Thursday 17 December 2015

Petition Letter to UN Secretary General: Ethiopia and Sudan border demarcation

December 14, 2015
H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Secretary General
1st Avenue, 46th Street
New York, NY 10017
Your Excellency:
We the undersigned Ethiopian political parties and civic organizations have the honor to bring to your attention certain developments which do not augur well for the maintenance of peace and security between Ethiopia and the Sudan. Given that sovereignty lies with the Ethiopian people (and state) rather than with a regime, we feel compelled to put all responsible states and international organizations on notice that the long-term interests of the peoples of Ethiopia and the Sudan are being compromised to advance the interests of the elites who have forcibly usurped the power of the state.
Your Excellency will recall that, almost two years ago, several political parties and civic society organizations had the honor to register with your office a strong protest against a secret border deal that the dictatorial governments of both countries had concluded. Although the exact details of the deal are still shrouded in secrecy, the media in both countries have recently reported that the Ethiopian Prime Minister and the Sudanese President have made public their intention to demarcate the common boundary between the two countries on the basis of that deal.
We wish to recall that the respective territorial limits of both countries were defined by treaty at the turn of the 20th century. The 1902 Treaty provided that the line delimited therein must be demarcated by officers of the two governments. If and when the decisions and recommendations of the Joint Commission were accepted by the two governments, each side was then to undertake to explain the boundary line to their respective citizens.
This, however, did not occur. Instead, Major Gwynn alone, representing Great Britain as the colonial power then administering the Sudan, travelled the whole frontier ( about 950 miles) in the space of just a few months in 1903 and purported to demarcate the boundary. In this demarcation, the line Gwynn actually marked out departed from that marked on the map attached to the Treaty in several places for reasons which he alone deemed adequate. In the event, the reasons for the departure were all self-serving and unsurprisingly ended up favoring the Sudan to Ethiopia’s detriment.
It would be carrying coal to Newcastle to point out to Your Excellency that an arbitrary and unilateral demarcation line carried out by a colonial officer a century ago cannot bind the Ethiopian government. It is precisely for this reason that more than four successive Ethiopian governments prior to the current one have rightly and consistently rejected initially British and subsequently Sudanese entreaties to give the boundary line official legitimacy. As early as 1924, Emperor Haile Selassie, when he was still Regent of Ethiopia, declined to accept Gwynn’s unilateral acts, calling on the British government instead to demarcate the frontier by a joint Anglo-Ethiopian commission on the basis of the 1902 Treaty. In calling for such a commission, he minced no words in pointing out to the British Prime Minister of the time, Mr. Ramsey MacDonald, the fact that the frontier had not been demarcated in accordance with the 1902 Treaty. Successive Ethiopian administrations have uniformly maintained this position.
Recently, however, Sudan’s fortunes have improved dramatically with the apparent decision of the quisling government ruling Ethiopia today to accept Gwynn’s line as the basis for a fresh marking of the boundary on the ground. The decision to give legitimacy to the Gwynn line is widely interpreted by the Ethiopian public as a backroom deal intended as a quid pro quo for the Sudan to deny support for the opponents of the current Ethiopian regime. For the Sudan, the Gwynn line offers a vast expanse of territory that historically and under the 1902 Treaty legally belongs to Ethiopia. In return for acquiring Ethiopian territory, the Sudan has pledged that its territory shall not be used by Ethiopian political movements seeking to bring about democratic change in their country.
The rub, however, is that the decision to demarcate the boundary on the basis of a one-sided, outdated, unilateral and illegal arrangement is sure to be a continuing and prolific source of friction and conflict between the sisterly peoples of the two countries and their governments. An arrangement contrived by the extremely narrowly-based, illegitimate, and hated government of Ethiopia and the equally discredited government of the Sudan, led by a war criminal according to the International Criminal Court, will not and cannot stand the test of time.
We have it on good authority that the impending demarcation will deviate from boundary line as defined by the Treaty. Such a boundary will never be accepted by the vast majority of the Ethiopian people. That this is the position of the Ethiopian people has been made manifest by the numerous public demonstrations and press releases, at home and abroad, put out by virtually all political parties, civic organizations, and prominent intellectuals and elders. More importantly, the Ethiopian communities in the border areas who stand to lose their ancestral lands have already put up a stiff resistance in defense of Ethiopian territory and in rightful defiance of the current government’s actions.
