Saturday 22 November 2014

Impunity is a threat for free expression: Endalk Chala

November 21, 2014

No justice: how impunity silences journalists

Endalk Chala, Ethiopian blogger and co-founder of the Zone9 blogging collective (of which six members are currently imprisoned for their writing)
Impunity is a threat for free expression on many levels. In my experience I have seen impunity when it cultivates self-censorship. Let’s take the case of Zone9 bloggers. Since their arrest there are a lot of people who tried to visit them in prison, take a picture of them, attend their trial and tweet about their hearings but all of these have invited very bad reactions from the Ethiopian police.Impunity is a threat for free expression
Some were arrested briefly, others were beaten and it has become impossible to attend the “trial” of the bloggers and journalists. No action was taken by the Ethiopian courts against the bad actions of the police even though the bloggers have contentiously reported the kinds of harassment. As a result, people have stopped tweeting, taking pictures and writing about the bloggers. Apparently, the volume of the tweets and Facebook status updates which comes from Ethiopia has dwindled significantly. People don’t want to risk harassment because of a single tweet or a picture. This self-censorship could be attributed to impunity, which is pervasive in Ethiopia.
Impunity also causes a lack of trust in the Ethiopian judicial system. I don’t trust the independence of the Ethiopian justice system. I have never seen a police man/woman or a government authority being prosecuted for their bad actions against journalists. The Ethiopian government has been prosecuting hundreds of journalists for criminal defamation, terrorism and inciting violence but not a single government person for violating journalists’ rights. This tells you a lot about the compromised justice system of the country.Read more…
Source: Xindex

ሽምግልና የህወሃት የጥቃት ደመና – ከሳዲቅ አህመድ

“የኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች ህገ መንግስታዊ ጥያቄ በአንባገነናዊ ዙፋን ላይ ለመቀመጥ በሽምግልና ስም ለሚፈጸም ዉንብድና የሚቀርብ አይደለም። ግን ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች በዚያ ዙፋን ላይ የሚቀመጠዉን የፖለቲካ ሐይል አወዳድሮ የማጫረት ብቃት ብቻ ሳይሆን፤በዙፋኑ ላይ የሚፈልጉትን የማስቀመጥም የማንሳትም ሐይልም አላቸዉ!”
(ሳዲቅ አህመድ)
(ሳዲቅ አህመድ)
ከሳዲቅ አህመድ
የኢትዮጵያዉያንን ሰላማዊ ትግል በሐይል መቀልበስ ያልቻለዉ ህወሃት መራሹ መንግስት፤ ትግሉ ወደ ድል ደጃፎች የሚያደርገዉን ጉዞ ለማፋለስ የተለያዩ ሴራዎችን ያሴራል። ከነዚህም የተንኮል መንገዶች ዋነኛዉ በሰላማዊ ትግል ላይ የተሰማራዉን ሙስሊሙን ማህበረስብ ማከፋፈል፣የሰላም አምባሳደር የሆኑትን ኮሚቴዎችን ባደባባይ ባሸባሪነት እየፈረጀ…በምስጢር በጣም ድንቅ የሆኑ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች መሆናቸዉን በመግለጽ በመንግስት ላይ የሚደረጉ ተቃዉሞዎች ቢረግቡ ሊፈታቸዉ እንደሚችልና ነገሮች ሁሉ ወደነበሩበት እንደሚመለሱ የዉሽት ቃልኪዳን ይገባል። ህወሃት በልማት ስም የሚቀርባቸዉ ወይም ከዲያስፖራ አገር በመግባት ኢንቨስት የማድረግ ፍላጎት ያላቸዉን ሰዎች በመደለል በአንድነት የሚታገለዉን ሙስሊሙን ማህበረሰብ እንዲሸረሽሩ ስዉር የማታለል ተልእኮም ይሰጣል።
አንባገነናዉያን እርቅና ሽምግልናን ከሚገቡበት አጣብቂኝ ለማምለጥ ከሚጠቀሙባቸዉ የማሳሳቻ መሳሪያዎች ዋነኛዎቹ ናቸዉ።ሐይልን ለህዝብ መስጠት የማይፈልግ አንባገነናዊ መንግስት በሽምግልና እና በእደራደራለሁ ማታለያ የአዞ እንባዉን እያፈሰሰ የሰላማዊ ትግል ትሩፋቶችን እንክት አርጎ እንደሚበላ ለማወቅ ብዙ ምርምር ባያሻዉም የአለማችንን ወቅታዊ ሁናቴዎችን ማጤን ብቻ ይበቃዋል። አወቀዉትም ይሁን ሳያዉቁት፣ መልካም ይመጣል ብለዉ በመታለል፣ በሰላማዊ ትግሉ በመዛል (በመዳከም) ነገሮች ወደነበሩበት እንዲመለሱ በመሻት፣ የተጀመሩ ኢንቨስትመቶች እንዲያልቁ ካልያም አዳዲስ ኢንቨስትመንቶችን ለመጀመር መዉጫ ቀዳዳን ለሚፈልገዉ ህወሃት መራሹ መንግስት መዉጫን በነጻ ለመቸር (መዉጫን ጀባ ለማለት) የሚንደፋደፉ ወገኖች በየቦታዉ እየተታዩ ነዉ።
ትላንት በኢህአዴግ የተንገፈገፉ ዛሬ ከኢህአዴግ ጋር መሞዳመዱን ዲሞክራሲያዊ መብት እንደሆነ በድፍረት መግለጽ የጀመሩም አሉ። ኢትዮጵያዉያንን በጅምላ እያገላታ ያለዉን፣ ሙስሊም የመፍትሔ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴዎችን አስሮ በምድራዊ ቸነፈር ያሰቃየዉን፣ቁርዓንና ሒጃብን ያቀጠለዉን፣ መስጊዶቻችንን የሚያፈርሰዉን፣መስጊዶቻችንን ወርሶ ካድሬ ሚሾመዉን፣ መጽሄት ጋዜጦቻችንን የዘጋዉን፤…ኡለሞች፣ጋዜጠኞች፣ አክቲቪስቶች ካገር እንዲሰደዱ ያደረገዉን ፣እምነትን ነጥቆ በአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲያዊ ለማጥመቅ የሚዳክረዉን፣ በደም የተበከሉ እጆቹን በእምነት ተቋም ዉስጥ በማስገባት የአገርን ሉአላዊነት ለማናጋት ሌት ተቀን የሚሰራዉ ህወሃት መራሹ መንግስት ጋር መሞዳመዱ እንደመብት ከታየ…ከሐይማኖት በላይ የመንግስትን አጀንዳ ለማራመድ የሚቅበዘበዙ ጥቂቶች አንገዋሎ መለየቱና መቃወሙ መብት ብቻ ሳይሆን ግዴታ የሆነበት ወሳኝ አጋጣሚ ከፊት ለፊታችን ላይ ተጋርዷል።
“በረዶ አዘል የህወሃት የጥቃት ዶፍ ከመዉረዱ በፊት የአዞእንባ አልቃሹን ህወሃት እንጠንቀቀዉ!”
በሚሊዮን የሚቆጠሩ ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች የሚደረገዉን ሰላማዊ ትግል ሙሉ ለሙሉ ቢደግፉም በጣት የሚቆጠሩ ጥቂቶች ግን ለህወሃት መራሹ መንግስት መዉጫ ቀዳዳን ይፈልጉለታል።የህወሃት መራሹን የማታለልና የማዘናጋት ሴራ ወደ መሬት ለማዉረድ የሚንቀሳቀሱ እነማን ናቸዉ?
· ከዲያስፖራ ወደ ኢትዮጵያ የሚመላለሱ የይስሙላ የኢንቨስትመንት ቀረቤታ ያለቸዉ ወይም ኢንቨስት ማረግ የሚፈልጉ ጥቂቶች
· ከባለስልጣናት ጋር ቀረቤታ ያላቸዉ ወይም ባለስልጣን ዘመድ የቤተሰብ አባል ያላቸዉ።ባሉበት የምቾት አለም ዉስጥ በሰላም መቀጠል የሚፈልጉ
· ከመንግስት ባለስልጣናት ሁሉም ነገር ወደነበረበት ይመለሳል ተብለዉ የዉሸት ቃል የተገባላቸዉ
· ዲያስፖራ በሚገኙ ኤምባሲዎች በልማት ስም በብሔር ብሔረሰቦች ጉዳይ ወጣ ገባ የሚሉ
· ከዲያስፖራ ወደ አገር ቤት ባጋጣሚ የሔዱና መሬት ላይ ያለዉን ተቃዉሞ እና የመንግስት በደል በሚገባ ያላጤኑ
· አገር ቤት ሆነው ያንባገነናዊዉ ስርዓት ተጠቃሚ የሆኑ፤ ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች የሚያደርጉት ሰላማዊ ትግል ያላቸዉን መረጋጋት እና ከስርዓቱ የሚያገኙትን ጥቅም የነካባቸዉ
· ከአንባገነናዊዉ ስርዓት ጋር ቁርኝት ያላቸዉና ከስርዓቱ የሚጠቀሙ፤ የሙስሊሞች ቅዋሜ ከገፋ ስርዓቱን ሊንደዉ ይችላል የሚል ፍራቻ ያለቸዉና ስርዓቱን ለማዳን የሚሯሯጡ
· ከሐማኖት በፊት የብሔር ጉዳይ የሚያስቀድሙና ብሔርተኛዉን መንግስት ማዳን የሚፈልጉ
· ህወሃት መራሹ መንግስት ከጥፋቱ ተምሮ እራሱን አሻሽሎ ይስተካከላል ብለዉ የሚያምኑ። ከተስተካከልም በተስተካከለዉ መንግስት ዉስጥ እራሳችንንም ጠቅመን ወገናችንን እንረዳለን ብለዉ በየዋህነት የሚያስቡ
· በማህበረሰቡ ዉስጥ ቦታ የነበራቸዉ ግን ከሰላማዊ ትግሉ ፍጥነት ጋር አበረዉ መጓዝ ያልቻሉ።በድምጻችን ይሰማ በህቡእ የሚደረገው ስኬታማ ትግል ተሰሚነትን የነጠቃቸዉ…የተሰሚነትን ቦታ ፈላጊዎች
· አፈንጋጮች፦ ከብዙሗን አመለካከት ዉጪ የራስቸዉን በጣም አናሳ ንኡስ ክፍል ለመስረት የሚጠሩ። ተምረናል፣አንብበናል በማለት የነርሱ አስተሳሰብ የላቀና የመጠቀ እነደሆነ በማሳየት፤ ብዙሃኑ የሚያደርገው ትግል የመንጋ(mob) ጥረት ነዉ ብለዉ የሚያጣጥሉ። ተግባር የለሽን (theory) ትግል በሞላቀቅና በፍልስፍና ለማስረጽ የሚሞክሩ ናቸዉ።
· አደገኞቹ፦ መንግስትን መቃመም፤ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ማድረግ ክልክል ነዉ የሚል ዲሞክራሲ ከሌለባቸዉ የአረብ አገራት የመጣ አመለካከትን (Dogma) ለመተግበር የሚሹ። እነዚህ አካላቶች ከጠላት ጋር ማበርን ተገቢ ነዉ የሚሉበት አጋጣሚ ስለሚኖር አደገኛነታቸዉን ከግምት ዉስጥ ማስገባቱ ግድ ይላል።
· የሚፈሩ፦ በመላዉ አለም በሙስሊሞች ላይ የሚደረሰዉን ጥቃት በማየት ‘የባሰዉን አታምጣዉ!’ በሚል እሳቤ ‘እስኪያልፍ ያለፋል!’ እያሉ በጭቆና ዉስጥ መኖር የሚፈልጉ።
· ግራ የተጋቡ፦ የሙስሊሙን ህገመንግስታዊ መብት መከበር ቢደግፉም፤ ህወሃት መራሹ መግስት በአወሊያ ያቋቋመዉ የስሙላ ቦርድና መጅሊስን አስመልክቶ ያደረገዉ የሐስት ምርጫ ለዉጥ ነዉ ብለዉ ማመካኛ(excuse) የሚሰጡ። በድንበር የለሹ የህወሃት ፕሮፓጋንዳ ግራ የተጋቡ።
· ጀዝባ እና ስራ ፈቶች፦ በሱስ የተጠመዱ፣ የኔ የሚሉት ስራ የለላቸዉ ማንኛዉንም መግስታዊ ሴራ በርካሽ ክፍያ ከመፈጽም ወደ ሗላ የማይሉ ናቸዉ። እነዚህ ግለሰቦች ዛሬን በልቶ ማደር እንጂ ነገን አርቀዉ መመልከት የማይችሉም ናቸዉ። በህገወጡ መጅሊስም ይሁን በመስጊድ ነጠቃ ወቅት የመንግስትን ሴራ ለማስፈጽም ያለ እፍረትና ፍርሃት ይንቀሳቀሳሉ።
የሌላ እምነት ተከታዮችን መላክ፦
መፍትሔዉ ያለዉ ህወሃት በቂሊንጦ እስር ቤት አስሮ በሚያሰቃያቸዉ የሰላም አምባሳደሮችና የሚሊዮኖች ወኪሎች ዘንድ መሆኑንን እያወቀ፤ ቀደም ሲል ህወሃት ከተቃዋሚዎች ጋር በነበረዉ ችግር አመርቂ የፖለቲካ ስራ ያሰራቸዉን ሰዎች ዛሬም የሙስሊሙን ሰላማዊ ትግል ለማሰናከል ሲጠቀምባቸዉ ይስተዋላል።ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች ካለፉት የፖለቲካ ስተቶች የተማሩ በመሆናቸዉ ህወሃትን ያልተበላበትን እቁብ እንዲፈልግ እያሳፈሩት ነዉ።
‘ድመትን በር ዘግተህ አትደብድባት’ የሚለዉ አባባል በራሱ አንባገነናዊ የዞረ ድምር ለናወዘዉ ህወሃት መልስ ሰጪ ነው። የህወሃት መዉጫ ቀዳዳ ሙስሊሙ ማህበረሰብ የጠየቀውን ጥያቄ ባግባቡ መመለስና መመለስ ብቻ ነዉ። ባቋራጭ የሚፈለጉ መዉጫ ቀዳዳዎች ሽንቁር (ክፍተት) ለመፈጠር ከሚደረጉ የጨቋኝ ፈላጭ-ቆራጮች ሴራ ቢሆኑ እንጂ ምንም ሊሆኑ አይችሉም። በርግጥ ህወሃት መራሹ መንግስት መፍትሔን የሚሻ ከሆነ እራሱ ወደ አዘጋጀዉ የማጎሪያ እና የማሰቃያ ቀዬ ወደሆነዉ ቂሊንጦ እስር ቤት ዝቅ ቢል መፍትሔን ያገኛል። ካልያ የድመቲቱ ተረት እዉን መሆኑ አይቀሬ ነዉ።
በርግጥ ድመቲቱ መዉጫ ቀዳዳ ስታጣ ልትቧጥጥ ልትቧጭር ትችላለች፤ በስተመጨረሻ ግን ያካባቢዉ ሰዉ ተሰባስቦ ያቺን መረን የለቀቀች ድመት በቁጥጥር ስር ያዉላታል። እነሆ የድመቲቱን መቧጨርና መቧጠጥ የቻለዉ ትዉልድ ትግላችን እስከድል ደጃፎች ድረስ በአላህ ፍቃድ ይቀጥላል እያለ ወደፊት እየገሰገሰ ነዉ።
ከልብ የሰረጸ ህዝባዊ እንቅስቃሴ አይቀለበስም።ተወልዶ፣ አድጎ፣ ጎርምሶ፣ ወጣትን የተላበሰዉ ሰላማዊ ንቅናቄ ጎልማሳ ሲሆን ብልሃትና ዘዴን ይቀዳጃል። ብልሃትና ዘዴን የተቀዳጀዉ ሰላማዊ ንቅናቄ ወሳኝ ለዉጥን ለማምጣት ስልታዊ ዝምታን፣ስልታዊ ማፈግፈግን እና ስልታዊ ቅኝትን ይጠቀማል። ጉዞዉ ረጅም መሆኑንን የተረዱት ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች የትግል ሐይልን ለመቀዳጀት ስልታዊ አካሔድን ሲመርጡ ስጋት የገባዉ ማፍያዉ ህወሃት ኮንደሚኒየም፣ መሬት እሰጣችሗለሁ በማለት የድለላ ተገባር ወደ ማህበረሰቡ የሚልካቸዉ የፖለቲካ ቤተ-ሙከራ የዋሃን ሰራተኞች መሰማራታቸዉ እየታየ ነዉ። እፈኝ የማይሞሉ የዋሃን ከህወሃት በላይ እምነታቸዉን በህዝበ ሙስሊሙ የመፍትሔ አፈላላጊ ኮሚቴ እና በድምጻችን ይሰማ ላይ ጥለዉ ቢረጋጉ መልካም ነዉ የሚልም ትችት ይሰነዘራል።
“ዝምታ ወርቅ ነዉ!” በኢንቨስትመንትም ይሁን በኮንዶሚኒየም ስጦታ ወይም በሌላ ጥቅም የተሸበቡ ሰዎች በዝምታ ልማታዊ ዜጎች መሆን ይችላሉ። ግን ድንበርን አልፈዉ ሙስሊሙ ማህበረሰብ ደሙን ያፈሰሰበት ትግል ላይ በደም የተጨማለቀዉን የህወሃት እጅ ለማጠብ ደፋ ቀና የሚሉ ከሆነ…ከጨቋኝ ጋር በማበር ለሚመጣ ተጠያቂነት እራሳቸዉን ለምን ያጋልጻሉ የሚልም ጥያቄ ይነሳል።
ህዝብ በሰላማዊ ትግል የሚቀዳጀዉ ዉጤት ዘገምተኛ እና ዘለቄታዊ ነዉ። በዚህ እልህ አስጨራሽ የትግል ሒደት ዉስጥ ግዜ ዋነኛ መሳሪያ ነዉ። የግዜን መዝለግ ለራስ ጠቀሜታ እንዲዘነበል ለማደርግ አንባገነናዉያን የግዜን ስርቆት ይፈጽማሉ። ቀደም ሲል ግዜን ለመስረቅ ያደባዉ ህወሃት ህዝብን ያልማከለ የሽምግልና ሴራዉን ፈጽሞ አይደለም ሽምግልናዉ ኢትዮጵያዉያን ሙስሊሞች ለማሰባሰብ በሰሜን አሜሪካ የሚገኝ እደዣንጥላ የተዘረጋ ድርጅት መክኗል። አሁንም ዳግም ህወሃት በመደራደር ስም ያደመነዉ የጥቃት ደመና በረዶ አዘል ዶፉን ሊያዘንበዉ እየጠቋቆረ በመሆኑ ጥንቃቄ በሚያሻበት ወስኝ ወቅት ላይ እንገኛለን።
በጽናት መታገል እንጂ መለሳለስ አንባገነናዉያንን አያረግባቸዉም። ጫናዉ ግፊቱ ሊቀጥል ይገባል፤ ህወሃት መዳራደር ከፈለገ ከዲያስፖራ በልማትና በኢንቨስትመንት ስም ወይም በካንዳሚኒየምና መሬት ታገኛላቹ ድለለላ በመለመላቸዉ ግለሰቦች ሳይሆን፤ በሚሊዮን በሚቆጠሩ ኢትዮጵያዉያን ዘንድ ተመርጠዉ ዛሬ ቂሊንጦ እስር ቤት ከሚገኙ ጀግኖች ጋር ነዉና ልብ ያለዉ ልብ ይበል።
“በረዶ አዘል የህወሃት የጥቃት ዶፍ ከመዉረዱ በፊት የአዞእንባ አልቃሹን ህወሃት እንጠንቀቀዉ!”
