ብዙሃንን ትኩረት ስቧል።
አለማቀፍ እውቅና ያላቸው ሮይተርስ እና  ዋሽንግተን ፖስት የመሳሰሉ የዜና አውታሮች ዜናውን በድረገጾቻቸው ይዘው የወጡ ሲሆን፣ የከተማዋ ፖሊስ ተኳሹን ግለሰብ በቁጥጥር ስር ማዋሉን የፖሊስን ምንጮች ዋቢ በማድረግ ዘግበዋል። ይሁን እንጅ ግለሰቡ ይታሰር
አይታሰር እስካሁን የታወቀ ነገር የለም። አንድ ስሙ ያልተጠቀሰ በአሜሪካ የውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት ውስጥ የሚሰራ ባለስልጣን፣ ተኳሹ ግለሰብ የዲፕሎማቲክ ከለላ ያለው በመሆኑ እንዳልታሰረ ገልጸዋል። የኢትዮጵያ የውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤት እስካሁን ያወጣው
መግለጫ የለም። የአሜሪካ የውጭ ጉዳይ መስሪያ ቤትም በጉዳዩ ዙሪያ ያወጣው ይፋዊ የሆነ መግለጫ የለም።
የኢምባሲው ሰራተኛ ያሳየው ድርጊት በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያለውን የጸጥታ ሃይሎች ባህሪ እንደሚያንጸባርቅ የተለያዩ አስተያየቶች በመገናኛ ብዙሃን እየቀረቡ ነው። ኢትዮጵያውያን  ተቃዋሚዎች የጦር መሳሪያ ሳይዙ ሰላማዊ በሆነ መንገድ እየተቃወሙ መታየታቸው
በስርአቱ ውስጥ የሚያገለግሉ የጸጥታ ሃይሎች ባህሪ በውጭ አገራትም በተመሳሳይ መንገድ እየተንጸባረ መሆኑን እንደሚያሳይ አስተያየት ሰጪዎች በማህበራዊ ድረገጾች ጽፈዋል።

TPLF Security detained after shooting at embasssy protester

many of peaceful protesters, who descended on the Ethiopian Embassy, located in North West Washington D.C., to protest recent massacres in Ogaden region, Gambela regions, and the overall worsening human rights violations by the TPLF/EPRDF regime in Ethiopia were met with gunshots in the embassy compound. A Spokesman for the US secret service said it had detained a possible shooter after report at about 12:15p.m.EDT that shots were fired near the embassy in north west washington. DC. 
Embassy insiders named the shooter as Solomon Woyin, who is said to be a security head at the Ethiopian embassy. The man is said to be a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, the core and dominant of the ruling ethnic parties, the EPRDF.
While Shimelis Terefe, a D.C-based activist, was trying to hoist the widely popular Ethiopian flag that does not bear the emblem of the TPLF/EPRDF regime, Solomon Woyin started shooting without any warning. When the protesters confronted him and demanded him to put down his gun, he fired more shots threatening to kill them. According to the protesters, at least three shots were fired and a car parked nearby was hit by a bullet.U.S. Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary said in a statement emailed to reporters that the agency investigated a report of shots fired around 12:15 p.m. Monday
The TPLF  government has repeatedly dismissed or minimized concerns about the human rights and humanitarian situation in ogaden and Gambela region.TPLF military attack on civilans and villages that amount war crimes and crime against humanity.
Stop committing executions, Torture and rape in ogaden and Gambela region.
victory for ethiopians
Berhanu taye