As such, it defies common sense to believe that the demarcation line concocted by the two governments will stand the test of time as a final boundary. Quite to the contrary. The effort should be considered as laying a land mine with great potential to destroy relations between the two countries when the shelf life of the current rulers expires. And expire it will, sooner than the leaders are able to realize for they have been blindsided by greed and power.
Your Excellency knows the Horn of Africa is a region already plagued by extreme insecurity and instability, owing among other reasons, to its location astride the Red Sea, its proximity to the conflict- ridden Middle East, and the rivalries of great and aspiring powers alike arising from their desire to control the Nile basin and to exploit the natural resources of the region. Sadly, the Al-Bashir government has become the gateway and proxy for some of these powers and is intent on leveraging its friendly relations with Ethiopia’s historic enemies to obtain undue territorial concessions. The territories it seeks to acquire happen to be extremely fertile and close to Ethiopia’s major river systems, which it will then dole out to rich investors from the Middle East.
Recent developments along the Ethio-Sudanese border are harbingers of what we fear will come to define relations between the peoples of the two countries. Just a few months ago, thirty-three Ethiopians were taken prisoner by the Sudanese forces and a further eight Ethiopians were abducted from the border region by Sudanese militia and cruelly slaughtered like sheep near the Sudanese town of Gallabat. Following this massacre, the border has witnessed a rash of clashes between Ethiopian citizens and Sudanese militia as well as citizens. The Sudanese Ministry of the Interior has claimed that sixteen Sudanese civilian were killed and seven abducted in October by armed Ethiopian groups in reprisal raids. Needless to say, this cycle is likely to escalate with the implementation of the demarcation plan.
The feckless and illegitimate government of Ethiopia has chosen to sweep news of these clashes under the rug. Sudanese media, however, have carried several candid and strident interviews including, for example, with the Sudanese Ambassador to Ethiopia revealing the seriousness of the deteriorating situation on the border. The ambassador’s interview confirms our worst fears. Many innocent citizens of both countries have lost their lives and properties as a result of the rising tension on the border. Incredibly, however, the Ambassador seeks to blame the tension squarely on the shoulders of what he refers to as “the neighboring region’s government” – a thinly- veiled reference to the so-called Amhara Regional State- which he accuses of opposition to the demarcation on the basis of the Gwynn line. Yet, the planned demarcation is not confined to just the territory of the Amhara Regional State but extends to the entire frontier between Ethiopia and the Sudan. Therefore, since the boundary question concerns an issue of Ethiopian- not regional – territorial sovereignty, it is bound to involve the entire nation. Ethiopia’s history is replete with examples of its citizens coming together whenever the country’s territorial sovereignty is threatened.
We recognize that our legal standing to lodge complaints of this nature to Your Excellency is somewhat hampered by current international norms. Yet, in as much as festering border problems so often lead to conflicts between states and/or their citizens and since one of the principal purposes of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security, we believe that it is entirely appropriate for the Secretariat of the United Nations to apprise itself of the current situation on the Ethio-Sudan border.
The border situation has all the elements and hallmarks of a brewing conflict which calls for Your Excellency’s attention. Some may indulge the hope that as long as the current governments of Ethiopia and Sudan are in agreement as to the basis on which the border is to be demarcated there would be little or no threat to the peace and security of the region. That view is in error. Because the current government is wholly unrepresentative of the views and interests of the Ethiopian people and is bereft of any semblance of legitimacy, its commitments and agreements do not carry weight with the people.
The Ethiopian people view the government’s decision to demarcate the boundary on Sudan’s terms as nothing less than a sellout. If the demarcation goes as planned, thousands of people all along the frontier will be uprooted from their homes, farms and investments, a result they will not take lying down. Ethiopians demand that the proposed demarcation of the boundary line be effectuated in compliance with the provisions of the 1902 Treaty. Anything short of that which is concocted as a political expedient for the ruling clique to prolong its power by ceding Ethiopian territory will never be honored by the Ethiopian people and is bound to provoke serious backlash.