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The tale of TPLF fairytale regime of Ethiopia: From ethnic liberation to Federal banditry

It is rather baffling TPLF’s crimes are all around us but yet barrage of books, articles and news pieces are
written and bogus institutions and Medias created to make the fairytale
TPLF led regime looks real and acceptable. Whether they do it because
they believe TPLF is a legitimate entity or simply to take advantage of the
chaos it was empowered to create to divide-exploit the people and the
nation is not clear. But one thing is abundantly clear for all; Ethiopians are
under occupation of a confused mercenary like ethnic regime led by TPLF.
If institutions, including Medias can’t see this reality, either they are as
bogus as the fairytale regime --tangled up with their own petty interest or
part-and-partial of TPLF willingly conspiring to commit crimes.
Teshome Debalke
November 20 2014
A strange phenomenon is happening with Tigray People Liberation
Front (TPLF). It appears the inevitable identity crisis of to be-or-not-tobe
a Tigray Chiefdom it claimed to fight for or a Federal bandit it turned
out to be in Nations and Nationality it created and occupied is coming
home to roost. That is not all; it still agonizing whether to stick with the
Marxism ideology it was baptized to control and brutalize the
population or the crony capitalism it adapted along the way to extort
and robe the people and the nation.
Intoxicated by political power and daylight robbery its enablers
afforded it, it is having difficulty to choose between the empty bravado it pumps up its juveniles in the
imaginary ethnic ‘Tigray’ people it liberated (use and abuse) in an imaginary Region (open air prison) and
the Nations and Nationalities of Ethiopia it crafted to divide and exploit as a make-believe Federal
To make matter worst, the self-professed ‘Tigray’ liberators turn bandits actually believe they duped
Ethiopians and the world --telling their fairytale over-and-over again with crafty propaganda—aimlessly
drifting away from reality to believe it themselves. In fact, it is amazing how many fairytale story tellers
mushroomed in the last decade alone around the fairytale regime in order to sustain its rule and
unprecedented corruption.
It all started in one unfaithful day four decades ago when a half-dozen Ethiopian `juvenile armed with
Marxist books sat around a table in a tearoom in Addis Ababa and decided to start a revolution to ‘free’
the ‘oppressed people’ of Ethiopia from ‘Feudalism’ as many of their contemporaries did. With too
many ‘revolutionaries’ competing to free the same people in the name of the same ideology, the sorry
juveniles with too much time on their hand figured out the only chance they got in the competition wasto curved out an imaginary ethnic group called Tigray and made their newly minted identity a rallying
cause for liberation-leaving the rest of the ‘oppressed people’ Ethiopia behind.
‘Imaginary ethnic group to liberate out of the way, they had to come up with an imaginary territory to
match their newly minted identity and began drawing and redrawing territories to fit a fairytale history
out of their back pockets. Short of the Fascist Italian occupied territory their Arabs led ‘Eritrean’
Liberation Front comrades declared their own, they started slicing and dicing wherever their juveniles
mind took them to curve out a territory called Tigray and became a fairytale Liberation Front and found
out they were conspiring in a territory they declared an enemy they no longer belong.
Like juvenile that find justification to run away from home and distraught they are in an imaginary
‘enemy’ territory they created, they begin searching for an imaginary enemy to match their imaginary
ethnic identity by adapting Fascist invented ethnic Amhara as an enemy and historical Ethiopia as
colonizer-- instantly creating an identity crises that continue to hunt them to these days.
With imaginary people and territory to liberate and phantom ‘enemy’ to justify their fairytale cause and
a foreign ideology to rationalize their juvenile behavior, they relocated in the mountains of the
imaginary ethnic territory they created and began agitating the imaginary people to liberate from their
own country. They were not alone, few other Ethiopians were searching for imaginary peoples and
territories to liberate and enemies to match them. It was a classic example of ‘little knowledge is
With Arab led Eritrea Liberation Front (ELF) as their role model and no money and weapon to ‘liberate’
(use) the imaginary people and territory they created, the search for anybody to offer anything to make
their fairytale come true began. To their surprise; the historical Ethiopian enemies that embrace their
imaginary ethnic identity lined up to help. We later learned they didn’t even spare to ethicize famine
victims to extort Western Aid to achieve their fairytale dream to come true. As the saying goes the rest
is history.
There is no concrete evidence whether TPLF’s juveniles came up with the bizarre idea of ethnic
liberation on their own or whether they were led by the archenemies of Ethiopia. But, their behavior of
bowing for foreign powers from the start --uncharacteristic of Ethiopians points-- foreign powers must
have something to do with pushing ethnic liberation and ethnic Nation and Nationality in a country as
diverse as Ethiopia to divide-and-conquer the people. Indecently, it is documented fact Fascist occupiers
came up and practiced ethnicity as a weapon of perpetual division when they invented Amhara ethnicity
as a bogyman as TPLF did and continue to do now.
Fast forward, when the fairytale liberation came true -- a make-believe victory was celebrated and
imaginary statue was erected, and flag/rug that symbolizes empty bravado flew. Most significantly, an
imaginary identity and territory validated to begin dismantling the glories history of the people and the
nation. When Western powers reassured the ethnic juvenile ‘liberators’ as the best ‘mercenaries money
can buy the proxy occupation of Ethiopia began. It was a classic example of ‘be careful what you wish for
you might get it’.Once the fanfare was over, the run-away and the self-declared ethnic juvenile liberators that started
their adventure four decade ago ended up an instant ethnic chiefdom and a minority ethnic
‘occupier/invader of the imaginary ‘enemy territory’ they once despised to come in full circle to the
same location they started and began to plot yet another fairytale. Once again, they sat around a table
and began to draw and redraw other imaginary ethnic territories and constitution to match it and called
it Nations and Nationalities of Ethiopia to fit their fairytale chiefdom. This time around, the new
imaginary ethnic territories were drawn to validate the original fairytale territory of Tigray. It was a
classic case of ‘having your cake and eating it too’ of the Fascist proportion.
Ever since, TPLF juveniles lived in fairytale world-- empowered to slash-and-burn history, identity,
economy, governance until the mastermind of the fairytale sudden death. Confused and scared the end
of the fairytale regime is approaching, the legacy of the late ethnic leader/warlord/mercenary and the
goodies that came with his ingenuity to beg and extort became the only thing left to go on.
Therefore, the narratives the ethnic juveniles put out ever since is where one can observe what living in
fairytale world can do to the minds of individuals that refuse to grow out of it. As the saying goes;
‘fairytale teaches us to never grow up, sitcoms teach us how to act once we don’t’.
As disheartening as it is to see grownups to believe fairytale is real and behave like juveniles out of
control, we shouldn’t discount the reassurance of foreign force to have something to do with their
collective insanity. But again, it isn’t unusual for juveniles with lots of ill-gotten money and toys to play
with to behave like spoiled brats doing irrational things against their own people and nation on behalf of
foreign interest or their own economic interest.
The audacity of our contemporary elites pushing ethnicity and religion divide to avoid democratic rule
and justify their treason, treachery, corruption and crime against humanity illustrates it can only be the
work of foreign powers that hired them to do it against their own people and country.
Thus, since TPLF juveniles and their apologists think they can get away with fairytale regime-- making
too much noises ad ransacking the people’s history, identity, territory, coexistent… it is way overdue
someone knowledgeable write a book titled The tale of TPLF fairytale regime of Ethiopia: From ethnic
liberation to Federal banditry’ to unravel the crimes of TPLF from its inception until now. Attempting to
salvage the fairytale regime with all kinds of propaganda is an indication TPLF’s apologist have no
whatsoever interest to free Ethiopians from the bondage of ethnic tyranny but to sustain its hegemony
by conspiring to commit more historical crimes.
Albert Einstein once said “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created
In other words, ‘TPLF/Woyane self-mutilating fairytale entity created to eat its own flesh or a mercenary
group eating the flesh of Ethiopians on behalf of its enablers in the name of Tigray. Though the latter
appear the most plausible explanation of its behavior, it can’t be reformed for the better for the simple
reason it was created as on the bases of fairytale.Ato Gebremedhin Araya, the former member of TPLF led in warning Ethiopians early on the whole story
of TPLF from its inception until its self-proclaimed occupation of Ethiopia happened. He showed; TPLF
was out to destroy Ethiopia on behalf of its enablers by exposing its atrocities, treachery and corruption
within before it occupied the rest of Ethiopia. No one ever and since did tell the whole truth but noting
but the truth like he did from the inside.
Many Ethiopians attempted to shed light on TPLF’s treachery and ethnic apartheid it brought with it.
Some, out of ignorance and others deliberately left out the crime of TPLF from its inception and insist it
was born out of the oppression of the people of Tigray contrary what the evidence shows.
The former Deputy Communication Minster Ermias Legesse’s latest book titled, Ye-Melese Turfta
(Melse’s Legacy) that still rules from his grave is a good beginning in unraveling the fairytale regime’s
treachery since its self-professed occupation. The book is a window of opportunity to see how far the
fairytale ethnic regime had gone since it came to power as Ato Gebremedhin did before it came to
Reading the book makes anyone wonder whether TPLF is Ethiopian or all together a foreign mercenary
pretending to be Ethiopian. The answer for these questions can only come from those that support and
excuse it for the heinous crimes it commits in the name of self-proclaimed ethnic Tigray TPLF created
and continue to use and abuse. Others that setup institutions choose to see, hear and speak no evil of
TPLF must answer the same question of all questions too.
The ‘tell-tell’ book is repulsive to read where TPLF’s juveniles running amok --killing and robbing the
population like occupying force. In the middle of the book in the fairytale ethnic federal government
TPLF created is the stateless Birket Simon Ermias worked under. The ‘Eritrean’ national that lost his
closest self-professed Tigray comrade seems further lost with a self-inflected identity crises and a web of
ethnic politics and corruption’s propaganda he imposed on Ethiopians as fairytale ‘Amhara’
representative--wondering where he belongs in Nations and Nationalities Federal government he
supposedly advise the bogus Prime Minster. It is not clear what exactly Berket advice on Ethnic
Federalism where he has no place. He is a classic example TPLF is a mercenary organization with no
ethnic identity but use ethnicity as a means to justify its mission.
Quite frankly TPLF’s fairytale is going out-of-control on the Media in form of news, articles and books
since the late fairytale ‘Prime Minster Melse Zenawi extra ordinary started it with his first and last
infamous fairytale book titled “Eritrean Struggle from where to where!" followed by several half-baked
write ups that seems to inspire lots of his ethnic juvenile comrades to write more books and articles to
justify living in fantasy world. But, we can’t put the blame only TPLF’s ethnic juveniles. There are plenty
fairytale groups that slice-and dice-our people to live in their own fantasy world—peddling their own
interest and causing havoc on the glories people and nation they learned to despise.
Frankly, I don’t know about you my people, but in the real world where I live I can’t imagine when an
imaginary ethnic Tigray liberation leader’s first book is not about the imaginary territory and people he
and his comrades claimed to ‘liberate’ or the imaginary ‘enemy’s territory they ‘occupied’ to earn the
warlord fairytale legacy and to be buried not in the imaginary ethnic territory he and comrades‘liberated’ or a ‘foreign’ territory he idolize on his first and only book but in an imaginary ‘enemy’
territory he despised raped with a flag he claimed doesn’t exist when he began his fairytale ethnic Tigray
liberation. If that isn’t a fairytale of the worst kind where we witness many ethnic juvenile-like
intellectuals make a jackasses out of themselves idolizing fairytale ethnic warlord l don’t know what
could possibly be.
