Friday 2 May 2014

stop killing innocent protesters in ethiopia.

Oromo students are demonstrating at Ambo, diredawa and Adama univerisits in opposing the new Addis Ababas Master plan.

According to some sources, espescially in diredawa and Ambo universities the opposition was strong. woyane officials says the master plan intends to develop addis and its surrounding areas but the proposed of the master plan is to expand the current territory of ethiopians capital by evicting and displacing thousands from their ancestral lands.

during the protest,woyene federal police opened fire against innocent oromo students have been killed at least 17 protesters.
eyewitness confirmed that at least 10 students were killed in Ambo while others were injured and jailed but the others reports confirmed the death number is more than 20..As we know TPLF continously killed peaceful protesters in the country.

we ethiopians condemen woyene government to immediately stop killing and detention peaceful protesters.

Justice for the oppressed.

Berhanu taye

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