Monday 2 June 2014

Religions institutions told to fund ANDM’s Office

Churches found in the Kewet Woreda, Shewarobit, North Central Ethiopia, have been
ordered to pay 1500 birr each for the construction of the office of the Amhara National
Democratic Movement (ANDM), a member party of the EPRDF. The administrators have
also told ESAT that they have already lodged the money.
Although religious institutions are legally independent from politics, what is being practically
seen in reality is the opposite of this, the unnamed administrators said. They said they have
given the money to the government fearing retributions.
Some civil servants in the town also said that they have been forced to contribute finance
towards the building of the Office.
Similarly, some residents of the region are also being ordered to pay 50 birr each towards
the construction of the Meles Foundation, being built in the name of the late Premier, Meles
Zenzwi. Farmers are also being chastised to pay for the Foundation whenever they go to pay
taxes to the local authorities.
It is to be recalled that delaying the fertiliser payment deadline of farmers’ has been
mentioned as one of the election winning strategies of the ruling Front in the next 2015
general election.

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