We also have to blame many that legitimize the fairytale constitution, laws, election, justice and
development the fairytale regime come up with to believe there is a government in Ethiopia worthy of
anything than a bunch of ethnic bandits running racketeering in a make-believe government they
created with barrage of propaganda and extortion that came with it.
But, we all have to admit, from all ethnic juveniles that wrote fairytale books the most hilarious of all
was the book written by Berket Simon titled ‘‘Ye Hulet Mirchawoch Weg’ (A Tale of Two Elections) after
the 2005 stolen election that justified the existence of TPLF’s fairytale regime now. The ‘Eritrean’
national, the ‘elected’ (selected or implanted) ‘Amhara’ Region official and the former fairytale
Government Communication Minster in an imaginary Federal Nation and Nationality I believe is an
adviser for the clueless Welyata ethnic Prime Minster/warlord that doesn’t have his own ethnic Region
but represent the fairytale Southern Nation and Nationalities Region TPLF created.
Since I did not read the book written by (according to the imaginary ethnic Federal constitution) a
stateless author running from an imaginary Federal ethnic Region he doesn’t belong writing about a
make-believe election, I can’t comment on the content of the book. After all what good an imaginary
ethnic Federal election written by a bogus Amhara official with no ethnic identity or Region would do
me? Wouldn’t that be equivalent me writing a book about a tale of election in Kenya running from
imaginary ethnic region I don’t belong and ‘winning’ by 99.64%? I am sure the fairytale Election Board
would approve me as a winner to write about it.
Talk about identity crises gone wild. Quite frankly, those fools that claim there is a Federal government
in Ethiopia run by elected representatives should be ashamed of themselves; not to mention spending
good money and time reading and writing fairytale stories. Well, in Berket’s book case since it is free
book courtesy of the Saudi-Ethiopian investor that is known to invest on a fairytale investment and
Medias we can only blame the people that waste their time reading fiction. But, again when you think
about it, why would our contemporary ethnic intellectuals ignore such a fairytale regime not to mention
praiseing it is the million dollar question only they can answer.
It reminded me what I scribbled about the fairytale Communication Minster Berket two years ago titled
“Media in Ethiopia and the ‘Woyane’ man behind it all”
“‘Garbage-in-garbage out’ turn out to be the Woyane’s vision of how the Media should operate. No
wonder the debris are falling-out of control causing confusion on the regime’s operatives themselves and
havoc on Ethiopians. When piled up lies get out of control there in no telling what happens to the
producers, distributors and consumers that rely on it for their existence.”Honestly, poor Berket Simon would have been better-off in the new nation of ‘Eritrea’ than being a
stateless juvenile in an imaginary Ethnic Federalism that is still led by his late comrade’s legacy that
threw him in an ethnic Region he doesn’t belong as foster child where every juvenile with no ethnic
identity or Region seems to be adapted as in our Oromo tradition of Gudifecha. But again, with ethnic
identity crises rampant courtesy of TPLF he probably would come back as imaginary ‘refugee’ suffering
in TPLF run refugee camps or reclaim his Ethiopiawinet as many ‘Eritrean’ nationals do.
Hold on now: before labeling me chauvinist, terrorist, ‘anti-the fairytale constitution’ or bogus
development and call for my hanging in fairytale juveniles’ justice you pulled out of your back pocket
like the fairytale TPLF regime does every day; I am simply suggesting to understand the fairytale
regime’s game first before you go haywire and call for my stoning to death or before joining in the killing
and robbing fields of my people as TPLF’s juveniles do. The way I see it; too many juveniles like Berket
are running loose in our Ethiopia and I am asking the adults to step forward to supervise them.
Let me put it in more real and historical context so that ethnic juveniles stop making up imaginary
enemies and territories to take us down the drain as they are empowered to do so. How is it we
Ethiopians refused to fight with each other when TPLF juveniles along many continue to provoke us with
every politically motivated fairytale they can come up with and failed miserably like the Fascists did;
Look, our people, the Ethiopians are organically civilized than our contemporary ethnic elites give them
credit for and what the ethnic peddling juveniles with a sham credential want us to believe. Quite
frankly, if you ask me; Ethiopians don’t need a government but administrators to handle our collective
affairs. We are self-governing people the fairytale ethnic regime Woyane and its enablers couldn’t stand
for obvious reason. If you don’t believe me inquire who is behind the self-mutilating ethnic juveniles
that believe begging the world and robbing the nation and her people is developmental state or rigging
the people’s vote is revolutionary democracy. Truthfully, Ethiopians haven’t been challenged like we are
with Woyane and its half-baked ethnic elites with identity crises to make up their mind who they are.
For those of us (Ethiopian origin) that live in faraway places and feel we know better just because… we
live in a fairytale of our own, the least we could do is learn civilization from our own people we left
behind than the other way around. After all, what good are we if we don’t appreciate our own
civilization just because we collect diplomas to feel we have a license to undermine our own as the
fairytale ethnic regime’s apologists do? In fact, learning the regime’s officials print diplomas faster than
the bogus parliament approve fairytale proclamation and directives as an ammunition for the regime
should tell us our people are under brazen regime out to who we are as one people. Look around who
among us is agitating our people to divide and undermine our own civilization with bogus credential?
Look further, who is behind these ethnic juvenile characters making up fairytale stories to make us
believe there is a worthy government in Ethiopia? The reality is you wouldn’t find civilized people like
Ethiopians and uncivilized regime like Woyane anywhere you look.
Few years back I wrote “civilized people uncivilized regime: how did it happen?” referring to the fairytale
regime’s supporters;“They say corruption is development, stealing is growth, vote rigging is democracy,
killing is fighting terrorism, lying is government communication, propaganda is
news, laundering money is investment, genocide is resettlement, bribing is
representation, jailing is justice, division is Ethnic Federalism, terrorizing is
maintaining constitutional order… ”
That is what the TPLF juveniles have been doing in the last 40 years of their fairytale ethnic liberation,
ethnic Nations and Nationality, revolutionary democracy, growth and transformation… since TPLF’s selfprofessed
occupation of Ethiopia that lasted more than two decades. You don’t have to take my words,
look at the institutions financed by foreign interest and find out about the clandestine operatives behind
them. It would give you an idea there is organized conspiracy going on against the people of Ethiopia.
Clearly Ethiopians are taken as fools by TPLF and its operatives actually believe they got away with
skillfully crafted propaganda selling fairytale as real.
The good news is Ethiopians are rising up to demand Woyane’s surrender as the scramble to
disassociate from the fairytale ethnic regime is underway while the operatives hide behind foreigners to
save the fairytale regime their livelihoods depend on. Like the old, the new operatives are running all
over the world looking for help to sustain the fairytale regime -- selling land and resources in the name
of development in return for legitimacy and protection from the imaginary enemy their old counterparts
created four decades ago. Surprisingly, unlike their old the new pretend to be more Ethiopians than the
Ethiopians they despise.
For sure, it is not the first time in our extended history to go through these kinds of treachery and
betrayal. But, what makes TPLF different than before is the number of educated elites that joined its
rank-and-file to legitimize and sustain it for far too long while many more former TPLF’s juveniles hide in
the closet or reborn into something altogether different than help clean up the rubbish they help pileup
in the name of the people of Tigray.
Speaking of our people in the occupied imaginary Tigray Region (prison) or what I call Zone 0 prison (in
the traditions of Zone 9 bloggers), TPLF silenced, bribed, used and abused to commit heinous crime in
their name. The fact it created the fairytale Tigre ethnicity and Region to commit treachery is a tragedy
on its own. Being the damping ground of TPLF’s corruption and beggary made the situation worst. But,
what is appalling is being a base and a hiding place for the treacherous TPLF’s juveniles with identity
crises is more reason to believe the fairytale regime is an instrument perpetuated by foreign entity to
destroy the very people it claimed to liberate. Most of the mastermind of the hoax admittedly non
Ethiopian proves TPLF is anything but a mercenary in disguise.
The fairytale Woyane regime has done enough treachery wearing different coats and flying different
flags since its inception no one knows what it is capable of doing. It got so good at pleasing its enablers
that empowered it to divide and destabilize the nation and the region posed as stabilizing force, thanks
to its enablers that throw bones at it to jump high when told to do so. But, what is disturbing isn’t only the treachery of the fairytale regime but the silence of Ethiopians elites
and those that pretend to do something but ignore the crimes of TPLF all together or outright divert its
crimes into regional and global issue than confront the perpetuators of the crimes against Ethiopians.
There are many institutions setup with capable people behind them to address the problem of lack of
freedom and democracy and the rampant corruption and organized crime TPLF’s operatives commit
with impunity. But, all failed to make them accountable and to clean up the mess. Some are created by
the fairytale regime itself to divert the attention of Ethiopians and the world from its crimes. Others
start with good intention to end up doing more harm than good—raising the people’s expectation and
faltering. Quite few do it purely for their own petty interest taking advantage of the flow of foreign aid
to mitigate the political and economic chaos the regime created. The handful of institutions that do it for
the right reasons are overwhelmed by the rest.
To illustrate the problem Ethiopians face the lack transparency of institutions established to address the
problem speak volume to show they are part of the problem than the solution. Failing to address TPLF
led fairytale regime’s crime against the people of Ethiopia and the rampant corruption that comes with
it is where the problem begins and must end. Many institutions failed to do what they claimed—
confusing the public and exacerbating the problem further by prolonging the fairytale regime rule thus,
undermine freedom and democracy from coming to the people of Ethiopia sooner than later. Until all
institution that claims one thing or another become transparent and accountable to the people tyranny
in one form or another would be the rule not the exception. The question is not why but how to make
them accountable.
Two institutions little known for an average Ethiopian, namely African Rally for Peace and Development
(ARPD) and The Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center illustrates the lack of transparency in
what they say and do in addressing the crises of governance— lack of rule of law and democracy and the
presence of rampant corruption, atrocities and human right violation of TPLF led fairytale regime.
Therefore, the high profile (in the eye of the international community) institutions are good exampl of
what went wrong with institutions that are not accountable to the people.
African Rally for Peace and Development (ARPD) claims to be “a civil society
organization engaged in advocacy and campaigning, education and research,
partnership and networking, as well as dissemination of information on
peace and security, justice and human rights, development and a safe
environment. ARPD was founded in 2005 by a group of five likeminded
individuals committed to contributing to African efforts to create an
informed and responsible African citizenry by upholding democratic values
of justice and human rights and culture of peace and tolerance. It is a not-for
profit, non-partisan and secular civic non-governmental organization”.
the website domain name is registered in 2007 but have no website. According to Domain ToolThe registrar is Bruk Hiwet at 1301 14TH ST NW APT 604 Washoingotn DC with a Addis Ababa Mobile #
251911683838 according Who is ology Bruk also
registered domain name Haile Garment is ‘export oriented garment
Company of women apparel located in Addis Ababa, according to its website. Why a apparel exporter
register a domain name of African Rally for Peace and Development (ARPD) that claim to bring about
peace and development in Africa is not clear.
Dr. iur. Mehari Taddele Maru is the-founder and Chair of Board of ARPD with the unidentified
‘likeminded’ associates that established ARPD. His LinkedIn profile
refers him as Independent Consultant from September 2012 –
Present. Programme Head African Conflict Prevention Programme, ISS (Institute for Security Study)
August 2010 – August 2012. Chair of Board of ARPD January 2008 – 2010 (2 years) Addis Ababa.
Programme Coordinator, AU Consultant UNDP, UNECA, GIZ, FES, AIDWO from June 1999 – October
2009. Director, Addis Ababa University from April 2003 – March 2006. In addition, under publication
the link for African Rally for Peace and Development (ARPD) Oxford, Rome,
Stockholm, Pretoria, leads to his personal blog ( It is not clear why ARPD he
and the unidentified ‘likeminded individuals’ that established organization doesn’t have a working
website. His personal blog also doesn’t provide the link of ARPD nor mention the five ‘likeminded
individuals’ that founded the organization., a platform for academics to share research paper refers Dr. iur. Mehari Taddele Maru as
“international consultant and Research Fellow at NATO Defense College. Until August 2012, he was the
Programme Manager for African Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis at the Institute for Security
Studies. He studied at Harvard, Oxford, JL Giessen, and Addis Ababa Universities. He also served at
African Union, Institute for Security Studies and Addis Ababa University”.
Africa Portal refers Mehari Taddele Maru as “Independent Consultant including to AU, Sida, GIZ,
KAIPTC, APSTA , Program Head for the African Conflict Prevention Program at the served as Legal Expert
at the African Union Commission and as Director of the Addis Ababa University Office for University
Reform. Mr. Maru has long been convinced of the need for civil society to be actively involved in the
search for solutions to both local and global issues. To further this goal, he has founded and worked with
a variety of civil society institutions such as the African Rally for Peace and Development, African
Initiative for a Democratic World Order, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, and the Bonn International
Centre for Conversion. Among his many engagements, he is currently serving as a member of the Board
of Directors of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development Commission – the largest nongovernmental
Ethiopian relief and development institution. Mr. Maru is a critic and commentator on
Ethiopian and international media outlets. He has been quoted by the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation, Ethiopian Television, and various newspapers on human rights issues, migration, economic
governance and international criminal justice.
It is not clear why Mehari didn’t mention his role and experience in African Initiative for a Democratic
World Order (AIDWO), an NGO in Addis Ababa and Ethiopian Orthodox Church DevelopmentCommission on his other profiles. A search for the commission found The Ethiopian Orthodox Church
Development and Inter Church Aid Commission (EOC/DICAC), the development wing of the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church. The Commission operates through a countrywide network of churches, working with
partners on poverty reduction. Programmes include emergency relief, food security, rehabilitation,
development, prevention and control activities in HIV/AIDs’ with a link,
according to Global Hand--an initiative of Crossroads Foundation based in Hong Kong and registered in
England and Wales with the Charity Commission (company registration number 06003594; Charity
Registration number 1153488),
The Domain name for Ethiopian Orthodox Church Development Commission registered on 2013-08-13
Ashburn, Virginia by identified person, according to Domain Tool Dr. Agedew Redie appointed in
September of 2010 replacing Aragaw Truneh is the Commissioner of EOC-DICAC, according to Zoom Info!search/profile/person?personId=1789298141&targetid=profile
Google plus profile he identify Dr. iur. Mehari Taddele Maru as Teshager Mehari with a storyline “Born
in 1974 in the principal site and at the time of a protracted, devastating civil war in Ethiopia, the
northern region of Tigray, witnessed at an early age the human rights violations and forced
disappearances of his close family members, including his father and maternal grandparents and the
negative impact of devastating war on the livelihood of the local population. A professional career
embedded in personal life experiences. A childhood experience, perhaps more than anything else,
amply influenced by subsequent active interest in the phenomenon of human rights activism, public
policy and public service, as well as their consequences and responsibilities. A commitment to making a
contribution towards the establishment of the rule of law and a human rights protective regimes in
Africa, which is reinforced during early years at Addis Ababa University”. It is not clear which name--Mehari, Taddele, Maru, is
his first or last name and Teshager that isn’t used on his professional profile but on his academic papers.
In one of in his initiative titled “Development Initiatives for African Diaspora The Case of Ethiopia” as
an Executive Director African Rally for Peace and Development he founded it appears he designed the
regime’s Diaspora policy under the Ethiopian Foreign Ministry-Diaspora Affair office he consult from
Bank Account for Diaspora and remittance transfer to Diaspora Investment and NGOs working on
Diaspora and more, according the undated initiative outlined on his personal blog
It is not clear what exactly Dr. iur. Mehari Taddele Maru or Teshager Mehari does involved in multiple
organizations in Ethiopia and around the world reviling very little of his associates and what he did for
peace and development in Africa or Ethiopia.
The Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center is another ‘non-profit, civic organization “dedicated
to the vision of attaining a durable peace and stability”, according to its website.
registered by Kidane Alemayehu in 05/03/2006, according IP Address
The Center established two decade ago claims to be “governed by a Board of Trustees, and an Executive
Committee. The Board shall comprise a Chairperson and five members. The Executive Committee shall
comprise a President, a Secretary/Treasurer and two members at HAPDC's Centre as well as sub-commit
(total of
hed in
each of
Horn of
the chairpersonship of a Vice-President and 3-5-peson committees” but revile none of the Board of
Trustee or the Executive committee identity and background or the countries they represent on its
A search to identify the people behind HAPDC found Professor Ephraim Isaac; according to his Facebook
page he “founded the Horn of Africa Peace & Development Center (PDC) and the Coalition of Ethiopian
Elders (CEE). In that capacity inspired by the Biblical prophets and Ethio-Oromo peace tradition, he has
succeeded brilliantly in peace building in modern Ethiopia, the second largest country in Africa. In all his
achievements, his loyal PDC-CEE colleagues have always been his steadfastly partners” according to his
face book profile. It goes on
his childhood experience and his family. He said “my father, a Yemenite Jew, was a strong believer in the
Hebrew Prophets who taught peace, love and respect’. And, ‘my mother too, who came from an OromoCushitic
tradition taught me love and peace. He went on;” in 1989, together with a distinguished group
of Ethiopian professions and elders (among them Dr. Haile Selassie Belay, Dr. Tilahun Beyene, Dr.
Ahmed Moen, Dr. Mulugeta Eteffa, Dr. Astair GM Amante, and others) I helped found an ad hoc peace
committee that has now evolved into the well-known Horn of Africa Peace & Development Center
(PDC) in Addis Ababa”.
Professor Ephraim Isaac is also Board of Advisor and expert In the National Committee on American
Foreign Policy (NCAFP) along the African Project Director Ambassador Herman J. Cohen, former
Assistant Secretary of State for Africa in the administration of President George H.W. Bush (1989-1993),
and senior advisor for African Governance at the World Bank. Currently, Ambassador Cohen is President
of Cohen & Woods International and Project Director of the NCAFP’s Africa Project. Professor Ephraim is referred as a Project
and Country Director of the “Peace Dialogues for a Sustainably Stable Ethiopia”. In that capacity, on
November 15, 2012 he held by invitation only roundtable discussion at the Harvard Club in New York
City titled “Laying the Groundwork for Democracy” as part of the NCAFP’s Ethiopia Project “Peace
Dialogues for a Sustainably Stable Ethiopia”. Among the invited was “Dr. Addisu Gebreigzabhier, who
serves as Deputy Chairman of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia since 2007, and Professor Merga
((Left to right), Professor Ephraim Isaac , Director of the Institute of Semitic Studies at Princeton
University, Dr. Haile Selassie Belay, Former governor of Tigray Province and former Dean of Alemaya
University, Dr. Tilahun Beyene, Associate Dean of the University of Maryland Dr. Ahmed
Moen, Associate Professor and Interim Director Health Management Sciences of Howard University
Dr. Mulugeta Eteffa, Former Ambassador of Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Permanent Mission in New
York Source: Peace and Development Center-
Dr. Astair GM Amante, Associate Professor at Arizona State University and one of the
Founder of HAPDC picture `not found. Bekana, Chairperson of the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia. As Chairperson of the Board, Professor
Bekana has successfully managed both local and general elections in 2008 and 2010 respectively, in
addition to having organized referenda and by-elections”, according NCAFP website . It is not clear whether the Professor
Ephraim role as a Project and Country Director of the “Peace Dialogues for a Sustainably Stable Ethiopia”
is part of his work in the Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center he co-founded or not. And,
whether the Addis Ababa or the Texas based Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center are one and
the same.
At the meantime, the Germen Embassy in Ethiopia on its August 2014 Press Release confirmed Ayeten
A. Birhanie as the Executive Director of HAPDC in Addis Ababa when signing a cooperation agreement,
according to the embassy’s website. (Picture: Ambassador Joachim Schmidt of Germany and HA PDC’s
Executive Director, Ayten Anemaw Birhanie)
Ayten Anemaw Birhanie also claims to be the Executive Director of Horn of Africa Peace and
Development Center/PDC/ since January 2011 – Present and the Founder of New Abyssinia College,
according to his LinkedIn profile .
Horn of Africa Peace & Development Center ( based in Texas is
registered as International NGO in Foreign Affairs, and National Security Q20 (Promotion
of International Understanding) and approved by IRS in 2008, according Guide Star
The Texas based Center’s officers and stuff are not provided by the official
website. But, Kidane Alemayehu was referred as President of Center, according to document releases at
the Conference held in Arlington Texas sponsored by the organization. He is also referred
as a Founding President of Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center when he presented ‘Horn of
Kidane AlemayehuAfrica: From Glory to Misery and Hope’ on the Fourth International Conference on Ethiopian
Development Studies at Michigan State University in May 15 of 2007 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
In letter of ‘appeal for USA Action for Sustainable Peace in Somalia’ he wrote to Senator Russ Feingold,
the then Chairperson of the Foreign Relation Sub Committee on Africa in September of 2007 Kidane
referred himself President of HAPDC with a contact number of 214-703-9022 in Dallas and unlisted fax
landline number 480-393-5483 disengaged in Phoenix Arizona. It isn’t clear why a Dallas based
organization would have a fax number in Phoenix Arizona.
The Organization’s Facebook like its website doesn’t revile who the officers and the Board of Directors
may be and if it is associated with the Ethiopia based HAPDC founded by Prof Ephraim and associates
led by Ayten Anemaw Birhanie.
Kidane is also the Founder of the Global Alliance for Justice — The Ethiopian Cause, a non-profit Garland,
Texas based outfit that advocates for the recognition of Fascist war crimes in Ethiopia by Vatican and the
Pope. The website doesn’t revile the people involved in the organization. But, the official address of
Global Alliance for Justice is 3352 Broadway Blvd, No 477 Garland, TX 75043 USA; a mail box office with
the contact address of a private residence at 5417 Palace Drive. Richardson, TX 75082. The same box
office is associated with Professor Techola Hagos unnamed company, according to Zoom Info!search/profile/company?companyId=350836961&targetid=profile
In February 7 2013 interview on ESAT -- Tikuet program regarding his work in Global Alliance for Justice,
journalist Abebe Gellaw raised the question about Ato Kidane’s involvement in Horn of Africa Peace and
Development Center and what peacemaking in a horn of Africa means before addressing the lack of
peace within Ethiopia under TPLF led regime. Kidanes’ unresponsiveness answer speaks for itself to raise
more questions than answer (listen starting 43 min in the interview) He is also involved in on the attempted
peacemaking between the Orthodox Church synods in exile and Addis Ababa as he agonizes to answer the
question raised by Journalist Abebe at the end of the interview.
Kidane is also referred as President of a little known outfit called Northeast Africa Institute, Inc. that was
registered as a Domestic Non Profit Corporation in the State of Florida in
September 12 of 2003, according to Cooperation Wiki
along Fassil Gabremariam (pictured)
Professor Negussay Ayele on his 14 November 2002 presentation titled
“Reflections on Possibilities and Probabilities of Confederation in Northeast” on a
conference held in Tampa, FL was quoted saying “It is my understanding that this conference is the
result of initiatives taken by Ato Fassil Gebremariam and Ato Kidane Alemayehu who hail from
Fassil Gebremariam Northeast Africa and who now reside in Tampa”. Almost a year later
Northeast Africa Institute Inc. was registered by the two individuals as principles. It is not clear what
exactly the institute does and why Professor Negussay referred them ‘from North East Africa’ instead of
their birth nations or nationalities in the possible North East African nations of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea
or Somalia.
Fassil Gabremariam is known as a Founder and President of US Africa Free Enterprise Education
Foundation established in 1996 as non for profit that
promote free enterprise and The U.S.-Africa Business Association, Inc. founded in 1997 as a non-profit
501(c)(6) membership driven business association organized to promote bilateral trade and investment
between the United States and Africa, according to Fassil’s official Testimony before the Subcommittee
on Trade of the House Committee on Ways and Means Hearing on U.S. Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa in
April 29, 1997 His is
also affiliated with Educate & Empower to Employ Community Development, LLC in Tampa Florida.
The question is what exactly does the Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center established two decade
ago in Addis Ababa and in 2008 in Garland Texas does beside conferences and research and why it choose not to
revile the identity, nationality, background and credential of the people involved on the official
websites? And, why didn’t independent Medias fail to investigate what it does and what the
preneciples accomplished for peace and development in the Horn of Africa since its formation?
In an article titled ‘Professionals bowing for despotism are the primary cause of lawlessness in Ethiopia’ I
quoted the Founders of Horn of Africa Peace and Development Center Professor Ephraim Isaac and Dr.
Tilahun Beyene praising the late depot of Ethiopia Melse Zenaw as reported on TPLF’s Diaspora mouth
piece Aiga Forum. Such responsible intellectuals in Western institutions praising an atrocious and
corrupt tyrant while posing as impartial peacemakers in the Horn of Africa says more about our
collective failure to institute accountability to one-and-all institutions and individual that run them.
Looking at the only website listed as HAPDC’s website established 2008 it says more about the impunity
of the people that run the organization than the prospect of peace and development they brought in the
Horn of Africa. The question is why do their peers and the Media failed to make them accountable?
It is not public secret TPLF is known to create bogus institutions in the country and around the world to
legitimize its rule and economic extraction. It is also clear; TPLF impunity to undermine civic society and
free press to prolong its rule and control the population is the primary cause of lack of peace and
The question is why do institutions like African Rally for Peace and Development (ARPD) and the Horn
of Africa Peace and Development Center in Addis Ababa or Texas failed to mention the problem let
alone do something about it? Better yet, why do the two institutions not transparent to revile their
officers’ identity, background and the source funding to the public? And, where are the independent
Medias when we need them?
As the fairytale ethnic regime hangs on by committing more and more atrocities and all kinds of
economic crimes who but institutions that claim to stand for democracy, human right and peace and
development supposed to make it accountable?When institutions like the two above as many others failed to do what they claim to do, Ethiopians must
make the responsible parties that run them accountable as much if not more than the fairytale regime
led by TPLF that hides behind bogus institutions of its own creation.
In conclusion, freedom, rule of law and democracy is the ultimate goal of the struggle of Ethiopians
unlike the false promises of the elites peddling their own interest against the interest of the people.
Demanding institutional transparency for one-and-all goes a long way to bring down tyranny and its
apologists on their knees to end the prenuptial insecurity they instigate to prolong tyrannical rule on
behalf of tyranny or for their own interests.
Ethiopians have two choices to make as people; to be or not to be for freedom and democracy or to
peddle individual and groups’ interest bargaining with tyranny in one form or another. If history is a
lesson; freedom and democracy only comes when we collectively decide noting worth more than
democratic rule not to fall for false promises
The legendary Founding Fathers of the United States, inventor, journalist, printer, diplomat, and
statesman Benjamin Franklin (1706 -1790) said it best;
‘Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither
Liberty nor Safety’
The youth of ETHIOPIA mustn’t be fooled by the hype of the modern day poverty, conflict and terrorism
peddling elites to give up on freedom and democracy easily. After all, freedom, rule of law and
democracy isn’t entitlement the fairytale regime of Woyane or anyone else hands out or it can be
bargained as TPLF led regime’s apologist wanted us to believe but, rights Woyane must surrender by all
means necessary. Anyone that doesn’t understand that reality and act upon it is willing ignorant or part
and partial of tyranny.
And, the Free Press and independent civic society are the backbone of freedom and democracy. Without
them freedom and democracy is a pipe dream and a fair game for tyranny of all kinds as we are
witnessing with the fairytale regime of Woyane and many interest groups.
Thomas Jefferson, the Founding father and the third President of the United States once said;
“The basis of our government being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep
that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers,
or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should
mean that every man should receive those papers and be capable of reading them”
Benjamin Franklin reinforced the same when he said “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation
must begin by subduing the Freedom of speech”
In contrast V.I. Lenin, Bolshevik dictator of the Soviet Union, 1917-1924 said;
“Why should freedom of speech and freedom of the press be allowed? Why should a government
which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a
printing press and disseminate pernicious opinion calculated to embarrass the government?”
Adolf Hitler, Dictator of Nazi Germany, 1933-1945 reinforced the same
“The organization of our press has truly been a success. Our law concerning the press is such that
divergences of opinion between members of the government are no longer an occasion for public
exhibitions, which are not the newspapers’ business. We’ve eliminated that conception of political
freedom which holds that everybody has the right to say whatever comes into his head.”
As I said before, Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) is the best thing that happens to Ethiopians since
the Adwa victory. The new Masreja Justice Center that was launched recently is the second best thing
that happened to Ethiopians and the beginning of accountability to end tyranny for good. Anyone that
can’t understand and support such model of Free Press and accountability must be a surrogate of
tyranny or ignorant enough to believe something good can come out of tyranny. Unfortunately lots of
learned men and women peddling their petty interest knowingly became the instrument of tyranny
against millions of their own people. That sums up the crises in Ethiopia and Africa in general and the
dilemma we face every day what to do with the elites that bargain their people’s rights and freedom
with the prevailing tyrannies that come and go-leaving millions in poverty, conflicts and suffering at
home and around the world. .
The little TPLF’s fairytale regime went beyond -- choking freedom of speech and Press along civic societies
and many institutions to subdue Ethiopians to accept its tyrannical rule and corruption by creating bogs
institutions including the Media to confuse the public. Until Ethiopians collectively go after bogus institutions, the
struggle will take longer than it should.
As Benjamin Franklin said ‘We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang
separately’ as we are beginning to find out what TPLF with its clandestine ethnic elites have in store for
Ethiopians wasted valuable time looking over our shoulders fooled by the fairytale ethnic regime led by
TPLF. It is about time Ethiopians come together to dismantle the treacherous regime once and for all.
To borrow the old slogan of Ethio-Media “TPLF is a mercenary group that can’t be reformed, it must be
dismantled” such truthful statement that was deleted long ago for unknown reason is true now as it was
before to all groups peddling anything other than freedom and democracy for all the children of
As the saying goes “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times,
shame on both of us.”
Ethiopians shall be free by the ingenuity of her children not to settle for anything less than democratic rule.
The article is dedicated for those that foresee Ethiopians as great people yearning for freedom and democracy like
our forefathers did to preserve independence than pawns of tyranny and foreign interest. It is about time
Ethiopians choose side and demand TPLF to surrender power and the rest to be accountable in their actions orinaction
to bring about freedom and democracy to the beloved people of Ethiopia. Is it too much to ask to free our
people from modern day ethnic tyranny?

