Tuesday 12 August 2014


The TPLF/EPRDF parties gaind power in ethiopia over two decads ago still TPLF opened fire at innocent peoples and killed. just recently woyane police opened fire at innocent oromo students have been killed at least 17 protesters while others were hurt and jailed.

As we know, the six bloggers, Atnaf berahane. mahlet Fantahun,Abel wabela, and 3 journalists,Edom kassaye Tesfalem Weldayes and Asmamaw Hailegiorgis of Addis Guday magazine, were arrested on Friday 25 and saturday 26 April and are being held at Makelawi detention centere in A.A.

Woyane goverment accused the nine bloggers that they working with foreign organization and using social media to destabilize the country.
Thousands were arrested and imprisoned in remote military concentration camps by TPLF repressive government.

The abuse of the ethiopian people by the Woyane government has been clear. Further more three journalists who has been imprisoned for several years under ethiopia's Anti - terrorism proclamation of 2009 are Reeyot Alemu, Eskinder Nega and Wobshet Taye.

All bloggers and journalists should be free unconditionally. with out freedom of expression, there is no freedom at all.

Justice for the oppressed

Berhanu Taye

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