In any case, we wish to go on record to affirm Ethiopia’s right to territorial sovereignty as defined by the 1902 Treaty – and not any other agreement that is reached behind the back of the Ethiopian people. We wish the UN Secretariat to know that the Ethio-Sudan border is pregnant with a situation calling for Your Excellency’s attention. We would appreciate registration of our petition with the UN offices and its circulation among member states.
Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.
1. Ethiopian Democratic Hibrehizb Unity Movement
2. Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Party
3. Ethiopian Borders Forum
4. Ethiopiawinnet: Council for the Defense of Citizen Rights
5. Gasha LeEthiopia
6. Gonder Hebret
7. International Women’s Organization
cc. Dr Nkosazuma-Dlamini Zuma
Chairperson of the Africa Commission
P.O.Box 3243
Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
The Government of the Republic of Sudan
C/O The Embassy of the Republic of Sudan
2210 Massachussetts Avenue
Washington, DC, 20008
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
C/O The Embassy of Ethiopia
3506 International Drive, N.W.
Washington, DC, 20008

ትግላችንን ተጠናክሮ በአንድነት ይቀጥል! (አርበኞች ግንቦት7)

የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ለመብቱ በያቅጣጫው መነሳቱ የሚያኮራ ነው። ባለፉት 3 ዓመታት ብቻ ሙስሊም ኢትዮጵያውያን ያደረጉትን የመብት ትግል ጨምሮ በደቡብ፣ አማራ፣ አፋር፣ ጋምቤላና በሌሎችም አካባቢዎች በርካታ የነጻነት ትግሎች ተካሂደዋል። አሁን በኦሮምያ እና በአማራ በተለይም በሰሜን ጎንደር አካባቢዎች እየተካሄዱ ያሉት የነጻነት ትግሎች የአጠቃላዩ የነጻነት ትግል አካሎች ናቸው። በእነዚህ የነጻነት ትግሎች ገዢው ፓርቲ ከህዝብ ጋር ለምንጊዜውም መለያየቱን ለማየት ችለናል። ስልጣኑን ለማስጠበቅ ሲልም፣ አቅሙ ቢፈቅድለትና ማግኘት ቢችል በምድር ላይ ያሉትን ጅምላ ጨራሽ መሳሪያዎችን ሁሉ በገዛ ህዝቡ ላይ ለመጠቀም ወደ ሁዋላ የማይል የአረመኔዎች ስብስብ መሆኑን አረጋግጠናል። በጭካኔውና በፍርሃቱ ብዛት የተነሳ በርካታ ሙስሊሞች፣ ክርስቲያኖች፣ መብታቸውን በሰላም ለመጠየቅ ወደ አደባባይ የወጡ ወጣቶች ተገድለዋል፤ የፖለቲካ ድርጅት መሪዎችና ጋዜጠኞች በእስር ተንገላተዋል፤ በእስር ቤትም ማንነታቸውን ከማዋረድ ጀምሮ የተለያዩ አካላዊ ጥቃቶች ተፈጽሞባቸዋል።