Thursday 20 November 2014

ነፃነት ይቅደም ባህር ከማል

አንዳንዶች እንደሚሉት ሳይሆን በህወሃት የሚመራው የኢትዮጵያ ገዢ መደብ በተናጠልም ሆነ በቡድን ደረጃ ተዳክሟል።በምድር ላይ ያለው እውነታ ይህንን ያመላክታል።ስርአቱ በመርበድበድ (in a state of panic ) ላይ መሆኑን የሚጠቁሙ ብዛት ያላቸው ምልክቶ እየታዩ ነው::
1.ከ 23 አመታት በኋላ የተለያዩ የህብረተሰብ ክፍሎችን ሰብስቦ ስለአብዮታዊ ዲሞክራሲ መስበክ፤
2.ከ~95 ሚሊዮን የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ 1.5% ብቻ የኢንተርኔት ተጠቃሚ በሆነበት “በፌስቡክና ትዊተር ሀዝቡ በተሳሳተ መረጃ እንዳይወናበድ በአግባቡ ለመጠቀም” በሚል ሰበብ ስልጠና መስጠት፤
3.ባንዲራችንን ጨርቅ (rag ) ነው እንዳላሉ ዛሬ ባንዲራ “ተዋረደ ተረገጠ” ብሎ ያዞ እምባ ማንባት፤
4.ኤርትራ የኢትዮጵያ ቅኝ ግዛት ስለነበረች የኤርትሪያ ጥያቄ ከቅኝ ግዛት ነፃ የመውጣት ጥያቄ ነው ሲሉ ቆይተው ዛሬ ከ40 አመት በኋላ ቃላቸውን አጥፈው የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ለማጭበርበር “በኤርትራ ጉዳይ የያዝነው አቋም በጉዳዩ ላይ ተገቢ ጥናትና ምርምር ሳይደረግ ነው ” ማለት፤
5.ትናንት “የአሰብ ወደብ ጉዳይ ከሸቀጥ ተለይቶ አይታይም” እንዳላሉ ዛሬ “ወደብን ገዝቶ ከመጠቀም በዘለለ አኳሃን መነጋገር አስፈላጊ ነው” ብሎ ማውራት፤
6.እየተጠናከረ የመጣውን የዲያስፖራን ተቃውሞ ” የሚቋቋም ግብረሃይል እንዲመሰረት” ጥሪ ማቅረብ;….ወዘተ ከብዙ የመርበትበት ምልክቶች ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው።
ይህማለት ደግሞ ሥርአቱ መግዛት አቅቶት በራሱ በሚወድቅበት ደረጃ ላይ ደርሷል ማለትም አይደለም።የግድ የሚገፈትረው የተባበረ ጡንቻ ያስፈልገዋል።
የተቃዋሚ/የአማርጭ ሃይሎች ትግሉ በተጠናከረ ሁኔታ እንዲቀጥልና የገዢው ቡድን መግዛት አቅቶት እስኪወድቅ ከመጠበቅና ሊከሰት ከሚችል ቀውስ አገሪቱን ለማዳንና ህዝቡን ለመታደግ የተያዘው ትግል ተጠናክሮ መቀጠል የኖርበታል።
መደረግ/መጠናከር ከሚገባቸው ውስጥ ጢቂቶችን መጥቅስ ቢያስፈልግ፤
1. ከኔ ሌላ አዋቂ የለምና እኔን ብቻ አድምጡኝ/ተከተሉኝን ማቆም።
2. በፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎችና በሌሉችም ህዝባዊ ድርጅቶች መሃከል አስፈላጊ ያልሆነ ውድድሮችን መግታት፤
3. አገርውስጥም ሆነ ካገር ውጭ ያሉት የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎችና ህዝባዊ ድርጅቶች ህብረተሰቡን ለውይይት ሲጠሩ ከመድረክ ላይ በሚቀርቡት ገለጻውችና በህወሃት ውንጃላዎች የሰብሰባውን ሰአት ከማባከን እንዴት ስርአራቱን ማስወገድ እንደሚቻል ለታዳሚዎች ሰፊ የውይይት ጊዜ መስጠት።ይህ ደግሞ የህብረተሰቡን ተሳፎ ከመጨመሩም ሌላ የትግሉ በለቤትነትን ያጥናክራል፤
4.በፖለቲካ ፓቲዎችና በሌሉችም ህዝባዊ ድርጅቶች አባላት መሃከል የመደማመጥ፤የመቻቻል፤ችግሮችን በጊዜ የመፍታት፤በብዙሃን የበላይ ነት የመመራት፥ወዘት ባህልን ማዳበር። ይህ ደግሙ በበኩሉ የድርጅቶችን ዲሞክራሲአዊ አሰራርን፤ጠንካራ ድርጅታዊ ሰነ-ምግባርን፡ ያጠናክራል።አባላት በሆነ ባልሆነ ባኮረፉ ቁጥር በድርጅቶቻቸው ስሞች ላይ ዲን D) በመቀጠል ሌላ አዳካሚ ድርጅት እንዳይ መሰርቱ ያደርጋል (በአሁኑ ወቅት አንዳንድ ድርጅቶች ባልጠፋ ስም የመጀመሪያውን የድርጅታቸውን ስም እንደያዙ እስከሶት እንደተከፈሉ እየሰማን ነው)፤
5.ከተቻለ ወህደትን አሊያም ግንባር በመፍጠር ጡንቻቸውን ማጠናከር።በጋራ ሊያስማማን በሚችል ላይ በማተኮርና በልዩነት ላይ በመቻቻል ከሁሉንም የህብረተሰብ ክፍሎች ጋር በጋራ ለመስራት ጥረት ማድረግ ያ ካልተቻለ ደግሞ መጠላለፍን መቆም ይበጃል።ወደጎን መጎሻሸም ማብቃት አለበት። ለህወሃት እንጂ ለማንም አይጠቅምምና፤
6.ትግሉ ያለው አገር ቤት ነው እዚህ ያለው (ዳያስፖራው)ምንም ሊያደርግ አይችልም የሚባለውን በጥሞና ማየት።በዳያስፖራው ያልታገዘ በተለይም በታዳጊ አገሮች አንድም ለውጥ አልተካሄደም። በርግጥ መሪውን (Steering wheels )ይዞ የለውጥን ባቦር የሚያሽከረክረው አገር ቤት ያለው ህዝብ መሆኑ የሚካድ አይደለም። ሆኖም ዳያስፖራው በነጻነት ሃሳቡን በሚገልጽበትና የተሻለ የምጣኔ ሃብት ባላቸው አገሮች ስለሚኖር መረጃን በማቀበልና የድርጅቶችን አቅም በመገንባት ከፍተኛ አስተውጽኦ አለው።ለዚህም ነው በህወሃት የሚመራው “መንግስት” ጥቂቶች ናቸው እያለ ነጋ ጠባ ስለ ዳያስፖራው የሚያለቃቅሰው።የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ለግባቸው መሳካት በሚያመነጩት አማራጭ ሃስብ ብቻ ሳይሆን በምጣኔ-ሃብትም ጠንካራ መሆን ይኖርባቸዋል። በተለይም ህወሃት ይህንን ጠንቅቆ ያውቀዋል።በታላቁ የ1984 ዓም ድርቅ ወቅት ቆሜለታለሁ ይል የነበረው ህብረተብ በረሃብ ሲያልቅ ህወሃት የርዳታ ስንዴን ለአቅም መገምቢያ ያደርግ ነበር፤የሃውዜንም እልቂት ያቀነባበሩት ከፖለቲካ ድጋፍ በተጨማሪ የምጣኔ ሃብት አቅም ግንባታን ከውጭ በእርዳታ መልክ ለማጠንክር ነው።በለስ ቀንቷቸው ቤተ መንግስቱን እንደተቆናጠጡ በ EFFORT ስም የጀመረቱ የኢኮኖምውን ዘርፍ የተቆጣጠሩት በሚያራምዱ ርዕዮታ-አለም ብቻ ያለህዝብ ድጋፍ ስልጣኑን እንደጨበጡ መቆየት የማይችሉ መሆናቸውን ስለሚያውቁ ነው፤
7.የምዕራባውያን ድጋፍ በተለይም የኢኮኖሚው ድጋፍ ባይኖረው ይህ በህወሃት የሚመራው “መንግስት” አንድቀንም ውሎ ባላደረ ነበር።ለዝህም በ97 ምርጫ ማግስት በተካሄደው ህዝባዊ ዘመቻ በተወሰነ መልኩ እርዳታ በመቋረጡ ምንያል ህወሃት እነደተደናበረ ማስታወሱ በቂ ነው።ስለዚህ ይህንን የገቢ ምንጭ (ያለ “መንግስት” ጣልቃገብነት የሚሰጠውን ሰብአዊ እርዳታን ሳይጨምር)እንዲደርቅ በማደረግ ላይ ያለው አመርቂ የሆነ ሥራ መቀጠል አላበት ።በታላቋ ቢሪታኒያ በቆራጥ አክቲቪስቶች እየተደረገ ያለውና ውጤትም ባማሳየት ላይ ያለው በሌሎችም አካባቢዎች መጠናክር ይኖርበታል።ለዚህም የዲፕሎማሲ ሥራ ትኩረት ሊሰጠው ይገባል።ለንደን ወይም ዋሽንግተን ብቻ ሳይሆኑ ሌሎችም የምዕራባዊያ መዲናዎቆች (የመንግታት መቀመጫዎች) ትኩረት ሊሰጣቸው ይገባል፤
8.ትግሉ ያለው አገር ቤት ነው እዚህ ያለው (ዳያስፖራው)ምንም ሊያደርግ አይችልም የሚባለውን በጥሞና ማየት።በዳያስፖራው ያልታገዘ በተለይም በታዳጊ አገሮች አንድም ለውጥ አልተካሄደም። በርግጥ መሪውን (Steering wheels )ይዞ የለውጥን ባቦር የሚያሽከረክረው አገር ቤት ያለው ህዝብ መሆኑ የሚካድ አይደለም። ሆኖም ዳያስፖራው በነጻነት ሃሳቡን በሚገልጽበትና የተሻለ የምጣኔ ሃብት ባላቸው አገሮች ስለሚኖር መረጃን በማቀበልና የድርጅቶችን አቅም በመገንባት ከፍተኛ አስተውጽኦ አለው።ለዚህም ነው በህወሃት የሚመራው “መንግስት” ጥቂቶች ናቸው እያለ ነጋ ጠባ ስለ ዳያስፖራው የሚያለቃቅሰው። የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ለግባቸው መሳካት በሚያመነጩት አማራጭ ሃስብ ብቻ ሳይሆን በምጣኔ-ሃብትም ጠንካራ መሆን ይኖርባቸዋል። በተለይም ህወሃት ይህንን ጠንቅቆ ያውቀዋል።በታላቁ የ1984 ዓም ድርቅ ወቅት ቆሜለታለሁ ይል የነበረው ህብረተብ በረሃብ ሲያልቅ ህወሃት የርዳታ ስንዴን ላቅም መገምቢያ ያደርግ ነበር፤የሃውዜንም እልቂት ያቀነባበሩት ከፖለቲካ ድጋፍ በተጨማሪ የምጣኔ ሃብት አቅም ግንባታን ከውጭ በእርዳታ መልክ ለማጠንክር ነው፤
9.የምዕራባውያን ድጋፍ በተለይም የኢኮኖሚው ድጋፍ ባይኖረው ይህ በህወሃት የሚመራው “መንግስት” አንድ ቀንም ውሎ ባላደረ ነበር።ለዚህም በ97 ምርጫ ማግስት በተካሄደው ህዝባዊ ዘመቻ በተወሰነ መልኩ እርዳታ በመቋረጡ ምንያል ህወሃት እነደተደናበረ ማስታወሱ በቂ ነው።ስለዚህ ይህንን የገቢ ምንጭ (ያለ “መንግስት” ጣልቃገብነት የሚሰጠውን ሰብአዊ እርዳታን ሳይጨምር) እንዲደርቅ በመደረግ ላይ ያለው አመርቂ የሆነ ሥራ መቀጠል አላበት። በታላቋ ቢሪታኒያ በቆራጥ አክቲቪስቶች እየተደረገ ያለውና ውጤትም ባማሳየት ላይ ያለው በሌሎችም አካባቢዎች መጠናክር ይኖርበታል፤
10.የዲፕሎማሲ ሥራም ከፍተኛ ትኩረት ሊሰጠው ይገባል።ለንደን ወይም ዋሽንግተን ብቻ ሳይሆኑ ሌሎችም የምዕራባዊያን መዲናዎቆች (የመንግታት መቀመጫዎች) ከትኩረቶቹ ውስጥ መጠቃለል አለባቸው። ባልጠበቀው ሁኔታ እየተዳከመበት የመጣ ቢሆንም ህወሃት በምእራባዊአያን ድጋፍ ስልጣን ላይ ለመቆየት በዲፕሎማሲ ስምና ሎቢዎችን በመቅጠር የህዝቡን ገንዘም ሲያፈስ ሰንብቷል።ከባለቤቱ ያወቀ ቡዳ ነው እንደሚባለው አንዳንድ የውጭ ዜጎች ከህወሃት በላይ ለህወሃት ስከራከሩ ለግል ጥቅም (self-interest)ሲባል ሲዋሹ ተደምጠዋል። ህዝቡ ግን የእውነት ባለቤት ነውና ከተሰራበት ውጤቱ ለትግሉ ጠንካራ ድጋፍ ይሆናል፤
11.ከዚህቀደም የተጀመረውና ከሞላ ጎደል ተግባራዊ እየሆነ ያለው የበህወሃት መራሹ “መንግስት” በቀጥታም ሆነ በተዘዋዋሪ የገቢ ምንጭ የሆኑት ተቋማትና የንግድ ድርጅቶች ማዕቀብ ገንዘብን በቀጥታ ወደ አገር የመላክን ጨመሮ በተጠናከረ መልኩ መቀጠል ይኖርበታል።
አንድ ሰው በትምህርትም ሆነ በልምድ ያካበተውን እውቀት እንዳለውና ህብረተሰቡን ለማገልገል ፍቃደኝነቱን ማሳየቱ የሚበረታታ መሆን የኖርበታል። አንድ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ ከሊላው ከሌሎች የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች የተሻለ መሆኑን በርግጠኝነት መሟገቱም እንከን አይኖረውም። ጤናማ ውድድር ለህብረተሰብ እድገትና ለለውጥ አስፈላጊነውና።ይህም ደግሞ ግለሰቦች ወይም ድርጅቶች ስላሉ የሚሆን ሳይሆን ባለዕውቀቱም ሆነ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲውም በተግባር አሳይተው ህብረተሰቡ ሲቀበላቸው ብቻ ነው ።ህብረተስቡ ሊመስክርላቸው የሚችለው ደግሞ በነጻ ሃሳቡን ለመግለጽ ሲችል ነው ።በሃገራችን ነባራዊ ሆኔታ ሃሳብን በነጻነት ለመግለጽ የታደሉት ጥቂቶች ብቻ ስለሆኑ ከሁሉም ቅድሚያ ሊሰጥ የሚገባው (precondition) ለነጻነት መሆን አለበት።ነጻነት መቅደም አለበት።ባሁኑ ሰአት ለህዝባችን ከነጻነት ሌላ ሁሉም የቅንጦት ( luxury ) ነው። ህዝቡ በቃኝ ካለ ቆይቷል።አዎ በቅቶሃል አንተን ነጻ ለማውጣት ከጎንህ ነኝ ብሎ በተግባር የሚያሳይ እንጂ ከላይ ለመጥቀስ የሞከርኩትን የቅንጦት ጊዜ ተግባራት የሚከናወኑትን ማየትም ሆነ መስማት አይሻም።ለህዝቡ ምላሽ ለመስጠት ደግሞ ከምን ጊዚም የተሻለ ወቅት አሁን ነው የሚል እምነት አለኝ።ስለዚህ እውነት ከልባችን ህዝባችንንና ሃገራችንን ነጻ ለማውጣት ቆርጠኞች ከሆን እላማችን (target) ነጻነት ሆኖ ለዚያ የተቻለን ሁሉ ማድረግ ይኖርብናል።ለተግባራችን መሳካት የፈጣሪያችን እርዳታ አስፈካጊነት ጥርጥር ስለሌለው እንደእእምነታችን ጸሎት/ዱአ ማድረግ ይገባናል።
ፈጣሪያችን ኢትዮጵያን ከነህዝቦቿ ይባርካት። አሚን።
ባህር ከማል

ምርጫ 2007ን ለመዝረፍ በሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ በከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋሞች የተደረጉ ወንጀለኛ ዝግጅቶች – በፓርቲው ውስጣዊ መረጃ ላይ የተመሠረተ ትንታኔ በከፍያለው ገብረመድኅን

በተለይም በአሁኑ ሰዓት ፈተና ላይ የጣለን የምርጫ ጉዳይ እንደምናሸነፍ ቃል የተያዘበት ቢሆንም [ቃለ ጉባዔ/የፓርቲው ሊቀመንበር መመሪያ?]፤ ፈተናዎች የሚፈጠሩት በሕዝብ እና በራሱ ታማኝ ባልሆኑ ሃይሎች ማለትም በመንግሥት ክንፍ አይቀለበስም ብሎ ማሰብ አይቻልም፡፡ በዚህም ቀድሞ መዘጋጀት ያለበት እና ለሁከት እና ለብጥብጥ መሳሪያ ሊሆን የሚችለው የሕዝብ ክንፍ የተማረው ሃይል ሊሆን ስለሚችል ሊታሰብ ይገባል ብለዋል [የፓርቲው ሊቀመንበር?]፡፡”
“[አደራጃጀታችን] ከምንም በላይ የብጥብጥ እና የሁከት መንስኤ የሆነውን ተማሪ በኢሕአዴግ አመራር አባላት እየታገዘ ለመያዝ የሚያስችል ነው፡፡ በምርጫው ሊፈጠር የሚችለውን የዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ሁከት እና ብጥብጥ፤ ለማሰቆም በማደራጀት፤ መረጃ በመጥለፍ አመችነቱ የላቀ እንደሚሆን ታምኖበታል፡፡”
