Wednesday 5 March 2014

The co-pilot need protection

The co-pilot of an ethiopian airline flying from addisababa to rome has been arrested after hijacking the air craft and forced to land in geneva" swizerland" on monday february 2014.

Flight Et 702 was scheduled to leave the ethiopian international air port at 00:30 local time(21:30GMT) and arrive in rome at 04:40 local time but during the flight the ethiopian co-pilot hailemedehin abera tegegn locked the cock pit door when the pilot went to the toilet and hijacked the plane and took 202 passengers at geneva.

After landing the plane the co-pilot climbed down from the cockpit window on a rope and give himself up to swiss police and confirmed that he was un armed after landing at geneva airport and passengers were safe and evacauted by the police from the plane.

The officials said the co-pilot hijacked a plane because he wanted to seek asylum in swizerland but in my point of view, the co-pilot have legal visa to travel in europe and easy to ask asylum for him.

Hailemedhin hijacked the plane due to the repression of TPLF regime and racism act based on human right violation in ethiopia.
it is cearly that, most ethiopian Airlines employees are forced to be the member of Tplf and the person who refused to join the Tplf cruel regime living in a fear situation and pushed to resign from their job Finally,the employers fly in to exile to escape from the political repression in ethiopia.

currently, the Tplf government forcing the co-pilot families to give false statement that the co-pilot had mental problem and still sever for depression after Tplf took power have been caused still many refugges fly in to exile in the face of worsening political problems in the country.

we ethiopians ask the swiss government should free hailemedehin and to treat for his political asylum.


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