የኦሮሞ ህዝብ መብቴ ይከበርልኝ ብሎ መነሳቱን ተከትሎ ኢትዮጵያውያን ከያቅጣጫው ድጋፋቸውን እየገለጹ ነው። ይህ ለነጻነት ሃይሎች ብስራት ሲሆን ዘርን ከዘር በማጋጨት የስልጣን እድሜውን ለማራዘም ለሚፈልገው የሽፍታ አገዛዝ ደግሞ ትልቅ መርዶ ነው። ባለፉት 25 ዓመታት ወያኔ አንዱን ዘር ከሌላው ዘር እያጋጨ፣ በወንድማማቾችና እህትማማቾች መካከል መተማመን እንዳይፈጥር መርዙን ሲረጭ ቆይቷል፤ ያሰበው አልሰምርለት ሲል ደግሞ በአገሪቱ አንጡራ ሃብት በሸመተው ጠመንጃ ለመብቱ የተነሳውን ህዝብ ደረት ደረቱን እየመታ ፈጅቶታል። በተለይም የአማራው ህዝብ ከሌላው የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ጋር በአንድነት ተሰልፎ በህወሃት አገዛዝ ላይ የነጻነት ክንዱን ለማሳረፍ እንዳይችል ሌት ተቀን የጥላቻ መርዙን በመርጨት ከሌላው ህዝብ ጋር እንዲጋጭ ለማድረግ በእጅጉ ደክሟል። ወያኔ የረጨውን የጥላቻ መርዝ የኦሮሞ እና የአማራ ልጆች በጋራ እያረከሱት መገኘታቸው፣ የሌሎች ብሄሮችና ብሄረሰቦች ህዝቦችም እንዲሁ ” አንለያይም” በማለት በጋራ ለመሰለፍና ትግሉን ለማቀጣጠል ዝግጁነታቸውን መግለጻቸውና በተግባር እያሳዩ መምጣታቸው የ25 አመታት የወያኔ የአፈናና የከፋፍለህ ግዛ ፖሊሲ እያከተመ መምጣቱን የሚያመላክት ነው። ወያኔ የከፋፍለህ ግዛ ፖሊሲው በመላው ኢትዮጵያውያን ትብብር እንደረከሰበት ሲያውቅ ደግሞ የግድያ አዋጅ አውጥቶ በ-ኢትዮጵያውያኑ ላይ ጥይት አርከፍክፎ ጸጥ ሊያሰኛው መዘጋጀቱን በአዋጅ አስነግሯል። ከታሪክ መማር የማይችለው ጠባቡ ወያኔ፣ ህዝባቸውን አዋጅ አስነግረው የገደሉ ጨቋኝ መንግስታት መጨረሻቸው ምን እንደነበረ እንኳን ቆም ብሎ ማሰብ አልቻለም። ዛሬ የእሳት ላንቃ በሚተፋ ጠመንጃቸው ሊጨፈልቀው የሚያስበው ህዝብ ነገ መልሶ ራሱን እንደሚጨፈልቀው ለአፍታም ቢሆን ለማሰላሰል አልቻለም። የዘረፈው ሃብትና የታጠቀው መሳሪያ አእምሮውን ደፍኖት፣ እየመጣ ያለውን ህዝባዊ ሱናሚ ለማየት ተስኖታል። በጦር መሳሪያ ጋጋታና ድንፋታ ቢሆን ኖሮ ወራሪዋ ጣሊያን እስከዛሬ ድረስ ከአገራችን ለቃ ባልወጣች ነበር፣ በጦር መሳሪያ ጋጋታ ቢሆን ኖሮ እነ ጋዳፊን ዛሬ ቤተመንግስት እንጅ መቃብር ውስጥ አናገኛቸውም ነበር።
የአገራችን ህዝብ ከመቼውም ጊዜ በላይ ለነጻነቱ የሚያደርገውን ትግል በጥንቃቄ የሚመራበት ጊዜ ላይ ነን ። የገጠመን ጠላት በታሪካችን አይተነው የማናውቅ፣ የገዛ ህዝቡን በጠላትነት ፈርጆ ሊያጠፋው የተነሳ በመሆኑ፣ አገዛዙ እስከዛሬ ካደረሰው ጥፋት ሌላ ተጨማሪ ጥፋት ሳያጠፋ፣ ከአገራችን መሬት ለመንቀል እንድንችል እርምጃችን ሁሉ ጥንቃቄ የተሞላበት ሊሆን ይገባል። ጠላታችን ህዝብን ከህዝብ ለማፋጀት ያለ የሌለ ሃይሉን የሚጠቀም መሆኑ ብቻ ሳይሆን፣ አቅሙ በፈቀደለት መጠን ሁሉ ህዝቡን በጅምላ ለመፍጀት ወደ ሁዋላ የማይል ነው። ህዝቡ የጠላቱን አውሬነት ተገንዝቦ እሱ በሚከፍተው ቀዳዳ ዘው ብሎ ላለመግባት መጠንቀቅ አለበት። ሊገድሉን ሲመጡ ዘወር ብሎ በማሳለፍ፣ እንደገና ደግሞ ወደ አደባባይ በመውጣት፣ እንዲሁም የተቃውሞውን አድማስ በማስፋትና የሃይል መከፋፈል እንዲፈጠር በማድረግ ወያኔን አዳክሞና ተስፋ አስቆርጦ ካለሙት ግብ መድረስ ይቻላል። አሁን እየታየ ያለው አንድነት ይበልጥ እየተጠናከረ፣ ከኦሮሞው ጎን አማራው፣ ከአማራው ጎን ጉራጌው፣ ከጉራጌው ጎን ትግሬው፣ ከትግሬው ጎን አፋሩ፣ ከአፋሩ ጎን ጋምቤላው፣ ከጋምቤላው ጎን ሀረሪው፣ ከሃረሪው ጎን ጉሙዙ፣ ከጉሙዙ ጎን አዲስ አበቤው፣ ከአዲስ አበቤው ጎን ጋሞው በአጠቃላይ መላው ህዝብ እጅ ለእጅ እየተያያዘ የነጻነት ባበሩ ወደፊት እንዲሮጥ ማድረግ አለበት። ወጣቱ ራሱን ባለበት ቦታ እያደራጀና አመራር እየሰጠ በያቅጣጫው የጀመረውን የነጻነት ትግል አጠናክሮ ይቀጥል።