– “በመሆኑም ሁለቱም የሰራዊቱ ክንፍች [የሕዝብና መንግሥታዊ/ፓርቲ] በሙሉ በምርጫው ዘሪያ በቂ ግንዚቤ እንዲጨብጡ ማዴረግ፣ ተገቢውን አደረጃጃትና አሰራር ዘርግቶ መላው መካከለኛ አመራር፤ ዝቅተኛ አመራር፤ መምህራን፤ የምርምር አካላት፤ ድጋፍ ሰጭ ሰራተኛና ተማሪዎች ግልጽ ስምሪት መስጠት፣ ተገቢውን ክትትልና ድጋፍ በቀጣይነት በማድረግ እያንዲንዱ የሠራዊት ድጋፍ ክንፍ ወደ ሚፈለግበት የጥንካሬ ደረጃ እየደረሰ መሆኑንና የተቋሙ ዕቅድ በውጤታማነት መፈፀሙን ማረጋገጥ ይጠበቅበታል፡፡”
– “… ሁለም የዩኒቨርስቲ ፕሬዚደንቶች ውጤታቸው የሚሞላላቸው ለምርጫው በሚያዘጋጁት የድጋፍ ኃይል ይወሰናል፡፡”
ምንጭ፡ በትምህርት ሚኒስትሩ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ አስተባባሪነት የተዘጋጀው:
“የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የኢሕአዴግ የምርጫ ድል ልማት ሠራዊት ግንባታ አድረጃጀት ማንዋል – ለምርጫ 2007”
ራሱ ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግም እንዳመነው፡ በከፍተኛ ፍርሃት እየራደ ያለ ባለአራት-ግንባሮችና ሌሎች አናሳ ቡድኖች ስብስብ ዋናው ሥልጣን በሕወሃት እጅ ሆኖ በኃይልና በከፍተኛ ጭቆና ሃገራችንን የሚያስተዳድር የፖለቲካ ድርጅት ነው። ከባህሪው የድርጅቱ ትልቁ ችግርም፡ ሣር ቅጠሉ ሳይቀር፡ ከዛሬ ነገ ሥልጣን ያሳጡኛል ብሎ በሥጋት የሚኖር በመሆኑ፡ ሣሩ፡ ቅጠሉንና ጎመኑም ጠላቶቹ እየመሰሉት፡ በእስር ቤት የሚያጉራቸው ወገኖቻችንን ብዛት ቤቶቻቸው ይቁጠሯቸው ብሎ ማለፉ፡ በቆጠራ ብቻ ጊዜ ከማባከን ያድናል።
ከላይ የተቀመጡት የፖለቲካ ድርጅቱን አስተሳሰብና ማንነት የሚጠቁሙት ጥቅሶች እንደሚያመለክቱት፡ ሌላው ቀርቶ፡ መከላከያውና የስለላው ዘርፍ ሃገር በሚያስተዳድርበት ሁኔታ እንኳ፡ አገዛዙ “በሕዝብ እና በራሱ ታማኝ ባልሆኑ ሃይሎች ማለትም በመንግሥት ክንፍ አይቀለበስም ብሎ ማሰብ አይቻልም” በማለት ስለመጭው ምርጫ ያለውን ሥጋት ያረጋግጥልናል፡፡
በታሪክ እንደታየው፡ አንዳንድ መሪዎችና መንግሥታትም በውናቸውና በእንቅልፋቸው ጠላት ካልፈጠሩ ሥራቸውን መሥራት እንደሚያስቸግራቸው ሁሉ፡ ዛሬ ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግም ክፉኛ እየተረበሽ በመሆኑ፡ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥና ከኢትዮጵያ ባሻገርም እስትንፋስ ያለው ነገር ሁሉ ‘እያሴረብኝ ነው፤ ጠላቴ ነው’ ብሎ የሚያምንበት ደረጃ ላይ ይገኛል።
ይህ ‘መንግሥታዊ’ መሸበር ምን ያህል ሃገራችንንና ሕዝባችንን ይጎዳ ይሆን? ከዚህ በፊት እንዳደረገው ሁሉ፡ ይህ ሁኔታው የሚያስከትለው የሉዓላዊነት ሽያጭና ምንዘራ ይኖር ይሆን? በምርጫ ታኮ፣ ለብዙዎች ሕይወትስ መቀጠፍ እንደገና ሁኔታውን ያመቻች ይሆን? ቀደም ብለው በፖለቲካ ድርጅቱ የተጀመሩት ዝግጅቶች ይህንኑ በገሃድ የሚያመላክቱ ስለሆኑ፡ ለጥያቄዎቹ የኔም መልሴ የእነዚህ ሁኔታዎች ተፈጻሚነት ዕድሎች ካለመሆን ይልቅ ወደ መሆን ያመዝናሉ የሚል ነው!
እነዚህም ድርጊቶቹ በሕግጋት ጥሰት የተሞሉ በመሆናቸው፡-
(ሀ) የምርጫውን ውጤት ከምርጫው በፊት በመተንበይና ውጤቱም በኃይል አጠቃቀም፡ ለሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ እንዲመቻች መደረጉን በመረጃነት በመያዝ፤
(ለ) የሀገሪቱን ዜጎች (ወጣቶች፡ ተማሪዎች፡ ምሁራን፡ አብዛኛውን ሕዝብና ቢሮክራሲውን ወዘተ) በመለየት ለጥቃት እያዘጋጀ ሕዝቡንም ወደ እርስ በእርስ ግጭት እየገፋፋ በመሆኑ፤
(ሐ) ከአመራር በማይጠበቅ የማጭበርበርና ሌሎችም ሕገወጥ ተግባሮች፡ ለምሳሌ የሕዝብን የግብር ክፍያ ለራሱ የፖለቲካ ጥቅም የማዋል ወንጀሎች መፈጸሙን በማስመልከት ዜጎች መረጃውን ለሕዝብ እንዲጋለጥ ማድረጋቸው ይታወሳል። ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ኃይለማርያምም ይህንን ሕገወጥ ድርጊት ሕጋዊ ነው በማለት ባለፈው ጥቅምት፡ ፓርላማ ውስጥ አቋማቸውን ማሳወቃቸው ይታወሳል!
(መ) ወጣት ተማሪዎቻችን በሥነ ሥርዓት ትምህርታቸውን በመከታተል ዕውቀት ቀስመው ሃገራቸውን ወደፊት ለማስገስገስ እንዳይችሉ፡ ትምህርት ቤቶችን ለስለላና ለርዕዮተ ዓለም ማስፋፊያ በመጠቀሙ፣ በቤተስብና በትምህርት ቤቶች ዙሪያ የምሥራቅ ጀርመን የስለላ ድርጅት ስታዚ በተጠቀመበት አንድ ለአምስት የስለላ አሠራር ቤተስቦችንና ሠራተኞችን በየፊናቸው አቆላልፎ (“The Stasi Octopus”) የግለስቦችን ነጻነትና ደህንነት በማናጋቱ፡ ለሰብዓዊ ክብር መዋረድና ለትምህርት ጥራት ጉድለት ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ተጠያቂ ሊደረግ ይገባል።
የወቅቱ አሳሳቢ ሥዕል
ካለፉት ጥቂት ወራት ወዲህ በርከት ያሉ ጸረ-ወጣቶች፣ ጸረ-ተማሪዎችና ጸረ-ምሁራን፣ የትምህርት ጥራትን አዳፋኝ የሆኑ፡ ኢትዮጵያ የሚያስፈልጋትን ብቁ የሰው ኃይል እንዳታፈራ የዘለቄታ መንገዷን የሚያደናቅፉ ድርጊቶችና በአመራር አካላት የተዘጋጁ ጽሁፎች – አንዳንዴም እንደ ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ጥናቶች ሌላ ጊዜ ደግሞ መመሪያዎች እየተባሉ – ገዥው ፓርቲ በቀጥታና በሚስጢር ለአባሎቹ ሲያሠራጭ ከርሟል። ይዘቶቻቸውም ሆነ ተጽዕኖዋቸው (impact) ምን እንደሆነ ለመረዳት ኮሜት ላይ ሮኬት ለማሳረፍ የሚያስችል ዕውቀት አይጠይቅም።
በተጨማሪም አንዳንድ ምንጮች (የዓለም አቀፍ ድርጅቶች መረጃዎችን ጨምሮ)፣ ኢትዮጵያውያን ባለሙያዎች የሚካሄዷቸው ጥናቶችና በዚህ ረገድ የውጭ ኤምባሲዎች የሚያስተላልፏቸው መረጃዎች በአንዳንድ አነስ ያሉ ትምህርት ነክ የሆኑ የፖሊሲ ስብሰባዎች አሜሪካና አውሮፓ ውስጥ አልፎ አልፎ ቀርበው፡ ለግንዛቤዎች ሠፊ አስተዋጽኦ አበርክተዋል። እንዲሁም በየወቅቱና በየደረጃው በመነሻነት ወቅታዊ መረጃዎችንና የአገዛዙን አስተሳሰብ ስለሚያመላክቱ አሠራሮችና እርምጃዎችና ብዙ ጉዳዮች በኢሳት አማካይነትም ተደምጠዋል።
አሁን በያዝነው ወር “የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት የኢሕአዴግ የምርጫ ድል ልማት ሠራዊት ግንባታ አድረጃጀት ማንዋል – ለምርጫ 2007” የተሰኘ ጽሁፍ ቀርቧል – እነርሱ ማንዋል ይሉታል። ‘ማንዋሉ’ በተማሪዎች ሥልጠና ወቅት እንደተፈለገው አልደረሰም። በተደጋጋሚ ታሽቶና ተፈትጎ ቢቀርብም፡ አሁንም ይዘቱ በቀረበበት መልኩ ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል የማይችል በባዶ የካድሬ ቃላት ክምችት የተሞላ ስካር፡ ዓላማው ግን ምርጫውን እንዴት ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ አሸናፊ እንዲሆን ማስቻል በመሆኑ፡ እንደገና እንዲፈተግና ካልጸዳ ሽንፍላነቱ እንዲላቀቅ በሌሎች እንዲሻሻል ተደርጎ እንደገና ጥቅምት 2007 ቢቀርብም፡ ለአባላት እንኳ እንዲበተን ፈቃድ ያገኘው ከብዙ ማመንታት በኋላ ኅዳር 2007 ነው።
ያንን የተዘጋጀውን ‘ማንዋል’ ለማንበብ ዕድል በማግኘቴ እንደ አንድ ምሁር፡ በግልጽነት ልለው የምችለውና ካሰመርኩባቸው ጉዳዮች ይዘቶቹ መካከል ለተማሪዎችና ምሁራን ያዘለው ሊገነፍል የደረሰ ጥላቻና ቂም በቀል ግንባር ቀደም ሆነው ታይተውኛል። ከሁሉም የከፋ – ከምርጫ ማጭበርበር ባሻገር – በምርጫው ሰሞን ስለሚሚቀጠቀጡት፡ በአፈሳ ስለሚታሠሩት ወይንም ሊገደሉ ስለሚችሉ ወጣቶች ሚኒስትሩና ግብረ አበሮቻቸው ከወዲሁ ተጠያቂ ሊደረጉበት የሚገባ፡ አፈናና ግድያ እንዲካሄድ መመሪያ የሚሠጥ ሠነድ ሆኖ አግኝቼዋለሁ።
ምንም እንኳ ሃገራችን በዘመነ ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ 31 ያህል ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች እንዲኖራት ቢደረግም፡ ብዛት የጥራት መለኪያ ሊሆን ስለማይችል፥ በ2014 እና በ2013 ጽሁፎቼ፡ እነዚህ የከፍተኛ ትምህርቶች ተቋሞች ከዕውቀት ምንጭነት ይልቅ፡ ለሕወሃት የፕሮፓጋንዳ ማጥመጃ መረቦች መሆናቸውን ከማውቀውና ከሥጋቴ በመነሳት ችግሩን አስመልከቶ ሃሣቤን ለማካፈል ሞክሬያለሁ ( እና። ከትምህርቴና ከተለያዩ የሥራ መስኮች ከተቀስሙ ልምዶችና ግንዛቤዎች በመነሳት፡ በእነዚህ ጽሁፎችና በተያያዙ በሌሎችም አማክይነት (ለምሳሌም ያህል፡ Improving Education Quality, Equity and Access in Ethiopia፤ Education under persistent attack in Ethiopia፤ በቅርቡ ደግሞ What a time, when education is openly made instrument for rights violation with TPLF requiring ‘certificate’ of support for its policies for entry to college ወዘተ) ለማሰማት የሞከርኩት ነገር ቢኖር፡ የሃገራችን ዩኒቨርሲቲዎችና የተማረ የሰው ኃይል ምርቶቻቸው በአሁኑ አያያዛቸው፡ ከዓለም አቀፍ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎችና ኮሌጆች ይቅርና፤ ኋላቀር ነው በሚባለው ሠሃራዊው አፍሪካ ውስጥ ከሚገኙ ዩኒቨርስቲዎችና ኮሌጅች ጋር እንኳ ሃገራችን ተወዳዳሪ መሆን እንደተሳናት ነው።
ሁኔታዎች እንደሚያመላክቱትም ከሆነ፡ ችግሩ ከፖለቲካዊና ከአመራር ድንቁርናና ድህነት የመነጨ በመሆኑ፡ ለወደፊት እየተባባስ እንደሚሄድ ነው የሚተነበየው። ስለሆነም ለተረከበው ሃላፊነቱ ተጠያቂ የሚሆን መንግሥት እስኪመጣ ድረስ፡ ችግሩ ‘በነፕሮፌሰሮች’ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ፡ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ፡ በረከት ስምኦን፡ አባይ ፀሐዬ፡ ቴድሮስ አድሃኖም ወዘተ፡ የግልና የቡድን ሥልጣን ጥማት በተሳከሩና በጥቅም አሠራር በተመሠረተ አካሄድና አያያዛቸው የሚቀረፍ አይደለም።
በተለይም፡ ዩኒቨርስቲን የሚያህል ነገር፡ ያውም የዩኒቨርሲቲዎቹ ሴኔቶች በሕግ የተሰጣቸውን ሥልጣን በመጠቀም እርምጃ ሊወስዱ ሲገባ፡ (የሌላቸው ዩኒቨርሲቲዎቹም እንዲኖራችው በማድረግ) እንደ ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ባለ ኋላቀር መሥሪያ ቤት ሥር ለተራ ጉዳዮች እንኳ አራት ኪሎ ማንኳኳትና ደጅ ጥናት የሚያስፈልግበት አስገዳጅ ሁኔታ – ተደርጎ በማይታወቅ አሠራር – በተለይም ስለ አስተዳደሩ፣ ሥራ ካሌንደሩና ካሪኩለሙ ምንም ዐይነት ስሜት፣ ብቃትና ግንዛቤ በሌለው/በሌላቸው ግለሰቦች እንዲመራ መደረጉ አንዱ የችግሩ ምንጭ ነው።፡
መለስ ብለን እንኳ ስንመለከት፡ የአማራ ብሄረስብን አባሎች ሃገራቸው ውስጥ በፈቀዱት አካባቢ የመኖር ሕጋዊ መብት የሌላቸው ዜጎች በማስመሰል በፊርማው ከጉራ ፈርዳ ባባረረ ግለስብ መዳፍ ሥር የሃገሪቱ የትምህርት ፖሊሲ አተገባበርና አፈጻጸም ከመውደቁ በላይ ለዕውቀት ውርደትና ለሃገራችንም ዘለቄታ ከዚህ የከፋ ነገር የለም።
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ፣ ለማስታወስ ያህል፡ ባለፈው ነሐሴ እንደተነገረው፡ ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች ለፓርቲው ፖለቲካዊና ርዕዮተ ዓለማዊ ተገዥ ያልሆኑትን ተማሪዎች ተቀብለው አንዳያሰተምሩ መከልከሉ፡ ትምህርት ለመስጠትም በራቸውን የሚከፍቱበትን ቀን ሳይቀር ገዥው ፓርቲና ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር የሚወስኑበት ሁኔታ መፈጠሩ፡ የዩኒቨርስቲዎቻችን ራስ ገዝነት ደብዛ ማጥፋትና የሚስጡት ትምህርት መሪዎቹ ራሳቸው በቅጡ ባልሰነቁት ርዕዮተ ዓለም መጨመላለቁ፣ ምን ያህል የትምህርትን ምንነንት ያጎድፈና ዕውቀትን የሚጻረር ድርጊት መሆኑ ሊሠመርበት ይገባል።
በአጠቃላይ፡ በተለይም ከሐምሌ 2014 ጀምሮ በከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋሞች ሲካሄድ የነበረው እጅግ ተቃውሞ የበዛበት፣ ሕዝብ የተፋውን የገዥውን ፓርቲ ፖለቲካና ርዕዮተ ዓለማዊ አመለካከትና የታሪክ ጥገና በስነጋ ለመጋትና መድረኩም በአብዛኛው ጸረ-ኢትዮጵያ ታሪክና ጸረ-ኢትዮጵያዊነት እንዲሆን በተደጋጋሚ የተደረጉ ጥረቶችን ቀለማቸውን ባልለወጡ የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች በሃገራችን ላይ ስለተቃጣው ደባ ምንነትና ጥልቀት ለወጣቶቻችንና ለኢትዮጵያ ሆኖ ጥሩ ግንዛቤ የሚፈጥር መልካም አጋጣሚ ሆኖላቸዋል።
የትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊት ግንባታ፥ ምንነትና ለምን?
ለዚህ ጉዳይ አስፈላጊነት መንስዔ የሆነው፡ ባለፈው ሐምሌ ወር፡ ከዚያ በፊትም በተበታተነ መልኩ – ክምርጫው መቃረብና ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግም በሕዝቡ በአብዛኛው ከመተፋቱ አኳያ – የመለስ ዜናዊ ተክል የሆኑት የቀድሞው ምክትል ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አዲሱ ለገሠ፣ በፓርቲው የሥልጠና ኃላፊነታቸው – “የልማት ሠራዊትን” አቋቁሞ የፓርቲውን የበላይነት በቀበሌ፡ በገበሬ ማኅበር፡ በትምህርት ቤቶች፡ በዩኒቨርስቲዎች፡ በፋብሪካዎች ስለማፋፋም አስፈላጊነት “የኢሕአዴግን ተቃዋሚ ኃይላት ማንኮላሻ አቅም ግንባታ እና የአመራር ግንባታና የትራንስፎርሜሺን ጉዞ” በሚል ጽሁፍ አማካይነት አመራሩን ለማሳመን በመቻላቸው ነው።
የጥናቱ መግቢያ ላይ የመጀመሪያውን አንቀጽ ያነበበ ሰው ጭንቅላት ውስጥ መጀመሪያ የሚከሰተው፡ ሕወሃት እንደዛተው፡ ኢትዮጵያን ማፈራረስና መበታተን ሊችል ነውን የሚለውን ቁጭት የተመላውን ጥያቄ ነው። ይህም አንቀጽ እንዲህ ይላል፦
“አገራችንን በፈጣን ቀጣይነት ያለውና ሕዝቡ በየደረጃው ተጠቃሚ የሚሆንበት የዕዴገት ጉዞ ከዴህነት አላቆ በተራዘመ ሂደት ከበለጸጉት ሃገሮች ጎራ ለማሰለፍ፣ ይህንን ለማድረግ የሚያስችል ዓላማ፣ ስትራተጂ ስሌቶችና ፖሊሲዎችን መቀየስ ይጠይቃል፡፡ በሌላ አነጋገር አቅጣጫውን በትክክል የሚያመለክት መስመር መቀየስ የትራንስፎርሜሺን ስኬት የመጀመሪያ ቅድመ ሁኔታ ነው፡፡ መስመሩን ለመቀየስ ይህንኑ ማድረግ የሚችል ብቃት ያለው አመራር ይጠይቃል፡፡ ኢሕአዴግ በዚህ ፈተና ውስጥ ነው፡፡ ለአብነትም እነ አቶ መላኩ ፈንታን ማንሳት ይበቃል፡፡ ይህን ተከትሎል በአገሪቱ ያሉ አመራሮች ለመቀበል አለመቻላቸው እና የኡመድ ኡቦንግ ሃገር መክዳት፤ በጋምቤላ ክልል አመራር ያለው ታማኝነት አስተማማኝ አለመሆኑ፤ የአማራ ክልል አመራሮች ከግንቦት ሰባት ጋር የተያያዘ አመራር መገኝት ፤ የኦህዴድ አመራር ከኦነግ ጋር ማበር እና በአማራ ላይ የደረሰውን በደል በቸልታ መመልከት፤ በአሁኑ ስዓት በትግራይ፤ በቢንሻንጉል ጉምዝ (የአመራሩ ቸልተኝነት እንደተጠበቀ ሆኖ)፤ በአፋር፤ በሶማሌ እና በሐረሬ ምርጫውን ማሸነፍ የሚችል አመራር ዴምፅ የማግኝት ዕዴል አለው፡፡ መስመሩ ከተቀየሰ በኋላ የትራንስፎርሜሺን ትግል በውል ይመራል እንጂ አይጠናቀቅም ቢባልም፣ በስጋት በተቀመጡ ክልሎች አሁንም አፋጣኝ ሥራ ካልተሠራ ኪሳራ ሉያመጡ ይችላል፡፡ ዓላማውን ለማሳካት የስትራተጂውን ኃይሎች ለማብቃትና በአግባቡ ለማሰለፍ የሚችል ብቃትና ቀጣይነት ያለው አመራር ይጠይቃል፡፡”
ይህ ጥናትም በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ዛሬ ላለው አስፈሪ ሁኔታ እንደመውጫ ቀዳዳ በመታየቱ፡ እያንዳንዱ የሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ባለሥልጣንና የሕዝብ መገናኛ፡ የአቶ አዲሱ ጥናትን ባለፈው ነሐሴና መስከረም ውስጥ ሕዝቡ ቋቅ እስኪለው ድረስ ሁሉም አንድ ዐይነት ነገር ደግመው ደጋግመው በመጥቀስ፡ እንደ ጀማሪ ቫዮሊኒስቶች ኮንሠርት ወይንም የቁራዎች ጩኸት ለፖለቲከኞች ፍሬ ከርስኪ ማደናቆራቸው፡ የሥልጠናዎቹ ታዳሚዎች፡ በተለይም ተማሪዎች፡ ከመሰላቸትና ትዕግስታቸው በመሟጠጡ፡ የድፍረት ቃላት ልውውጦች በየሥልጠናው ስለመካሄዳቸው – ብዙዎችም በሰበብ አስባቡ ስለመታሠራቸው – ኢሳት በንቃት በመከታተል ‘ሙድና’ ሙቀቱን ሲያስጨበጠን እንደከረመ ይታወሳል።
ከላይ የተጠቀሰውን የአቶ አዲሱን ጥናት አስተከትሎ፡ ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ለመላው የመንግሥት መሥሪያ ቤቶችና ተቋሞች፡ ምርጫውን ለማሸነፍ የሚያስችለው ዝግጅትና ስትራቴጂ ቀይሰው ዝግጅታቸውን እንዲያቀርቡ፣ ሥልጠና እንዲያካሄዱ እንዲሁም የተቻላቸውን ያህል በመደራጀትና የአባላት ምልመላ ላይ ርብርብ እንዲጀምሩ ጥብቅ መመሪያ በማዕከላዊ ደረጃ ተላለፈ።
በዚህም መሠረት፡ የሴክተር የሚኒስቴር መሥሪያ ቤቶችና ድርጅቶችም በየዘርፋቸው የፓርቲ አባሎቻቸውን አስተባብረው በሚያዝያ 2007 ምርጫ፡ ብሎም ለዘለቄታው ድል – መለስ ዜናዊ እንዳለመው – ሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግን በትንሹ ለ50 ዓመታ አገዛዝ ለማብቃት ከፍተኛ ርብርብ እየተደረገ መሆኑ በዜና ማሠራጫዎች ጭምር ሲናፈስ ከርሟል።
ይህንን የሥራ ድርሻ በሚኒስትር ሽፈራው አማካይነት ትምህርት ሚኒስቴር እንዲያከናውን ከበላይ አካል ለአፍታ ሊዘነጋ የማይችል መመሪያ ደርሶታል። ሚኒስትሩም ብዙ የደክሙበትንና እየታሸ ሲመለስላችው ክርሞ አልጸዳ ያለውን የጥረታቸውን ውጤት – “የትምህርት ሠራዊት” – ሲያቀብጣቸው ሽፋኑና አርዕስቱ ላይ ‘ማንዋል’ብለውት ብዙ እንዲጠብቅበት አድርገው፡ ዓላማውን በሚገባ ቢገልጹም፤ የሚፈለገውን ማበርከት ሳይችኩ ቀርተዋል።
እንደ ሚኒስትሩ አባባል ከሆነ፡ አቶ ሽፈራውና የሚመሩት ኮሚቴ ከፓርቲው አመራር አካል፡ ማለትም ከፓርቲው ሊቀመንበር ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር ኃይለማርያም ደሣለኝ ስለምርጫ ድል አንድ መተማመኛ ተሰጥቷቸዋል። በአቶ ሽፈራው አገላለጽ፡ ምንም እንኳ በተለይም በአሁኑ ሰዓት የምርጫ ጉዳይ “ፈተና ላይ የጣለን ቢሆንም…እንደምናሸነፍ ቃል የተያዘበት” በመሆኑ፤ ዝግጅት ማድረግ ያለብን “ለሁከት እና ለብጥብጥ መሣሪያ ሊሆን የሚችለው የሕዝብ ክንፍ የተማረው ኃይል ሊሆን ስለሚችል” በጥብቅ ሊታሰብበት እንደሚገባ መመሪያ እንደተሰጣቸው ነው፡፡
በካቢኔ አባልነታቸው እንዲህ ማድረግ፡ ዛሬም ባይሆን ነገ በሕግ ያሰጠይቃል ለማለት ስብዕናውም ሆነ ድፍረቱ ወይንም ዕውቀቱ ስለሌላቸው፡ ሚኒስትሩ ያተኮሩት ገና ምርጫው ሳይደርስ ተማሪዎችን ቀድም አድርጎ መምታት ላይ ነው። ለምን ሲባሉ፡ የራሳቸው የሆነ ስለተማሪዎች አንድ ምክንያታዊ አመለካከት አላቸው። የእርምጃቸውን ትክክለኛነት ለማስጨበጥም – የራሳቸውን ግብ ፊታቸው ደቅነው – ከወጣቱ፡ ከተማሪውና ምሁሩ ባህሪ ተነስተው የደመደሙ ይመስል፡ እንዲህ ይላሉ፦
“የዩኒቨርስቲው/የተቋሙ/ የመማር ማስተማር፤ ምርምር፤ የአገልግሎት አሰጣጥና የዱሞክራሲ ሥርዓት መጎልበትን የተማሪዎች ውጤትና የባህሪ መሻሻልን አጀንዳ አንግበው እንደ አንድ ሠራዊት ለስኬቱ የሚረባረብ የጋራ ተልዕኮና ዓላማ ያለው ኃይል በማፍራት አቅም መፌጠርን ይጠይቃል፡፡ [ነገር ግን ወጣቶቹ] በኢሕአዴግ ላይ ያላቸው አቋም የወረደ ከመሆኑ ጋር ተያይዞ በማንኛውም ተቃውሞ ድምፅ ከተጠሩ፤ ሰልፍ የሚያደምቁ፤ ተቃውሞን ከግብ ለማድረስ ሁነኛ መሣሪያ ናቸው፡፡ ተማሪዎች በየትኛውም ሃገር እንደታየው አደባባይን የመያዝ ሕዝብን አሰተባብረው ለተቃውሞ የማሳደም ዕድላቸው የሠፋ በመሆኑ፡ ከዚህም ሲያልፍ፤ የኢሕአዴግ ምከታን በመቃወም ለጠላት ጎራ ተሰልፌው የመታጠቅ ዕድላቸው ከፍተኛ ነው፡፡ በዩኒቨርስቲው/በተቋሙ/ማኅበረሰብ የትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊቱ የሚፈጠርበትና ሚናውን በመጫወት የትምህርት ሴክተሩን የትራንስፍርሜሽን ዕቅድ ማሳካትና በፖለቲካ ስብዕናቸው የተገነቡ ኢሕአዴግን የሚቀበሉ አድርጎ ማውጣት የትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊት ግንባታውን አስፈላጊነትና አማራጭ የሌለው ስልት መሆኑን መገንዘብ ይቻላል፡፡”
ስለዚህ ሚኒስትሩ በከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋሞች ውስጥ ከስለላ ድርጅቱ ጋር በመተባበር የተደራጁትና የሚደራጁት የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት “የትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊት”(የመንግሥትና የሕዝብ ክንፎች)” የብጥብጥ እና የሁከት መንስኤ የሆነውን ተማሪ በኢሕአዴግ አመራር አባላት እየታገዙ…በምርጫው ሊፈጠር የሚችለውን የዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ሁከት እና ብጥብጥ ለማሰቆም” ያስችላል ይላሉ።
ነገር ግን ከአሁን ጀምሮ እስከ ግንቦት 2015 መፈጸም የሚገባቸው ነገሮች፡ ከረዥም ጊዜ ግቦች ጋር ተቀላቅለው አንባብያንን ብቻ ሳይሆን፡ እራሳቸውንም ግራ እንዳጋቡ ማየት ይቻላል። ለምሳሌም ያህል ጥናቱ ከተሰጠው ስያሜ በመነሳት፡ ትኩረቱ ድርጅታዊ፡ ወታደራዊና ፖለቲካዊ ሆኖ ሳለ፡ አቶ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ ስለትምህርት ጥራት አስፈላጊነት ለመፖትለክ ዳድቷቸው በዚህ ‘ማንዋል’ ውስጥ ብዙ ሲውተረተሩ ይታያሉ።
በዚህም ምክንያት፣ 23-ገጽ በሆነው ማኑዋላቸው ውስጥ የትምህርት ጥራት 17 ጊዜ ተጥቅሷል። ብዙ ለሕዝብ የሚቀርቡ የሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ሠነዶች ውስጥ፡ የዚህ ዐይነቱ አቀራረብ ዓላማ፡ ሥውር የሆኑ እነርሱ የሚያተኩሩባቸው ነገሮች በአንባብያን እንዳይታዩ የሚደረግ ጥረት ነው። ዓላማቸው ያ ካልሆነ፡ ለምንድነው በዚህ ማንዋል ውስጥ የትምህርት ጥራት ጉዳዮች የተካተቱት? ከብዙዎቹ ዕጦቶች መካከል – ለምሳሌ ያህል – መጻሕፍት፡ ብቁ አስተማሪዎች፡ ላቦራቶሪዎች፡ በነጻነት የመማርና ማሰብ ሁኔታዎች በሌሉባቸው ትምህርት ቤቶችና ኮሌጆች ውስጥ፡ የልማት ሠራዊት ምንደነው የሚፈይደው? ለትምህርት ሚኒስትሩ ግን እነዚህ ቅንጦት መስለዋቸው እንደሆን አይታውቅም፡ ሰለ ትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊት እጅግ አስፈላጊነት እንዲህ በማለት ይቀጥላሉ፦