አርበኞች ግንቦት7 ትግሉን በተለያዩ አቅጣጫዎች አጠናክሮ ቀጥሎአል፤ የአርበኛው ሰራዊት የወያኔን ጀሌዎች በቀኝና በግራ መውጫና መግቢያ እያሳጣቸው ነው። የንቅናቄው አባላት በዳር አገር በአፈሙዝ፣ በመሃል አገር ደግሞ ወጣቱን እያደራጁ ለትግል እንዲሰልፍ እያደረጉት ነው። የንቅናቄያችን መሪ ፕ/ር ብርሃኑ ነጋ፣ “ከነጻነት ትግሎች ጎን አለን” እንዳሉት የአርበኛው ልጆች ፊት ለፊት ተሰልፈው አመራር በመስጠት የነጻነት ትግሉን ለማቀጣጠል እና መከፈል ያለበትን የህይወት መስዋትነት ለመክፈል ተዘጋጅተው በያቅጣጫው እየተንቀሳቀሱ ነው።
ተደጋግሞ እንደተነገረው የአርበኞች ግንቦት7 አላማ በአገራችን የዲሞክራሲያዊ የሽግግር ስርዓት ማስጀመር ነው። ሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ በዚህ አላማ ዙሪያ ተሰልፎ ትግሉን ይቀጥል። ይህን አላማ የሚደግፉ የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶችም ዛሬውኑ ከጎናችን ተሰልፈው ወያኔን ለማስወገድ በሚደረገው የሞት ሽረት ትግል ይሰለፉ!
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ!
አገራችን በልጆቿ ነጻ ትወጣለች!
አርበኞች ግንቦት7

OLF Call for Political Organizations & All Peoples in Ethiopia

OLF Press Release
The Oromo Liberation front strongly condemns the mass killing of Oromo Students and farmers across Oromia for the last three weeks by the TPLF minority regime. We also condemn the massacre the TPLF regime has committed against people in Gondar.
For the last 24 years, the TPLF Regime has been committing numerous heinous crimes against all people of Ethiopia. The TPLF regime killed thousands, arrested thousands, and expelled thousands from their lands and birthplaces. They disposed and displaced thousands from their ancestral lands, and used for their benefits. These actions show how cruel and fascist the TPLF/ EPRDF/ Minority government has been in Ethiopia.
The TPLF regime which has no mandate from Ethiopia people though has been known for its pedagogical lies, corruption and crimes against all people of Ethiopia; specifically it has targeted the Oromo people to control their fertile resources. Thousands of Oromo farmers are losing their lands under the pretext of Integrated Master Plan of Addis Ababa (Finfinnee). The deliberate killing of innocent people who peacefully protested against land grab from Oromo farmers by TPLF army which is armed to its teeth, foreshadow a looming genocide against Oromo people.