በሃገራችንም የተለያዩ የለውጥ መሣሪያዎችን በመጠቀም የተገኙ ልምድችን በመቀመርና በማስፋፋት አበረታች ውጤቶች የተገኙ ሲሆን፣ ከዚህም ውስጥ የትምህርት ሽፋንን ተደራሽነትንና ፍትሃዊነትን እንደ አንድ አብይ ውጤት መውሰድ ይቻላል፡፡ ነገር ግን የትምህርት ጥራትን ለማረጋገጥ ገና ብዙ መሥራት እንደሚጠበቅብን ይታመናል፡፡ ይህንን እውን ለማዴረግ መከናወን ከሚገባቸው ነገሮች አንዱ በትምህርት ሴክተሩ መዋቅር ውስጥ የተሟሟቀና የተደራጀ የትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊት በማቀጣጠልና በማስቀጠል የሠራዊት ግንባታ ሂደቱን በአስተማማኝ መሠረት ላይ መጣል ቁልፍ ተግባር ነው፡፡
ከዚህ በላይ ከተጠቀስው ሃሣብ ብዙም በገጾች ሳንርቅ፡ በተመሳሳይ መንገድ፡ በአቶ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ የሚመራው ኮሚቴ የትምህርት ጥራት እንዴት ከምርጫው ጋር እንደተያያዘ ሳይገለጽ፡ የሚከተለውን ለአንባቢ ካድሬዎቹ ለማስጨበጥ ይሞክራል፦
“በከፍተኛ የትምህርት ተቋማት የትምህርት ልማት ሠራዊት ግንባታ ዝርዝር የአፈጻጸም ሂደትን በሚመለከት የተሟላ ግልጽነትን በመፍጠር ወጥነት ያለው የከፍተኛ ትምህርት የትምህርት የልማት ሠራዊት ግንባታን ወይም የፖለቲካ ሠራዊት ግንባታ በሁለም የከፍተኛ ትምህርት ተቋማት በተደራጀና በተቀናጀ ሁኔታ በማቀጣጠልና በማስቀጠል ተቋማዊ ለውጡን እውን በማዴረግ የትምህርት ጥራትና አግባብነትን፤ ምርጫ 2007 ውጤታማ ለማድረግና የኢሕአዴግን አሸናፊነት ለማረጋገጥ ነው፡፡”
የትምህርት ሚኒስትሩ ዋናው ችግራቸው፡ የሚያደራጁት የኢሕአዴግ የምርጫ የድል ልማት ሠራዊት ግልጽነት የጎደለው መሆኑን በግልጽ ተጣራሽነት ይናገራሉ። እንዲሁም፡ ተልዕኮውን ተግባራዊ ለማዴረግ የሚያስችለው የአመለካከትና የክህሎት ትጥቅ ያልያዘ ስለመሆኑ በገሃድ ማመናቸውም አንድ ቁም ነገር ነው፡፡ ሆኖም፡ የምርጫ ድል ሠራዊቱን “ወደ ሚፈለገው አቅጣጫ” ለማምራት “የሚያስችለው ቁርጠኝነት” የለውም የሚል ምስክርነት እየሰጡ፡ ይህንን በእርሳቸው ኃላፊነት ሥር የሚደራጀውን ድል አስረካቢ እንዴት ከምርጫው በፊት በቀሩት ስባት ወራት ሊለውጡት እንደሚችሉ ግን የሚሰጡት ሃሣብ የለም፡፡
ስለሆነም፡ ይህ ተጨማሪ ምክንያት ሆኖ፡ እርሳቸውን ምርጫው ከባድ “ፈተና” ውስጥ እንደጣላቸው ቢናገሩና ቢማረሩ፡ እምብዛም አያስገርምም! በልባቸውም፡ አቶ አዲሱ ለገሠን መለስ ዜናዊ በሕይወት ሳለ በጡረታ ተገልለው፡ ሞቱን ተከትሎ ክተሰናበቱበት ሕይወት በባህር ዳሩ ዘጠነኛ ጉባዔ ወቅት ወደ ሥራ ዓለም፣ ኃላፊነትና ሙሉ ደሞዝና የፓርቲ/የመንግሥት የሥልጠና ባለሥልጣንነት የመጡበትን ቀን ሳይረግሙ አይቀሩም!
የቻይና ባህላዊ አብዮት ለሕውሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ከረመጥ መውጫ ሲሆን
አቶ አዲሱ ለገሠ በጥናታችው ወስጥ የቻይናን ባህላዊ አብዮት (Cultural Revolution) ታሪክ ሕውሃት/ኢሕአዴግን ላጋጠሙት ችግሮች እንደ መፍትሄ መጠቀማቸው የአደባባይ ሚሥጢር ነው – በአባባልም፡ በዓላማም፡፡ በዚያ ፈታኝ የኤኮኖሚና የሕልውና ችግሮች ውስጥ ማኦን ላጋጠሙት ክሥልጣን የመገፋት አደጋ የልማት ሠራዊት፡ የተለያሉ ብርጌዶች፡ የወጣት አብዮታውያን ማኅበራትና ሌሎችንም በማቋቋም ጠላቶቹን መምታት ግድ ሆኖአል- የኤኮኖሚ ችግሮቹን ለመፍታት ባይረዱም።
ዛሬ ሕወሃት ለደረሰበት መተፋትና ፈተና እንደ መፍትሄ እነዚህን ዘዴዎች መጠቀማቸው፡ እምብዛም አያስገርምም። ይህንን የምልበትም ምክንያት፡ የፓርቲው የሥልጠና ጉዳይ ኃላፊው – ከላይ ከተጠቀሰው ጥናታቸው ለመገንዘብ እንደሚቻለው – በይዘቱ ቻይና ውስጥ ከ1966-1976 ተካሂዶ በአሥር ዓመታት ውስጥ ለብዙ ምሁራን መታሠርና መደምሰስ፡ ለብዙ ሚሊዮኖች መሰደድ መንስዔ የሆነው “ባህላዊ አብዮት” በሃገራችን በአንድ መልክ ለመጀመር የታቀደ ይመስላል።
የሚያስገርመው ነገር፡ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ዛሬ ይህ ነውጥ ያስፈለገበት ምክንያት ከ48 ዓመታት በፊት ቻይና ውስጥ የማኦ ዜቱንግ ሥልጣን የሃገሪቱ የኤኮኖሚ ድቀት፡ በተለይም ፖሊሲው ከተመሠረተበት The Great Leap Forward አለመሳካትና ውድቀት ጋር የተያያዘና በዚያ ትልቅ ሃገር ውስጥ ድህነት፡ ርሃብና እርዛት ተስፋፍቶ ቻይኖች ምንም ዐይነት ነገር የማይጸየፏና እንደ ምግብ እንዲመለከቱ አስገድዷል!
ከዚህም በላይ፡ ኅብረተስቡ ውስጥ ምሬትና ቁጣ ተበራክቶ፡ አንዳንድ የኮሚኒስት ፓርቲውና የወታደሩ ክንፍ ማኦ ላይ ዘመቻ መጀመራቸው ስለተደረስበት፡ ማኦ የነበረው ምርጫ ሳይቀደም መቅደም በመሆኑ፡ ባህላዊ አብዮት ጠላቶቹን ለመምታት የተጠቀመበት መሣሪያ ነበር።
አቶ አዲሱ ከዚህ – ቋንቋው እንኳ ሳይቀር (“ማፋፋም”፡ “ማቀጣጠል” “ፖለቲካዊ ትግል”፡ “ባህላዊ ለውጥ”፡ “መላውን ሕዝብ ከዳር ዳር ማነቃነቅ” ወዘተ) ከቻይና የባህል አብዮት የተዋሱት ሃሣብ፣ ዋና ዓላማው ሕወሃት የተነሳበትን ሕዝብና የሚወጉትን ኃይሎች ከበር ለመመለስ ያላቸው ምርጫ ሆኖ በመታየቱ ይመስላል።
የወደፊቱን አስተካክሎ ማየት ለብዙ የሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ባልሥልጣኖች ከባድ ቢሆንም፡ እንደ “እንደብድብ”፡ “እንሠር”፡ “እንምታ”፡ እንደ “እንግደል” ግን የሚቀላቸው ነገር ያለ አይመስልም።
የትምህርት ሚኒስቴር ባለሥልጣኖችም፡ አብዮታዊ ዴሞክራሲን ለመጠበቅና ምርጫውን በአሸናፊነት ለመወጣት ሕጋዊ የሃሳብ፣ የዓላማና ድርጅታዊ ፉክክር አልከሰትላቸው ብሎ፡ ከሚኒስትር ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ ጥናት እንደተመለከትነው፡ አስፈላጊው ቀዳሚ ዒላማቸው፣ ወጣቱንና ምሁሩን የመምታትና የመደምሰስ ስምምነት ያደረጉ ይመስላል።
በመሆኑም፡ አቶ ሽፈራው ከዚህም ሆነ ከሌሎች ንግግሮቻቸው ለመረዳት እንደተቻለው፡ ወቅቱን የሚያቆይላቸው (safeguarding the status quo) ማናቸውም እርምጃ ትክክለኛ ነው ብለው ያምናሉ። የ2007 ምርጫን አስመልክቶም፡ ግቡም ተጨባጭና በእጅ ሊያዝ የቀረበ አድርገው ይመለከቱታል።
በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ፡ አቶ አዲሱ ጥናታችው ውስጥ አንድ ቁም ነገር ይመሰክራሉ። ይኸውም፡ ኢትዮጵያን ወደ በለጸገች ሃገር ለመለወጥ ብቃት ያለው አመራር ብቻ ሳይሆን፡ ቀጣይነትም ያስፈልገዋል ይላሉ። በሌላ አባባል፡ የገዥው ፓርቲ ችግር፡ አሁን ሁለቱም የሉትም ነው የሚሉት፡፡ ይህንን ሁኔታ ቆጠብ ብለው እንዲህ ሲሉ ያብራሩታል፦
“በከተማም ያለው አባላችን ከትምህርት ዝግጅቱ ወዘተ አኳያ ሲታይ ሙያተኛ አመራር የመሆን ዕዴሉ ከአርሶ አደሩ የሰፋ ሆኖም፣ ከጥቂቱ በስተቀር በየሥራ መስኩ የሚቀጥል እንጂ ሙያተኛ የፖለቲካ መሪ ሆኖ የመሰለፍ ዕድል የሌለው ነው፡፡”
ለምን ለሚለው ጥያቄ መልስ ባይሰጡም፡ ኅብረተስቡን በነፃነትና ያላንዳች ማስገደድ ምን እንደሚፈልግ ያለመጠየቁን ጉዳይ አያነሱትም። እስከምናውቀው ድረስ፡ ሕዝቡ የሚለው አትርገጡኝ፡ አትናቁኝ፡ ራሴ በምፈልገው መንገድ ልደራጅ፡ አጭበርባሪዎችና ዘራፊዎች አልወድም ነው። ይህ ደግሞ ለሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ የሚያስኬድ መንገድ አልሆነም። በመሆኑም፡ ዛሬም እንደትላንቱ፡ ይህ ሁኔታ በአብዛኛው ኢትዮጵያውያንንና ሥልጣኑን በያዙት ሰዎች መካከል ትልቁ የልዩነት ምንጭ ሆኖ ይቀጥላል – መጭውን ምርጫ በሚመለከት።
ሌላው ቀርቶ፡ የገዥው ፓርቲ ሰዎች (think tanks) የሚጽፏቸውን ጥናቶች ስመለከት፡ ግርም የሚለኝ፡ በዚህ ዕጦትና ጽልመት ውስጥ የሕወሃት/ኢሕአዴግ ለልማት ሠራዊት አባላት አመራርና አደራጅነት ያሠለጠናቸውንም የፓርቲውን አባላትም አስመልክቶ – እንደ ትምህርት ሚኒስትሩ ሁሉ – አቶ አዲሱም ሠፋ ስላለውና ትልቁ “የልማት ሠራዊት” ግንባታ ያጋጠመውን ችግር በመገምገም፡ ተስፋቸው ዝቅተኛ መሆኑን ለመሸፋፈን ቢሞክሩም፡ ከሞላው የተረፈው አምልጧቸው፡ እርሳቸውም ግምታቸው ዝቅተኛ መሆኑን ጥናታቸው ውስጥ አሥፍረውታል።
ይህ የትናንቱና የዛሬይቱ ኢትዮጵያ አብዮት ሪአልቲ ነው! ለመሆኑ የት ይሆን አብዮት የምኞታቸውንና የታገሉለትን ያ ክቡር ዓላማ ፍሬ አፍርቶ ሰዎች በዕድሜያቸው ለማየት የበቁት? ፈረንሣይ? አሜሪካ? ሩስያ? ቻይና? ኩባ? አብዮታዊ ዴሞክራሲ? አልመስለኝም! ከሌሎቹ ለመማር ችሎታ የተነፈግን ይመስል፡ ታዲያ ለምን ይሆን ዛሬም የአብዮት አስፈላጊነት ለኢትዮጵያውያን የሚስበክልን?
ስለአቶ ሽፈራው ሽጉጤ የሥራ ድርሻ ስናስብ ለቁጥር ድርሻ – ትምህርት – ትርጉሙ ሕንጻ ገንብቶ ሕጻናት ራስ በራስ ከማፈጋፈግ ውጭ – የዛሬይቱ ኢትዮጵያ “እነዚህ ልጆች ምን ተማሩ?”፥ “ካለፈው ዓመትስ ወዲህ ትምህርት ምን ያህል አሳደጋቸው?” ወዘተ ብላ ለመጠየቅ ጊዜው፣ ፍላጎቱም የሌላት “ዲሞክራሲያዊት ሃገር” መሆኗ፣ የሕፃናቱን የወደፊት ተስፋ ሥልጣን ሲገፋው፤ ከላይ ባነሳኋዋቸውና ተመሳሳይ የፖለቲካና የአስተሳሰብ ድህነቶች ምክንያት፡ ሃገራችን ብትሮጥም ቆማ መቅረቷን ሳስብ ሁለንተናዪ በፍርሃት ይርዳል!።