This cruel regime is able to commit all these crimes by dividing the people of Ethiopia. Now, time is an essence for all peoples in Ethiopia to stand firm with Oromo people who have been fighting the TPLF regime for freedom, democracy, justice and human rights. The Oromo struggle is a struggle for freedom, justice, equality and human rights. When Oromo people are free from TPLF regime, all people in Ethiopia will be free. We are also encouraged by the support and solidarity of different Ethiopian political & Civil Organizations against the massacre of Oromo students and farmers by the TPLF regime. Now!
The OLF calls upon all Ethiopian to join the Oromo people struggle for freedom, democracy, justice & human rights, and once for all to dismantle the genocidal regime of TPLF. To that effect , the OLF calls for all inclusive struggle that include all political parties and civil organizations that will enable the Peoples in Ethiopia to decide their destiny by establishing government of people , for people and by people in Ethiopia.
We also warn everybody to be vigilant against possible evil actions of the TPLF to instigate animosity in the country by destroying property and killing none Oromo’s and blaming on Oromo’s. The TPLF will do this to disrupt this genuine movement towards freedom, democracy, human rights and justice. The Ethiopian people should be aware of the motives of the TPLF as it has been doing for the last 24 years since it seized political power in Ethiopia. It is widely known that the Oromo people have no problem with other people of Ethiopian, except with the TPLF and the systems that have been killing them, disposing them from their lands, arresting them & torturing them.
Finally, we call upon the International Community to stand with Oromo people, not with the minority TPLF Regime in Ethiopia.
Let’s stand together against the TPLF minority genocidal Regime.
Victory & Justice for All!!!

ከፍተኛ የወያኔ ባለስልጣናት በቋራ ህዝብ ውርደት ተከናንበው ተመለሱ

አርበኞች ግንቦት 7 ድምፅ ሬድዮ
አባይ ፀሐዬ፣ ደመቀ መኮንን፣ ገዱ አንዳርጋቸውና ሌሎች በዛሬው ዕለት ወደ ቋራ አምርተው ህዝቡን ለመሰብሰብ ሲሞክሩ ህዝቡ በአንድነት አምፆ ከእነሱ ጋር ፈፅሞ መነጋገር እንደማይፈልግ ገልፆ የውርደትና ሀፍረት ጉንጉን አበባ አንገት አንገታቸው ላይ አስሮ መልሷቸዋል፡፡tplf-in-gondar
የጀግናው አፄ ቴዎድሮስ አጥንት ፍላጭ የሆነው ጀግናው የቋራ ህዝብ አሳፍሮ የመለሳቸው እነ አባይ ፀሐዬ በጎንደር ከተማ ሲኒማ አዳራሽ የፀጥታ ኃይሎችን፣ የዞኑን አመራሮች፣ ወሬ ለማዳመጥና እግር ጥሎት የገባውን ህዝብ ለማወያየት ሞክረው ነበር፡፡ ባለስልጣናቱ ፀረ ሰላም ኃይሎችና አሸባሪዎች ያሏቸውን ጠብመንጃ ያነሱ የነፃነት ድርጅቶች ህዝቡ እንዳይደግፍ ሲያሳስቡ ህዝቡ “ቢመጣ ቢመጣ ከእናንተ የባሰ አይመጣ…” ሲል ምላሽ ሰጥቷቸዋል፡፡ በጎንደር ከተማ የሚኖሩ የትግርኛ ቋንቋ ተናጋሪዎች በስማቸው እየነገደ ከሌሎች ቋንቋዎች ተናጋሪዎች ጋር እንዳቆራረጣቸው በመግለፅ ህወሓትን ከሰውታል፡፡ ከዚህ በኋላ የህወሓት ደጋፊም እንዳልሆኑ የአቋም ለውጣቸውን በይፋ አስታውቀዋል፡፡
የጎንደር ከተማ የፀጥታ ኃይሎች ደግሞ በበኩላቸው ከእንግዲህ ወዲህ ወደ ወጡበት ህዝብ አፈሙዝ አዙረው ምላጭ መስበር እንደማይሹና አገዛዙ ወደ ወገናቸው ተኩሱ የሚላቸው ከሆነ አስቀድሞ የጦር መሳሪያቸውን እንዲረከባቸው ጠይቀዋል፡፡